Chapter 32 - Fundraiser.

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A/N - I've Been Thinking And I Want Chloe Too Have A Secret That Has Affected Her For A Couple Of Years But She's Not Let It Show. If You Have Anything Then PM Me.

Next Update - Tonight!

BTW - I Own None Of The Songs I Use In This Story.

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Chloe was dreading the fundraiser that day as she knew that nothing would go to plan as it was Waterloo Road and nothing ever went right. When she woke that morning she noticed that Aubree had ended up in her bed again "Aubree, wakey wakey" Aubree opened her eyes and whimpered which made Chloe smiled "come on". Once she had gotten herself and Aubree dressed she walked downstairs "morning Chloe" Chloe gave a small smile and set Aubree into her highchair and gave her breakfast.

Once everyone was ready they left for school. Arriving Chloe saw Max pull up "mama" Chloe took Aubree from her carseat and placed her down "stay there" Aubree giggled and Chloe got her bag. When Aubree was in the creche with Taitlyn Chloe and Charlotte made their way to the hall where the fundraiser was being held "this is gonna be a disaster" Charlotte nodded "yeah". Entering the hall Chloe saw Max standing at the front of the hall so she and Charlotte walked over to Imogen and Scout "morning" Chloe grinned "morning" Charlotte was trying not to fall asleep "are you another one who wants to sleep?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, Taitlyn kept me awake until 3:00am" Chloe smiled "I didn't hear her" Charlotte sighed "she didn't cry she was whimpering" Chloe nodded.

The fundraiser had started although as Chloe thought it wasn't going well "we need to raise more money" Charlotte nodded and Chloe had a thought "I have an idea, we go into town and we try and raise money that way" Charlotte frowned "how's that gonna work?" Chloe grinned "I wrote a song" Charlotte smiled "called?" Chloe smiled "Really Don't Care" Charlotte nodded "or we go out, get people to come and then Chloe performs her song" Chloe grinned "that's amazing" Charlotte smiled and they left the hall to go too the art room where they began making flyers to advertise the Fundraiser.

When they had made a load of flyers they left the school and made their way into the town "remember, we need people to wanna come" Imogen and Scout nodded and went one way while Chloe and Charlotte went another way. An hour and half later Chloe and Charlotte had given out most of their flyers "we best find Imogen and Scout" Chloe nodded "I'll text Imogen" -

*Chloe - meet us by Mcdonalds xo

*Imogen - Okay, xo

"We're meeting them by Mcdonalds" Charlotte nodded and they made their way to Mcdonalds "wow, you got rid of them?" Imogen grinned "people were intrested" Chloe laughed and they went back to school.

Arriving back at school Chloe and Charlotte went to get the music equipment in order for Chloe to perform her song. When they had set everything up Charlotte told Imogen to go and meet and greet the people who were coming while Chloe was standing on the stage Max walked up to her "what are you doing?" Chloe looked at him "saving this fundraiser from becoming a joke" Max frowned as a load of people came into the hall "can you kinda get off? I have something to do" Max looked at her and walked off the stage "Okay everyone. Welcome to the Waterloo Road Fundraiser where we're trying to raise money for Cancer. Without further ado, let's rock this place" Chloe looked at Charlotte and nodded who then pressed play -

(Song Begins)

You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all

You started messing with my head until I hit a wall

Maybe I should've known, maybe I should've known

That you would walk, you would walk out the door, hey!

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