Chapter 2 - This Hurts So Bad.

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A/N - I Still Can't Believe That The Other One Has Been Deleted :| Rather Annoyed Actually.

I'm Hoping I Can Get The Chapters Posted & Then Post The Ones I Have Planned.

Hope You Like xoxo


Chloe was starting to really miss Max, all she wanted was to see his face. She had been heavily drinking in order to take the pain away. When she woke that morning she looked at Aubree and smiled "Bree wakey wakey" Aubree shuffled down under the duvet which made Chloe smile "come on baba". Chloe eventually got Aubree dressed although she wasn't happy about it. When she got downstairs Eddie took Aubree from Chloe and sat on the sofa with her and Aubree pointed to Chloe "mama" Eddie smiled "your mummy over there" Aubree giggled "ike you" Eddie laughed "you're just like your mummy" Aubree nodded "my mama".

When they got to school Chloe took Aubree to the creche and Charlotte went with her "Chloe I'm worried about you now" Chloe smiled "no need, I'm fine and I'm determined to move on past Max" Charlotte frowned knowing Chloe would always be in love with Max but she was in denial "Chloe, what's all this about?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know what you're on about" Charlotte sighed "look Chloe, you're in love with Max but you're trying to forget you are" Chloe rolled her eyes "I know I'm in love with him but he doesn't love me does he?" Charlotte smiled "yeah he does, he just couldn't move halfway across the country" Chloe sighed "I moved even though I didn't want too, I wanted to stay with him" Charlotte pulled Chloe into a hug "things will get better" Chloe shrugged "maybe".

Charlotte knew Chloe wasn't coping without Max and that she wanted him back so she made her way to Michael's office but on the way there she saw Chloe drinking a out a vodka bottle so she walked over to her "Chloe? What are you doing?" Chloe looked up and the tears were evident in her eyes "drowning my sorrows" Charlotte sighed "that's not helping" Chloe shrugged "its helping me. This hurts so much" Charlotte sat down next to Chloe "listen I know that you will be happy again" Chloe shrugged "noOne knows that. The only thing that would make me happy would be Max pulling up now" Charlotte sighed "I don't think that'll happen Chloe" Chloe felt the tears hit her eyes "I can dream can't I?" Charlotte was worrying now "how much have you had too drink?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know, I don't know much anymore" Charlotte felt her heart break "the alcohol isn't gonna help" Chloe wiped her eyes "what's gonna help then? Because the man I love and who I thought loved me isn't here, so much for 'I care about you Chloe' massive joke" Charlotte took the bottle from Chloe "he does care Chloe" Chloe shook her head "no he doesn't, otherwise he would be here" Charlotte took Chloe's hand "trust me, he does care" Chloe was about to speak when Michael came over "what's going on?" Charlotte smiled "Chloe was feeling sick so I brought her out here for some fresh air" Michael nodded "take her inside to the Pastoral care room, stay with her" Charlotte smile and nodded.

Chloe and Charlotte sat in the Pastoral Care room and Chloe was staring ahead "how much have you drunk today?" Chloe shrugged "don't know" Charlotte took Chloe's bag and looked, frowning when she saw a load of mini vodka bottles "have you drunk all these today?" Chloe shook her head "everyday since we moved here" Charlotte was shocked "Chloe, I had no idea you were feeling like this" Chloe shrugged "I chose too open my heart too him and he hurt me" Charlotte couldn't believe what Chloe was feeling before Charlotte could speak to Rachel walked in "Michael said you were feeling unwell" Charlotte looked at Chloe who had fear in her eyes "Chloe I'll take your bag" Chloe gave a small smiled and Charlotte left the office and Rachel took her seat "what's wrong?" Chloe shrugged "stomach ache" Rachel smiled "you've not been well at all since we've moved here" Chloe rolled her eyes "does that mean we can go back to Rochdale?" Rachel laughed "afraid not".

When they got home Chloe went straight upstairs "mama?" Charlotte sighed knowing Chloe was hurting and she missed Max. While Chloe was upstairs Eddie was sitting with Aubree and Charlotte was in the kitchen with Rachel "has Chloe spoken to you about anything?" Charlotte shook her head just as Eddie walked in holding Aubree but before anyone could speak they heard glass breaking upstairs "Eddie keep Aubree down here" Eddie nodded and Rachel went upstairs with Charlotte.

Entering Chloe's room Rachel saw her daughter sitting on the floor with blood dripping down her arm "Chloe what happened?" Chloe was staring ahead "glass broke" Rachel looked at Charlotte "can you sit with her while I get the first aid kit?" Charlotte smiled and nodded "course" Rachel left the room and Charlotte sat with Chloe on the floor "have you been drinking?" Chloe nodded which made Charlotte sigh "how long have you been doing this for? And be honest" Chloe shrugged "I told you, the day we arrived here" Charlotte frowned "Chloe, that was over a month ago" Chloe felt the tears again "I'm sorry, I'm missing him so much". When Rachel had sorted Chloe's arm out she left so Chloe and Charlotte sat on the floor "Chloe, you can't go on like this" Chloe wiped her eyes "what am I supposed to do? I don't wanna feel anymore" Charlotte took Chloe's hand "look, things are gonna get better. You're gonna recover and I'm gonna help you but first you need to admit too your mum" Chloe nodded.

Once Aubree was asleep Chloe made her way downstairs with Charlotte "I can't do this" Charlotte smiled "yeah you can". They walked into the living room "Eddie, Rachel we need to talk too you" Eddie smiled "this sounds serious" Rachel turned the TV off and Charlotte took a deep breath and looked at Chloe who shook her head "I can't" Charlotte smiled "this isn't gonna be easy to say but Chloe might have a drinking problem" Rachel frowned "what makes you think that?" Charlotte sighed "she's been drinking everyday since we moved here" Rachel couldn't believe what she was hearing so Eddie spoke "that was over a month ago" Charlotte nodded "I know, its been everyday. She needs help" Eddie nodded "we'll get her help" Chloe was crying so Rachel pulled her into a hug "Chloe darling, everything is gonna be fine. You're gonna get help" Chloe nodded "first things first, we need to get rid of all alcohol from the house" Rachel nodded so she and Eddie got rid of the alcohol while Chloe sat with Charlotte on the sofa.

Charlotte went outside and text Michael, he had the number that Charlotte needed -

*Charlotte - Have you got that number?

*Michael - 07966235589

*Charlotte - thanks.

Charlotte dialled the number and sighed in relief when it rang -


Charlotte - its Charlotte Lawson. Chloe needs you. She's going off the rails

07966235589 - going off the rails how?

Charlotte - she's been heavily drinking. She really needs you.

07966235589 - I'll be there soon

Charlotte - thanks


Charlotte hung up and went back inside "alright?" Charlotte smiled "needed fresh air" Eddie nodded and Charlotte sat on the sofa watching TV with Eddie.

Chloe went to bed and sat there staring when Rachel walked in "hiya love" Chloe faintly smiled as Rachel came and sat on the bed "are you alright?" Chloe shook her head "no" Rachel started stroking Chloe's hair as she held her "I'm gonna get better mum. I promise" Rachel smiled "I know you are love" Chloe started crying "I'm a wreck" Rachel felt her heart break "shh, everything is gonna be alright Chloe. I promise". Chloe fell asleep that night in her mum's arms and Rachel was determined to do whatever it took to make her daughter better.


A/N - Second Chapter.

Hopefully Another Update Today. If I Can Think Of Some Ideas.

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang