Chapter 35 - I Love Him Mum.

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A/N - I'm Sorry If This Chapters Not Very Good.

Next Update - Probably Tomorrow.

Hope You Like. 


Everyday Chloe fell deeper in love with Max, she didn't care who knew anymore, he was the father of her daughter and she knew that Aubree was the best thing to happen to the both of them, since Aubree had been born Max had changed, although Chloe had to admit that she still thought he could a bit arrogant at times.

That morning when Chloe woke she knew she didn't need to get Aubree ready as she was with Max. Once she was dressed she went downstairs and sat with Charlotte at the table, since Charlotte had lost it at school Eddie had arranged counselling for her but she didn't like it "hurry up girls, we have a meeting at 08:15" Chloe rolled her eyes "right, well I'm not choking myself just for you too get to a meeting" Rachel rolled her eyes "Chloe, eat" Chloe grinned and ate her breakfast.

Arriving at school Chloe went with Charlotte to take Taitlyn to the creche "have you and Max set a date for the wedding yet?" Chloe grinned "we've not even discussed it yet" Charlotte smiled "don't you think you should?" Chloe shrugged "I'm only young yet" Charlotte laughed "well when you eventually get round to planning it I'm sure it'll be amazing" Chloe laughed "thanks I think"

Instead of going to registration Chloe asked Charlotte to cover for her while she went to see Max. When she got there she smirked when she saw he was alone so she walked in "hi" Max looked up "you should be in registration" Chloe rolled her eyes "nice to see you too" Max smirked as Chloe walked over "I came because I wanted to see how Aubree was last night" "she was fine" Chloe grinned "that's good, she wasn't clingy at all?" Max shook his head "I told you, she was fine" Chloe smiled "in that case, I should go" Max smirked "wait" Chloe turned back to him "what?" Max took a hold of her hand and pulled her back towards him "I have something for you" Chloe frowned "what?" Max went into the drawer on his desk and took out a long black velvet box and handed it to Chloe "what's this?" Max again smirked "open it" Chloe opened the box and saw a silver bracelet "what's this for?" Max shrugged "because you deserve the best" Chloe grinned "now I should go" Max kissed Chloe and she left.

Tom sat watching Charlotte and he knew he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. He was still watching when Chloe came in "where have you been?" Chloe smiled "creche, had some trouble with my daughter" Tom nodded and Chloe went to sit with Charlotte "what were you doing?" Chloe smiled and showed Charlotte the bracelet "that's nice" Chloe smiled "I only went there to ask how Aubree was" Charlotte grinned "I'm guessing she was fine" Chloe nodded "course she was, she's my little girl. Anyways, why is Tom in here?" Charlotte shrugged "covering for Mrs.Diamond" Chloe nodded "right"

When registration had ended Chloe and Charlotte walked to P.E "I hate this lesson" Charlotte laughed "me too, can't exactly bunk off though, Miss.Boston would hunt us down" Chloe groaned. During P.E Chloe could tell that Rihannon was getting out of breath "Rihannon, maybe if you cut down on the fatty snacks you'd be able to do this" Rihannon glared "least I haven't got to get rid of baby weight" Chloe rolled her eyes "hate to break it to you love, all my baby weight has gone, called exercise, try it" Charlotte grinned just as Miss.Boston came over "girls, there seems to be more talking then exercising" Chloe groaned and began the jogging that they had been told to do "this sucks, I'm making a complaint" Charlotte laughed "make one to Max, I'm sure he'd listen" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm sure he would but I'm not talking to him about it" Charlotte nodded and laughed.

Once P.E had ended Chloe,Charlotte,Imogen and Scout went to English with Tom "I can't wait to leave school" Chloe rolled her eyes "Scout, seriously?" Scout nodded "yeah, I hate school" Chloe walked off "what's her problem?" Charlotte sighed "she's fine, bad day" Scout nodded and Charlotte went after Chloe "wait up" Chloe turned to Charlotte "I'm sorry about walking off like that" Charlotte smiled "its okay. What's up anyway?" Chloe sighed "I don't know" Charlotte nodded "come on, can't keep Tom waiting" Chloe groaned "I can't be doing with school today" Charlotte smiled "it'll be fine".

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