Chapter 33 - Do You Even Love Me?

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A/N - Can I Just Thank Everyone Who Has Voted & Commented On This. I Really Do Appreciate Every Vote&Comment.

Next Update - Tomorrow.

Hope You Like Xoxo


Chloe had been growing confused about Max, one day he was being affectionate the next he was being distant. When Chloe that morning she went to check on Aubree who was still fast asleep. Once she had gotten dressed she went to wake Aubree up and get her dressed "come on baby girl" Aubree opened her eyes and smiled "awh, Bree that's cute" Aubree giggled and Chloe took her from the cot "mummy needs to get you a big girl bed" Aubree frowned "no mama" Chloe grinned just as her phone went off -

*Max - come to the office when you arrive at school

*Chloe - okay.

Sighing to herself she looked at Aubree "your daddy is confusing" Aubree giggled "my dada" Chloe smiled "yeah, he's your daddy" Aubree grinned "ove you mama" Chloe grinned "I love you too baby girl".

Arriving at school Chloe and Charlotte took their girls to the creche "Charl, Max has asked me to go and see him" Charlotte nodded "I'll see you in registration" Chloe smiled and went to the office. Max sat in his office thinking about things when Chloe came in "I got your text" Max looked up and smiled "I've missed you" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah right" Max stood and walked over to her takingg her hand in his "Chloe, you're the only one for me" Chloe sighed "oh, is that right?" Max nodded "you know it is" Chloe didn't know weather to be happy or annoyed "I should go too registration" Max nodded "I'll speak to you soon" Chloe smiled and left.

During registration Chloe was thinking about Max "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, just thinking" Charlotte smiled "wanna tell me?" Chloe sighed "am I making a mistake by marrying Max?" Charlotte grinned "no, you love him, he loves you and you have a beautiful little girl" Chloe sighed "yeah but its confusing, one minute he's being affectionate the next its like he doesn't give a hoot" Charlotte smiled "trust me, everything is gonna be fine" Chloe sighed "I hope so".

After registration Chloe and Charlotte went to English "have you spoken to Tom at all?" Charlotte shook her head "nope, I don't think I can" Chloe smiled "like you say to me "everything is gonna be fine" Charlotte smiled "what would I do without you?" Chloe grinned "nothing, you'd be lost" Charlotte rolled her eyes but smiled.

During English Chloe could tell there was tension between Tom and Charlotte "how about you talk with Tom?" Charlotte shook her head "I don't want too, the only time we should talk is in regards to Taitlyn" Chloe sighed "okay, your choice I believe" Charlotte smiled "look at us, teenage girls who got pregnant by teachers" Chloe laughed "yeah, but we don't regret our baby girls" Charlotte shook her head "nope, Taitlyn was the making of me" "same with Aubree" Charlotte grinned "I remember when we first met, you were the gobby girl and I was the quiet one" Chloe laughed "yeah, still the gobby one and you're still the quiet one".

After English Chloe was walking through the school when she was pulled into an empty classroom by Max "what?" Max didn't say anything but he kissed her "what was all that in aid of?" Max smirked "can't I kiss the woman I love" Chloe rolled her eyes "do you even love me?" Max frowned "of course I do" Chloe nodded "doesn't feel like it sometimes" Max sighed "I realise that I can't show you how much I do love you but you should know I do" Chloe smiled "I'm due in Maths" Max nodded and Chloe left the classroom.

Chloe and Charlotte were sitting in the canteen when Rihannon came over "have you heard? Mr.Mead proposed to Miss.Campbell" Chloe noticed a frown appear on Charlotte's face "that's good, congratulations to them. Excuse me" Chhloe watched as Charlotte walked out the canteen "talk about jealous" Chloe rolled her eyes "shut up" Rihannon smirked "I heard you had a bit of a thing with Mr.Mead" Chloe glared "nah, just Mr.Tyler, he's amazing in bed" Rihannon frowned as Chloe stood and left.

Charlotte didn't know why she reacted how she did when she learned Kim and Chris were engaged, she loved Tom or so she thought. While walking through the corridor she heard footsteps behind her "Charlotte, wait" Charlotte turned to see Chloe running after her "why walk off?" Charlotte sighed "I don't know, I just felt jealousy hit me" Chloe smiled "you had a fling, therefore you're bound to be weird" Charlotte again sighed "that's the thing, I think I love Tom but others I don't" Chloe again smiled "I felt like that, still do" Charlotte sighed "this sucks".

School had ended so Chloe and Charlotte went to the creche "have you spoken to Tom at all today?" Charlotte shook her head "nope, been to afraid too" Chloe sighed "I think you should, it could make things easier" Charlotte shrugged "I'll speak to him tomorrow" Chloe nodded.

Arriving home Chloe and Charlotte took their girls out into the back garden where Aubree went toddling over to her swing "mama" Chloe stood and walked over to where Aubree was "you wanna play?" Aubree nodded so Chloe placed her in the swing and began pushing her, Chloe's phone went off -

*Max -I'm outside

*Chloe - Okay, I'll come out

Chloe looked at Charlotte "can you keep an eye on her? Max needs a word" Charlotte smiled "sure" Chloe grinned "thanks" Chloe walked outside to where Max's car was "what can I do for you?" Max smirked "where's Aubree?" Chloe shrugged "playing in the garden, why?" "I'll take her tonight" Chloe nodded "wait here and I'll get her sorted" Max smirked "okay".

Once Max had taken Aubree Chloe walked upstairs and went for a shower, when she was done she got changed into her onesie. Eddie and Rachel returned and were shocked that Aubree wasn't here "Chloe, where's Aubree?" "With Max, he came to pick her up" Rachel nodded "well we're ordering pizza" Chloe shrugged "okay".

After pizza Chloe went up to bed and text Max -

*Chloe - how's Aubree?

*Max - she's fine, she's gone to sleep

*Chloe - Okay, night

*Max - night

Chloe fell asleep as soon as she read Max's text.


A/N - Well, This New Writing Layout Seems Mehh xD

Next Update - Tomorrow! Inbox Me If You Have Ideas For Chloe's Secret

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now. Xoxo

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