Chapter 3 - Trying To Recover

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A/N - 3 Down. 16 To Go xD

Hoping Too Update Again Tonight.

Hope You Like xoxo


Chloe was struggling with her recovery, she was trying but it was getting harder to keep the alcohol out of her system. It had been a week since Chloe admitted she needed help and she hadn't been in school, Michael had been sympathetic and allowed Chloe as much time as she needed. That morning Chloe woke a got dressed into her uniform, she walked downstairs where everyone was "Chloe, why are you in school uniform?" Chloe shrugged "I've got to go too school" Rachel smiled "Chloe you don't have too" Chloe sighed "I want too" Rachel was about to speak when Eddie spoke up "Rach, maybe we should let her go in. It could help with her recovery" Rachel sighed "fine, you can go in" Chloe faintly smiled and Rachel looked at Charlotte "can you keep an eye on her?" Charlotte smiled "course".

When they got to school Rachel took Aubree to the creche "Chloe I'll check in with you at break" Chloe nodded as Rachel walked off. Charlotte looked at Chloe and saw she was shaking "Chloe are you okay?" Chloe shook her head "no" Charlotte took her hand "come on Chloe, you're gonna be okay" Chloe again shook her head "I need a drink" Charlotte frowned "no you don't. Put it out your mind" Chloe was shaking "I can't" Charlotte could see this was hard for Chloe "its gonna be okay Chloe" Chloe looked at Charlotte "I'm sorry" Charlotte frowned but regained her composure when Chloe took off out the school gates.

Charlotte knew where Chloe would go and she needed to get someone to help her so she ran to find Eddie. She saw Eddie in his class "Eddie I need you" Eddie looked up "what's happened?" Charlotte sighed "its Chloe, she took off" Eddie got his car keys "which way did she go?" Charlotte shrugged "it was to fast. I didn't see" Eddie nodded "let's just find Chloe" Charlotte smiled.

Chloe had brought a bottle of vodka, she knew she had promised her mum she would get better but it was hard and she didn't know if she could do it. Leaving the shop she sat down on the floor and sighed, she didn't want to be this way but the recovery was harder than she thought, she wished she was back in Rochdale with Chlo, Janeece and Max but that had all changed, the school had been turned into flats and she had no idea what Janeece or Chlo were doing. Making her way to the beach she turned her phone off so noOne could get in touch with her.

Charlotte and Eddie drove around trying to find Chloe but they were having no luck "Charlotte try calling her again" Charlotte dialled Chloe's number -

**This is Chloe, leave a message and I'll attempt to get back to you**

Charlotte sighed "Chloe, its Charlotte. Please call me. Let me know you're okay, I'm worried" Charlotte hung up "voicemail" Eddie sighed "we'll find her. We have to".

Charlotte knew who she had to text and get them there as soon as possible -

*Charlotte - Chloe's gone missing. Get here quick.

*07966235589 - I'm on my way

Charlotte knew that Chloe's recovery was going to take time "Eddie, let's try the beach" Eddie nodded and they drove towards the beach. Chloe sat by the ocean, she had drunk most of the vodka but knew she had let everyone down. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there when Charlotte came and sat by her "your recovery is going to take time but you will get there" Chloe looked at Charlotte "I feel like the worst person ever. I let my mum down" Charlotte took Chloe's hand "Chloe, you're talking like you've recovered but relapsed. You're in the first stage of getting better" Chloe wiped her eyes "I'm a rubbish daughter and an even crapper mum. Aubree is better off without me" Charlotte felt her heart break for Chloe "Aubree is the luckiest little girl on the planet having you as her mummy" Chloe shook her head "she deserves better" Charlotte sighed "don't ever say that Chloe".

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