Chapter 82 - I Will Always Love You

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A/N - I wanna say a massive thanks to StrangeDesires for updating for me while I've been unable too.

This isn't going to be a long update.

Chloe was trying to figure out who Max's stalker could be, she found it funny but knew that he didn't. That morning when she woke she went downstairs and saw Max holding a piece of paper "you okay?" Max turned to her "read this" Chloe took the piece of paper from him and read it -

Mr Tyler

I think about you all the time, I fall asleep thinking of you and I wake up thinking of you. I'd love it if you considered letting me be the mother of your future children, they'd be so cute. Hope to see you soon.

Your Secret Admirer.

Chloe was shocked "wow" Max looked furious "this isn't funny" Chloe sighed "I know, you have a stalker" Max glared "when I find out who did this they'll be in serious trouble" Chloe looked up to him "don't let this idiot get to you" Max placed the note on the side and walked upstairs after kissing Chloe, Chloe puck the note up to examine the handwriting.

Arriving at school that day Chloe got Aubree from the car and took her to the creché after saying bye to Max. Meeting with Charlotte Chloe was thinking who the idiotic person sending Max notes was "Chloe, is everything alright?" Chloe sighed "Max, he got a note off his secret admirer this morning" Charlotte frowned "saying what?" Chloe again sighed "they wanna have kids with Max and they'd be great together" Charlotte was shocked "oh my god, that's really freaky" Chloe was about to speak when Tom approached "hiya girls" Charlotte grinned and kissed him "I missed you last night" Tom smiled "missed you too".

Max sat in the office trying to think who the person sending him notes was, he didn't know how long he had been sitting there when Chloe came in "hey" Max looked up "problem?" Chloe smiled "no, I came to see if you were okay" Max nodded "I'm fine" Chloe came over and sat on his leg "the person sending these is an idiot" Max smirked "indeed" Chloe grinned and kissed him just as the door knocked so Chloe got off Max and walked to the other side of the desk just as Chris came in.

Chloe left the office and saw Rhiannon with Charlotte so she walked over to them "what's going on?" Rhiannon walked off and Charlotte turned to Chloe "I think its her who's sending Max those notes" Chloe was confused "what makes you think that?" Charlotte sighed "just something she said" Chloe frowned "what did she say?" "something about Max being the one for her" Chloe was shocked "have you got anything she's wrote?" Charlotte shook her head "no, why?" Chloe rolled her eyes "because I took a picture of this note, I wanna check her handwriting to see if they match" Charlotte thought for a moment "maybe check one of her work books" Chloe nodded.

Max was walking through the school when Chloe came walking past ignoring him so he grabbed her arm and turned her to him "what?" Max took her to the office "why are you out of lesson?" Chloe sighed "because I think I know who your mystery stalker is" Max frowned "who?" Chloe grinned "Rhiannon Salt" Max sighed "her?" Chloe nodded "she said she fancies you" Max nodded "I'll have to talk too her".


School ended so Chloe and Charlotte went to collect Aubree and Taitlyn "there's my beautiful fianceé" Charlotte turned to see Tom "hiya" Tom smiled "how was today?" Chloe grinned "I'll see you tomorrow" Charlotte smiled "bye Chloe".

When Chloe was out of sight Tom looked at Charlotte "I've been missing you" Charlotte grinned "I missed you too" Tom took Charlotte into his arms and kissed her with a small but affectionate kiss "I will always love you" Charlotte grinned and Tom spoke again "I want us to do something this weekend" Charlotte nodded "okay, I'll get Eddie to have Taitlyn" Tom shook his head "we'll do something with Taitlyn" Charlotte grinned  "sure" Tom kissed her and walked off.

Charlotte sat at home thinking about what she and Tom were going to do with Taitlyn this weekend "dinner!" Charlotte stood from her bed and walked downstairs "how was school?" Charlotte grinned "was great" Eddie smiled "Rach, have you spoken to Chloe?" Rachel sighed "she won't talk to me" Eddie sadly smiled "I'm sure she will soon". After dinner Charlotte bathed Taitlyn and got her ready for bed. No soon as Taitlyn fell asleep Charlotte said goodnight and went to bed herself.

Chloe had just settled Aubree and she went to sit with Max "did you speak with Rhiannon?" Max smirked "I'll do that tomorrow" Chloe nodded "right, well she's not stealing you from me" Max looked at Chloe and kissed her, she kissed back and they went upstairs.

A/N - I'm going too be updating all my stories over the next few days. I'm sorry that I've not been able too update.

If you have any ideas then PM me and I'll get back to you almost instantly.

Let me know your thoughts.

Hope you liked.

Bye for now.

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