Chapter 24

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Y/n's POV

I woke up in the main bed alone, the entire room was quiet. I felt the urge to puke as I got up so I ran to the bathroom.

I was puking when Sam came running in, he grabbed my hair and stayed with me till I was okay.

"You all right?" He asked grabbing a washcloth and wetting it with warm water. "Yeah just morning sickness has been pretty bad" I said and he nodded.

"Here" he said while handing me the cloth, his phone started ringing "I'll be right back" he said and smiled walking out. I cleaned my mouth and brushed my teeth as he came back in.

"It was Colby, said Alex woke up and told us to bring breakfast for them" he said and I jumped up and down. "Eek I can't wait to actually meet her!" I exclaimed causing Sam to laugh.

"Im gonna go get the boys up, get ready" San said walking out and I agreed.

After I had showered I threw on some leggings and a sweater, it was fall and starting to get colder. I dried and curled my hair, and put a light layer of makeup on.

I grabbed my things, checked the time... 9:12AM and walked into the main room to the boys who were waiting for me.

"Lets go get breakfast, you choose Y/n" Corey said as we piled into the truck. "Okay uhh, lets get Denny's" I suggested and the boys were happy to hear it.

"Yes!" Jake yelled and Corey pumped his fists in the air causing Sam and I to laugh at the guys.

We drove to Denny's and I got Colby his usual, we went there often. I asked what Alex would want and got her the same thing I got. Eggs and bacon with french toast, the best.

After paying for our food, we drove to the hospital and went into the room. Now that Alex was out of a coma, we could all be in there.

I opened the door and saw Colby. "Hey baby!" He exclaimed which made me smile. "Hi" I said back and kissed him.

I saw Alex awake and smiling at us, "hi Alex, I apologize that we didn't have a proper meeting, I'm Y/n, Colby's girlfriend" I said greeting her with a smile and she smiled back.

"Hi, I have heard lots about you from the old man over there" she said pointing at Colby who looked up from opening his box of food and put his hand on his chest in a playful hurt way.

I giggled and looked back to Alex, "hopefully good things" I said laughing. "And congrats on the b-" she started before Sam cut her off.

"Beginning of your relationship!" He yelled with a smile and I winked at him, Colby did the same.

"Oh, yes for sure" She said understanding that not all of us knew. Thankfully Jake and Corey weren't paying attention to the conversation, they were more focused on eating.

I handed Alex her food and we both began to dig in. Except when I smelt mine it caused my stomach to churn and I immediately closed it shut.

"Here, want mine?" Colby asked sweetly and I took a whiff before eating. The smell of mine mixed with pregnancy hormones was not a good mix.

Colby ate mine and I ate his breakfast before all of us were stuffed and sitting around like lazy bums. Soon enough, a doctor came in.

"So Alex, we have been checking your brain levels and everything is good to go, I will bring your discharge papers and Mr. Brock will have to sign them before we can let you go" he explained and she nodded before he walked back out.

She turned to Colby and I and smiled widely. "Yes!" She squealed and I laughed at her before calming down.

Not long after, the doctor brought the papers that Colby signed for Alex to leave. He also explained how to care for her wounds but soon we were packed up ready to leave.

And we were on our way, we all squeezed into the truck which wasn't easy but we made it work. "Okay, I think we got enough footage last night and I don't want to go back in there. We got a good 2 1/2 hours of footage for the series" Sam said.

"We can just call it the 'BMSP: The movie' instead and we call it a day. We should probably get plane tickets to go back" Colby said and we nodded.

"Im sure as hell not going back in there" Alex said and Colby glared at her. "What?! Im a big girl I can use big girl words" she said acting offended.

Colby broke out into laughter when she said that, as did the rest of us. He went and looked to book plane tickets back to LA.

"Since your moving in, the girls and I will take you out to get things for your room, clothes, and anything for your bathroom. Along with personal items for you" I said and she smiled with a nod.

"Thank you Y/n" she said softly, "your absolutely welcome" I replied with a toothy smile.

"Im scared that I won't fit in, all of you guys are older than me" she whispered and I looked at her, fear in her eyes.

"Oh Alex hon, you will fit it I promise" I said rubbing her back and she gave a slight smile. "Who all lives there?" She asked.

"So obviously its Colby, I'm working on moving in, Sam and his girlfriend Kat. Theres Corey and his girlfriend Devyn, Jake and his girlfriend Tara. Elton and Aaron also live there, but we have tons of friends that will love you as well." I said and she listened.

"What are their names?" She asked and had to think about everyone. "Theres Brennan, Jay, Kevin, Reggie, Cassie, Kian, Jc, Aryia, and Mike" I said and her eyes widened.

"You guys have a lot of friends" she said in a sad tone. "Oh don't worry sweetie, your gonna meet now people at a school once your settled in" I said and her face changed to a more relaxed expression.

Everyone was making small talk for the rest of the ride to the airport. "Alright, I'll let you guys out here. Jake come with me to drop the rental off" Sam said as we all got out except Jake.

We grabbed our bags and walked in, we had already booked the nearest flight which would go at 5PM and it was currently 3:30.

"Anybody hungry?" Colby asked and we all shook our beads no. "Great, no money needed to spend" he said and we giggled.

We waited for Sam and Jake to come back before we put our bags through the gate. Afterwards, we talked about Alex moving in, schools, and how she should meet everybody.

We also called everybody letting them know what happened and why we would be back later tonight.

"Flight 287 to LA, please board now" said the intercom operator and we got up.

"You ready kid?" Colby asked and she nodded. "Ready as ill ever be" she said nervously.

"It'll be alright, only 3 1/2 hours" Sam reassured and we boarded.

In one row was Alex, Colby and I. The one in front of were Jake, Sam and Corey. Thankfully they didn't get separated and put next to a stinky guy.

Only 30 minutes into the flight, Alex was leaned on Colby asleep. And I drifted off as well leaning on his other said.

I could feel him kiss my head as I fell asleep and I smiled to myself humming to him.


Hope you guys enjoyed this... kinda boring but I needed to write SOMETHING.

Love you all ❤️

Found You All Alone|~| COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang