Chapter 93 - What Happened?

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A/N - Right, in Ch99 Chloe and Charlotte leave school. In Ch100 they come back to help save the school so characters like Justin,Scott,Kenzie,Leo & Bonnie will be in BUT  I need dramatic ideas for them.

This update probably won't be very long

Chloe and Charlotte were planning on a girls night in as Max was going on a two-night course  Charlotte was bringing Taitlyn so Aubree could play but Lillie was staying with Tom and Josh. Max wasn't leaving until Charlotte arrived even though Chloe told him she would be fine alone  Max however refused.

Charlotte arrived with Taitlyn around 4:30pm "Tailyn!" Taitlyn giggled "Mummy, Tailyn here" Chloe grinned as Charlotte took Isla from Chloe "if you need me then  call" Chloe rolled her eyes "Max, I'm a big girl, I'm sure I'll be fine" Charlotte walked into the living room with Isla while Chloe said bye to Max "I'll call you later" Chloe nodded "don't miss me too much" Max smirked and kissed her.

Max had been gone for about half an hour so Chloe and Charlotte took Aubree, Taitlyn and Isla outside although Isla was too young to play so Charlotte held her "she's so small" Chloe laughed "Aubree was smaller than Isla at that age" Charlotte looked at Aubree whose blonde hair was tied up in pigtails "I need to ring Tom in a bit to check on Lillie" Chloe nodded "I'll take Isla and you can call him of you want?" Charlotte nodded anx Chloe took her daughter from Charlotte while she went to call Tom.

Instead of cooking Chloe decided to order pizza "Charl, can you sort Isla while I call the pizza?" Charlotte nodded and took a crying Isla from her moses basket. Once Isla had settled Chloe got Aubree changed for bed "Mummy, I'm hungy" Chloe smiled "pizza's coming" Aubree grinned "yay, Tailyn pizza" Taitlyn giggled.

Once the pizza had been eaten Chloe and Charlotte put Aubree and Taitlyn to bed "Mummy, why not Isla bed?" Chloe smiled "she's staying with me and Charlotte until we go sleep" Aubree nodded "Aubree, can you look after Taitlyn tonight?" Aubree nodded "yes, me can" Charlotte grinned and kissed Aubree's head.  Heading back downstairs Chloe made hot chocolate "does Aubree sleep through?" Chloe nodded "yeah, Taitlyn will be fine Aubree's loud enough to wake us" Charlotte laughed just as Isla started crying and Chloe's phone rang "it's Max" Charlotte puck Isla up "you answer that" Chloe smiled and  answered the phonecall -

Call Begins

Chloe - Max, thought you would have called before now.

Max - I've been busy, are you alright?

Chloe - Yeah, I'm fine.

Max - Good, what about Aubree and Isla?

Chloe - they're fine, everything is fine. You worry too much

Max - My Fianceé and daughters are alone of course I'm going to worry

Chloe - Well we're all fine.

Max - Well I'll be back tomorrow

Chloe - I thought this was a two night thing?

Max - It was, it got changed

Chloe  - Okay, See you tomorrow.
Call Ends

Chloe hung up and looked at Charlotte "Max is back tomorrow instead of Thursday" Charlotten nodded as Chloe checked on Isla who was asleep in her Moses basket "she looks so peaceful when she sleeps" Chloe nodded and put Isla's blanket over her to keep her warm.

After checking on Aubree and Taitlyn Chloe got her pink duvet from the spare room and went back downstairs to Charlotte "are they okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah, both fast asleep" Charlotte grinned.

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