Chapter 28 - Forgiving.

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A/N - I Can't Wait Until I Go On Holiday 4 Months Encounting xD.

Next Update - Tonight All Being Well.

Hope You Like. Xoxo


It had been a few days since Chloe and Charlotte had fallen out and it was taking its toll on Charlotte as she missed their chats. That morning when Charlotte woke she got Taitlyn from her cot and went downstairs "morning Charlotte" Charlotte gave a faint smile "morning" Eddie sighed "Chloe will come round soon" Charlotte sighed "I hope so, I miss her" Eddie smiled "we all do, she'll be back either tonight or tomorrow" Charlotte nodded "I should go and get ready" Eddie nodded and took Taitlyn while Charlotte went upstairs to get dressed.

Chloe was scared, her period was late by a week, she didn't want to be pregnant, she had the pregnancy test and she would do it at school. When she went downstairs she saw Max with Aubree "mama" Chloe smiled "hi Bree" Aubree looked at Max "my mama" Max smirked as Chloe took Aubree from him "have you spoken to Charlotte yet?" Chloe shook her head "no, I've had other things on my mind" Max nodded.

Arriving at school Chloe asked Max to take Aubree to the creche so she could catch up on some homework, while sitting in the library she was thinking about what she would do if she was pregnant, she didn't want another baby yet, she had Aubree and she was a handful at times but Chloe didn't regret her, she was the best thing that had happened to her.

Charlotte, Eddie and Rachel arrived at school and Charlotte saw Max's car which meant Chloe was in "do you know where Chloe would be?" Rachel smiled "either the creche or in registration" Charlotte nodded and took Taitlyn to the creche. When she saw Aubree in the creche but Chloe wasn't there, sighing to herself she left "Imogen have you seen Chloe?" Imogen shook her head "not yet, check the library" Charlotte smiled "thanks" Charlotte made her way to the library.

Chloe didn't know how long she had been sitting in the library when the door opened "Chloe?" Chloe looked up and saw Charlotte "oh hi" Charlotte sat opposite Chloe "can we talk?" Chloe shrugged "suppose" Charlotte sighed "I'm sorry about what happened at the restaurant, I know you were looking out for me" Chloe smiled "I don't want Tom to hurt you again, I barely kept it together when you were in the coma" Charlotte smiled "I really am sorry though Chloe" Chloe stood and hugged Charlotte "I forgive you" Charlotte grinned "so how are things with you?" Chloe shrugged "I think I might be pregnant" Charlotte was shocked "have you done a test?" Chloe shook her head "I've got one in my bag though" Charlotte nodded "okay, let's go to the bathroom and you can take the test" Chloe smiled "thanks".

Once they were in the bathroom Chloe walked into the stall. Charlotte didn't know how Chloe would cope if she was pregnant. When Chloe came out the stall she placed the test down by the sink and washed her hands "what are you gonna do if you are pregnant?" Chloe shrugged "I don't want another baby, I couldn't cope" Charlotte smiled "whatever you choose I'll support you 100%" Chloe smiled "thanks". The time was up so Chloe puck up the pregnancy test and sighed in relief when she saw it was negative "well?" Chloe smiled "its negative" Charlotte smiled "that's good isn't it?" Chloe nodded "yeah. Look can we not tell anyone about this? Not Max, my mum or Eddie" Charlotte smiled "our secret" Chloe hugged Charlotte "thanks".

As it was lunchtime Chloe and Charlotte were sitting in the creche with Aubree and Taitlyn "when are you coming home?" Chloe smiled "tomorrow" Charlotte grinned "I can't wait" Chloe laughed "me either. Its gonna be great our late night chats with ice-cream" Charlotte laughed "yeah I've missed them" "me too" Charlotte grinned as Aubree came toddling over "my mama" Charlotte smiled "yeah, she's your mummy" Aubree giggled "ove you" Charlotte laughed "love you too" Aubree hugged Chloe "ove you mama" Chloe kissed Aubree's cheek "love you too".

It was nearing the end of the day and Charlotte and Chloe sat in English and Charlotte was overjoyed that she and Chloe were close again and she was shocked to hear that Max had been affectionate towards Chloe "when you say affectionate how do you mean?" Chloe grinned "massages, romantic nights in and anything else I can think of" Charlotte smiled "wow sounds romantic" Chloe nodded "it is" Charlotte hugged her "I really have missed you Chloe" Chloe grinned "n'awwh".

When school had ended Chloe went to the creche with Charlotte to get their baby girls "mama" Aubree came toddling over and clung onto Chloe's legs so she puck her up "let's go" Aubree waved at Charlotte "ta" Charlotte grinned "bye Aubree".

Arriving back at Max's Chloe looked at Aubree who had fallen asleep "no Bree wake up" Max smirked "let her sleep" Chloe turned to him "she sleeps now then she's awake all night" Max took Aubree from Chloe and took her upstairs. When he came back down he walked over to Chloe and kissed her "what was that for?" Max smirked "because I can" Chloe nodded "right" Chloe kissed him again and he took her upstairs.

Charlotte returned home with Eddie as Rachel was meeting up with a friend of hers "have you spoken to Chloe?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, we made up" Eddie smiled "that's good" Charlotte grinned "yeah, I'm so glad" Eddie smiled and took Taitlyn to put in her moses basket "fancy a pizza?" Charlotte nodded "extra cheese" Eddie smirked and he ordered the pizza.

Chloe got out of bed and went to check on Aubree and smiled when she noticed she was still asleep, she went back into the bedroom where Max was getting dressed "where you off to?" Max smirked "urgent business" Chloe frowned "right" Max stood and walked over to Chloe kissing her "I'll be back shortly" Chloe nodded and Max left.

When he returned Chloe was sitting on the sofa with Aubree "Chloe?" Chloe looked up and smiled "hi" Max smirked and came and sat with her "problem?" Chloe shook her head "nope" Chloe looked at Aubree who had fallen asleep "how about I put her to bed and we watch a movie?" Chloe grinned and nodded so Max took Aubree up to bed. When he came back down Chloe was half asleep "or we could forget the movie and go to bed" Chloe smirked "I think I prefer going to bed and sleeping" Max took her hand and took her upstairs.


A/N - Wow. This Chapter Was Written Without Inspiration Yayy! XD. Haahaa!

Next Chapter - Tomorrow Providing I Can Think Up Some Chloe&Max Idea's Aswell As Charlotte&Tom.

Hope You Likeed.

Bye For Now. Xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant