Chapter 58

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Y/n's POV

After Elton and Tara had called me to tell me what happened to Colby, I was terrified.

What if this was my fault and I made him OD?

My phone went off and I quickly looked at it. It was my new friend at work, Gianna.

I sighed hoping it would've been Elton or Sam but I still checked her text.

G: Y/n! You should come with Rico and I to a club tonight. Some of his friends are gonna be all over you😽😽

Y/n: Y'know, I think I'm gonna stay home tonight. Work has been kicking my ass so I'm probably gonna have a night in tonight.

G: Oh okay, everything all right?

Y/n: Yeah! Just wanna have some rest time.

G: Kk ttyl.

I tossed my phone onto my bed and walked out of the room.

I'm hungry. I thought to myself and opened the fridge to find it only holding a bottle of orange juice and a bag of carrots.

Let's check the pantry. I sighed to myself and opened it to find a box of crackers and a bottle of wine.

"Ooh, might drink that up later but I need food" I said to myself and then shut it, proceeding to walk back to my room.

I slipped on my vans, grabbed a hoodie to throw on over my tank top of then grabbed my phone.

I still didn't have a car so I walked because the island is small and the grocery store is right down the street.

When arriving to the grocery store I noticed a little girl and her dad walking inside. She looked at me and waved, I did the same.

"Ayla don't bother the nice lady" he said and I laughed. "Oh she's no bother, cute as a button I'll say" I replied and she smiled.

"Hey uh, I noticed you were walking... don't have a car? Or..." he trailed off and scratched the back of his neck.

I will say, he's attractive but he's only being nice and I am only talking to him because of his daughter.

"Yeah no, I totaled it in a bad car accident a few months ago and haven't bought one since" I said and he smiled.

"Sorry to hear that, did you get hurt?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Neither me or my baby did, only minor cuts and bruises on me. I was carrying her at the time" I told him and he raised his eyebrows.

"Very lucky, near to our story except my girlfriend didn't make it but they got Ayla out in time" he told me and I frowned.

"Im sorry" I said quietly and he cleared his throat. "Anyways, I'm Jay" he said and held a hand out.

"Y/n" I said and he smiled. "That's a beautiful name" he complimented, "thank you" I said.

"So, your baby. How old?" He asked me and I put my hands behind my back.

"Oh she's only 3 months" I said and he scoffed.

"Wow, young. Is she uhm back at your place with your boyfriend? Husband?" He asked and I hesitated.

I don't even know him. I mean, I guess I could briefly tell him.

"Oh, no. He and I broke up and I moved here, didn't want to take her away from her dad and the rest of her family" I said and he gave me a small half smile.

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