Chapter 74 - End Of Term.

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A/N - I have a confession too make - I'M IN LOVE WITH TAKE THAT!!  haha.

Next Update will be the start of series 8.

Hope you like.

It was finally the last day of term, due to the fact Chloe and Charlotte were repeating their A-Levels they had to stay at school for an extra year and a half.

That morning Chloe was sitting in bed with Max who was kissing her neck when Aubree started crying "gotta get up" Max smirked against her neck "she'll go back to sleep soon" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah right". Chloe eventually got out of bed and she went to see to Aubree "wow Bree" Aubree had thrown all her teddies from her cot Aubree giggled.

Arriving at school Chloe got Aubree from the car and she toddled off "oi madam get back here" Aubree giggled "Aubree come here" Chloe groaned and went after Aubree "don't run off like that" Aubree giggled as Chloe took her to the creché "behave".  Chloe met with Charlotte "hey, are you okay?" Chloe sighed "Aubree's being evil today" "why?" Chloe grinned "she threw all her teddies from the cot and then got her out the car she ran off, she didn't go to sleep until 12 last night" Charlotte smiled "terrible twos" Chloe groaned "don't jinx me".

Max had just called everyone into the staffroom as he needed to introduce the new P.E teacher "I'd like to introduce you all to Hector Reid, new P.E teacher" as Max finished speaking Hector walked in "you teach P.E?" Hector nodded "I do" Tom looked at him "welcome to Waterloo Road".

Charlotte was walking through the corridor past Tom's classroom where she was grabbed from behind and pulled inside "hey!" Charlotte turned to see Tom standing with a grin on his face "you scared me" Tom didn't speak as he planted his lips on hers in a passionate kiss "we shouldn't, not here" Tom grinned "the door's locked" Charlotte groaned as Tom began kissing her again "fine" Charlotte kissed him back and they both ended up on the floor...

Chloe was walking with Max down the corridor when she noticed Hector "who's that?" Max frowned "P.E teacher, Hector Reid" Chloe was gobsmacked "wow" Chloe grinned as Hector approached "Max, thank you for that introduction" Max nodded and Hector looked at Chloe "and you are?" Chloe grinned "Chloe, daughter of Rachel Mason" Hector nodded and he walked off "woah" Max noticed Chloe watching Hector so he pulled her into his office "what?" Max glared "looking at him?" Chloe grinned "don't get jealous, It's you I end up in bed with everynight" Max smirked and kissed her.

Chloe noticed Charlotte was already in English so she walked in "here early aren't you?" Charlotte grinned "we had something to discuss" Chloe nodded "course" Chloe took her seat next to Charlotte. Halfway through the lesson Charlotte started chewing her pen and Tom noticed, it was doing something to him so he had to sit down, Rhiannon saw Tom sit down and looked at Charlotte "eww, Charlotte's turning Mr.Clarkson on" Chloe frowned "what the hell?" Charlotte flushed red with embarassment.

Charlotte was the first to leave the classroom "Chloe, keep an eye on Charlotte" Chloe nodded "will do". Charlotte couldn't believe what had happened in the lesson "hey, wait up" Charlotte turned to Chloe "that was humiliating" Chloe smiled "aw, don't dwell on it" Charlotte sighed "Tom though" Chloe had to hide her laughter "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh" Charlotte groaned "Chloe, you're not helping".

Chloe and Charlotte were walking down the corridor when Max stepped out "Chloe, I need to speak with you" Chloe frowned but she went into Max's office with Charlotte "what's this about?" Max sighed "I might be leaving" Chloe frowned "what? Why?" Max sighed "because I might" Chloe felt anger "you're leaving me?" Max frowned "I'm not leaving you Chloe" Chloe rolled her eyes "then why go?" Max sighed "Chloe, I only said I might" Chloe felt her anger rising "you leave and I will never  forgive you" Charlotte had to calm Chloe down but she accidentally hit her in the stomach "sorry" Charlotte smiled "it's fine".

Chloe had left the office so Charlotte looked at Max "she doesn't want you too leave, she loves you" Max sighed "I love her too" Charlotte smiled "then stay, for her".

Chloe couldn't believe Max was planning on leaving, she didn't want him to. While walking through the corridor she was crying "what's up?" Chloe looked up and saw Eddie "Max might be leaving, I don't want him too" Eddie sighed "It's Max's choice Chloe" Chloe was crying again "I love him though".

Charlotte left the office and felt a wave of pain in her stomach so she made her way to the bathroom, she was shocked when she saw blood, her period wasn't due for another two weeks, she was pregnant and she had lost the baby.

Chloe was sitting outside when her phone went off signalling a text -

Max - Come to the office. Please.

Chloe - Whatever.

Chloe made her way to the office "what?" Max sighed "I've made my mind up" Chloe nodded "see you then" Max smirked "I'm not leaving" Chloe turned back to him "what?" Max looked at her "I'm not leaving" Chloe grinned "serious?" Max nodded and Chloe walked over to him and kissed him with as much passion as she could.

A Couple Of Hours Later

There was a party at school that night so Chloe was getting ready when Max came in "you look amazing" Chloe grinned "thanks" Max walked over to her and kissed her.

Arriving back at the school Chloe noticed Charlotte was looking down "hey" "hi" Chloe frowned "are you okay?" Charlotte nodded "yeah".

The party was nearly over and no-one noticed Kyle Stack lurking at the back of the hall "Chloe, have you seen Josh?" Chloe shook her head "no why?" Tom shook his head "no reason". Around half an hour Josh came in "where is he?" Tom frowned "who?" "Kyle" Chloe was confused "he's not here?" Josh noticed Kyle and he had a crossbow ready to shoot Tom "dad!" Josh pushed Tom out the way and he ended up being shot.

The police had taken Kyle and Josh had gone to the hospital, Charlotte went home and went straight to bed not wanting to be around anyone.

Chloe and Max got home and Max sorted the  babysitter out while Chloe checked on Aubree who was fast asleep. When Chloe was ready for bed she walked downstairs to see Max making coffee "drink this" Chloe took the cup from him and swigged it "I'm off too bed" Max nodded "I'll join you shortly" Chloe grinned and walked upstairs. When Max came up Chloe stood from the bed and began kissing him, he kissed back. A few hours later they both fell asleep.

A/N - Well, End Of Series 7. Also I'm starting a new WLR Ficcy called 'Forbidden Romance'

Leave Me a message with ideas for the next chapter and I'll get back to you :)

Hope you liked.

Bye For Now. Xo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum