Chapter 68 - An Engagement Revealed Part Two

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A/N - Good Luck Too Everyone Starting Their GCSE's. Hope You All Do Well.

Next Update - Today, PM Me any romance ideas you have.

Hope you like

Eddie was sitting in his classroom when Chloe came in "we need to talk" Eddie looked up "what about?" Chloe sighed "Charlotte" Eddie frowned "what about her?" Chloe took a deep breath and spoke "she's engaged" Eddie was shocked "she's what!?"

Eddie couldn't believe what he was hearing "engaged? to who?" Chloe sighed "Tom" Eddie stood to go and confront Tom "no, don't do anything' Eddie looked at Chloe "why not?" Chloe sighed "because you'll push Charlotte away, she loves Tom" Eddie sat back down "she does doesn't she?" Chloe nodded "yeah, it's easy to tell" Eddie sighed "I'm gonna have too accept this" Chloe again nodded just as Rachel walked in "what's going on?" Eddie sighed "Charlotte and Tom are engaged again" Rachel frowned "who told you?" Chloe looked up "I did" Rachel sighed "why?" Chloe rolled her eyes "because I did, problem?" Rachel frowned "Chloe, it wasn't a good idea" Chloe scoffed "why not?" "remember last time?" Chloe stood "mum, deal with it" Rachel watched as Chloe walked out.

Charlotte was sitting in the creché with Taitlyn and Aubree when Chloe came in "hey" Charlotte looked up and grinned "hiya" Aubree stood and walked over to Chloe "up" Chloe puck her daughter up just as her phone went off signalling a text, looking she saw it was from Max -

Max - Tonight we're having a night in with our daughter.
Chloe - Okay.

Chloe grinned at the text "you okay?" Chloe nodded "just Max, he wants us to have a night in with Aubree" Charlotte smiled "aw" Chloe grinned "yeah, we love him right Aubs?" Aubree giggled.

Eddie was walking down the corridor to Tom's classroom "hiya Tom" Tom looked up "Eddie" Eddie sighed "promise that you'll look after Charlotte" Tom frowned "what's this about?" Eddie took a deep breath "I know you're engaged" Tom paled "Eddie, I'm sorry, I do love her" Eddie smiled "I know you do, congratultions" Tom smiled "I will look after her" Eddie nodded "you better".

Charlotte and Chloe had just left the creché when Eddie approached them "I know about you and Tom being engaged" Charlotte paled "I was going to tell you but I didn't know how, please don't hate me" Eddie smiled "I don't hate you" Charlotte sighed in relief "what about Tom?" Eddie smiled "I've already spoken to Tom" Charlotte frowned "is he still alive?" Eddie laughed "of course, he promised he was gonna look after you so I approve" Charlotte grinned and hugged Eddie "you are the best dad ever" Chloe smiled.

Max sat in his office and Chloe walked in "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, I just wanted to see you" Max nodded and Chloe went and sat on his leg "have I mentioned how much I love you today?" Max smirked but before he could say or do anything Kim walked in "oh Chloe, shouldn't you be in lesson?" Chloe shrugged "I'm on a free actually" Kim nodded "well get off Mr.Tyler" Chloe rolled her eyes "no thanks, I'll stay" Max smirked "what can I do for you?" Kim sighed "I was just wondering if you'd given any thought to us giving it another go" Chloe was shocked "what!? You're getting back with her?" Max frowned "no" Chloe stood "tell the truth" Max sighed "Chloe, I'm not getting back with her, you're the only one for me" Chloe smiled and Kim spoke "Max, me, you, Dex and Aubree perfect family" Chloe frowned "are you having me on? You actually thought you were gonna take Aubree?" Kim sighed "Max is her father" Chloe rolled her eyes "I'm her mother" Max looked at Kim "I think you should leave".

Kim left and Chloe turned to Max "well, that was intresting" Max nodded "maybe she's jealous" Chloe scoffed "you wish" Max grimaced "no I really don't" Chloe grinned "I should probably go" Max kissed her and she left.

Charlotte couldn't believe how accepting Eddie had been of her engagement to Tom, while walking through the corridor she bumped into Chloe "hey" Chloe looked up "hiya, you okay?" Charlotte nodded "never better" Chloe grinned "good".

School had ended so Chloe and Charlotte went to get Aubree and Taitlyn from the creché "mama go dada!" Chloe grinned "yeah" Aubree giggled "yay".

Eddie had invited Tom round for dinner but he hadn't told Charlotte. When Tom arrived Charlotte was sitting upstairs so when Eddie called her she walked downstairs and got a shock "what are you doing here?" Tom smiled "Eddie invited me" Charlotte looked at Eddie who had a smile on his face.

Chloe, Max and Aubree had just returned from the restaurant and Chloe sat on the sofa with Aubree while Max made coffeé. When he returned Aubree was squirming so when Max sat down Aubree crawled over to him and sat next to him and Chloe stood to put Titanic on. A few hours later Chloe noticed Aubree had fallen asleep so she stood to take her to bed but Max stood "I'll take her" Chloe smiled.

Eddie and Rachel were cleaning up after dinner so Tom and Charlotte were sitting on the sofa "you're gonna have the best wedding ever" Charlotte grinned "with you there? Course I am" Tom smirked "I should go" Charlotte stood with Tom and said goodbye before saying goodnight to Eddie and Rachel and went up to bed. Once ready she text Chloe -

Charlotte - Eddie invited Tom round for dinner! xx

Chloe - No way, how did it go? xx

Charlotte - Went Okay, I'm shocked more than anything xx

Chloe - haha, well at least everything is sorted now.xx

Charlotte - Yeah, I'm off to bed, see you tomorrow xx

Chloe - night xx

Charlotte fell asleep that night thinking that maybe for the first time things were looking up.

Chloe was sitting on the bed waiting for Max to come up to bed. When he did Chloe stood and pulled him over to the bed while kissing him. A few hours later they lay in bed together "are you sure you're not getting back with Kim?" Max looked at Chloe "of course I'm sure, I love you and I can't wait to make you my wife" Chloe grinned as Max kissed her before both falling asleep.

A/N - Like I say, Good Luck Too Anyone Doing Their GCSE's.

If you have any ideas then leave me a message and I'll get back to you when I can.

Hope you liked.

Bye for now. Xoxo

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