Chapter 45 - False Alarms And Dates.

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A/N - This Is Dedicated To StrangeDesires

I'm Working On A Dramatic Chapter For The Next Update. So It Could Take A Few Days, Depending On What Ideas I Come Up With.

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Chloe had the feeling she was pregnant but she was in denial. When she woke that morning she went downstairs and saw Max making coffee, Chloe and Max went to London and Chloe had a nice time but she missed Aubree "drink this, you look tired" Chloe took the cup from him and swigged it down "thanks" Max smiled and walked upstairs, sighing to herself Chloe refused to believe she was pregnant.

Arriving at school Chloe asked Max to take Aubree to the creche and she walked not listening to her mum calling her. Charlotte saw Chloe ignoring everyone so she walked after her and followed her to the bathroom "hey, what's wrong?" Chloe looked up with tears evident on her face "I'm pregnant" Charlotte was shocked "oh my god, does Max know?" Chloe shook her head "no, because I'm refusing to believe it" Charlotte sighed "have you done a test?" Chloe again shook her head "no, this is how it was when I was pregnant with Aubree, throwing up and getting emotional" Charlotte smiled "how about we go get you a test?" Chloe paled "no, because I don't want too see the positive result" Charlotte sighed "you'll never know if you don't do the test" Chloe wiped her eyes "this is hard for me, I don't want another baby, I don't want to be this girl who has two kids before she's out of her teens" Charlotte smiled "you won't be alone, you'll have me, Max, your mum and Eddie" Chloe shrugged "I don't want another baby Charlotte" Charlotte nodded "you need to do a test, I've got a free after registration so I'll go get you one" Chloe sighed.

Chloe was sitting in the common room thinking about things when Max came in "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Max was about to speak when Charlotte "Chloe, I've got that thing" Chloe paled and she stood to leave with Charlotte "got what?" Chloe looked at Charlotte who smiled "woman things" Max nodded and watched as Chloe and Charlotte left. When they got back to the bathroom Charlotte handed Chloe the test "you'll be fine". Chloe did the test and left the bathroom stall "I don't think I can look" Charlotte smiled and took the test from Chloe while she washed her hands "I'll look and tell you" Chloe smiled "thanks". The time was up so Charlotte puck up Chloe's pregnancy and smiled "its negative" Chloe sighed in relief "then why have I been throwing up?" Charlotte shrugged "could be a sickness bug" "yeah maybe" Charlotte pulled Chloe into a hug "its gonna be fine".

Charlotte and Chloe were in Maths with Eddie and Michael came in "I need to speak with Charlotte" Eddie looked at Charlotte and nodded "Charlotte" Charlotte stood and followed Michael outside. When they were outside Charlotte turned to him "I've booked us a table at a restaurant tonight" Charlotte smiled "okay, what time?" "Seven O'Clock" Charlotte nodded "I'll get Eddie to babysit" Michael nodded "I look forward to it" Charlotte grinned and walked back into the classroom. Leaving Maths Chloe looked at Charlotte "what did he want?" Charlotte smiled "he's taking me to a restaurant tonight" Chloe nodded "cool" Charlotte frowned "are you okay?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Charlotte smiled "you can talk too me about anything" Chloe hugged Charlotte "thanks".

It was lunchtime so Chloe was sitting outside on the grass and Rachel came over "Chloe, is everything okay?" Chloe looked up "yeah, fine" Rachel sighed "is that grass dry?" Chloe nodded and Rachel sat with her daughter "how are things going at Max's?" Chloe shrugged "fine" Rachel smiled "good, Aubree was good as gold when she stayed" Chloe nodded "okay" Rachel frowned "are you sure you're alright?" Chloe sighed "I'm fine" Chloe stood and walked off leaving Rachel to think.

Max was walking to his office when Rachel approached "what's wrong with Chloe?" Max frowned "I don't know what you're talking about?" Rachel sighed "she's looking down, the last time she was like this was when she had her drinking problem" Max was confused and realisation dawned on Rachel "she's drinking again" Max walked off to find Chloe. He found her standing with Imogen and Charlotte "we need to talk, Charlotte you need to come aswell" Chloe frowned but followed Max back to his office where Rachel, Eddie and Michael were "what's this about?" Rachel looked at her daughter "are you drinking again?" Chloe frowned "no, why?" Rachel sighed "you're acting how you were when you was drinking" Chloe was shocked "and you think I'm drinking again?" Charlotte knew Chloe wasn't drinking "Chloe's not drinking, she has no reason to drink" Chloe smiled at her "why are you down? Do you want to come home?" Chloe rolled her eyes "no I don't want too, I'm fine!" Chloe walked off out the office.

Chloe couldn't believe the nerve of everyone thinking she was drinking, she looked at her phone and saw a text from Max -

*Max - everyone has gone. Come back to the office.

Chloe didn't reply and Charlotte approached her "hi" Chloe smiled "hey" Charlotte hugged Charlotte "are you okay?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine, annoyed that everyone thought I was drinking again" Charlotte smiled "they're worried about you" Chloe sighed "I know, I wouldn't start the drinking again" "I know".

School had ended so Chloe went to get Aubree "mama" Chloe smiled and puck her baby girl up "you're the only one mummy needs" Aubree giggled. Chloe met with Max but she didn't want to talk too him "Chloe, I'm sorry" Chloe rolled her eyes "I don't care, you know I'm not drinking but you didn't say anything did you?" Max sighed "I know" Chloe looked at him "why didn't you tell them that then? Instead I felt ambushed" Chloe handed Aubree to him

Arriving back at Max's, Chloe placed Aubree on the sofa and sat with her "mama, go nana?" Chloe smiled "I'll take you tomorrow" Aubree giggled "yay".

Charlotte had just left to meet with Michael "you look amazing" Charlotte smiled "thanks". They got to the restaurant and a waiter led them to their table. Half an hour later Charlotte frowned when Tom walked in with his girlfriend "what's Tom doing here?" Michael shrugged as Tom was led to the table next to theirs "you're seeing him?" Charlotte rolled her eyes "what's it got to do with you?" Tom glared "nothing, where's our kid?" Charlotte sighed "she's with Eddie if you must know" Tom nodded "this is Michelle, my girlfriend" Charlotte shrugged "I don't care Tom, leave me alone".

Chloe had just put Aubree to bed and went back downstairs "are you alright?" Chloe shrugged "I'm fine" Max nodded "good" Chloe sat down on the sofa with her fleece blanket and Max came and sat with her "I am sorry for earlier" Chloe nodded "I know" Max looked at her and kissed her but she soon stopped him "not tonight" Max frowned "why?" Chloe sighed "because I don't want too" Max nodded and kissed her again.

Michael had just left to go to the toilet so Tom turned to Charlotte "trying to make me jealous?" Charlotte rolled her eyes "no I'm not, I'm trying to get on with my life, you've moved on so I should be able too" Tom was about to speak when Michael came back "are you okay?" Charlotte nodded "having an amazing time" Michael smiled "good". A couple of hours later Charlotte and Tm stood to leave and Charlotte saw the jealous look etched onto Tom's face "shall I take you back home?" Charlotte shook her head "let's go back to yours" Michael nodded and he took Charlotte back to his.

Chloe was getting tired so she went up to bed but she went to check on Aubree who was fast asleep, leaving Aubree's room she saw Max coming up the stairs "she okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah, she's fine" Max nodded and took Chloe to the bedroom.

Charlotte and Michael lay in bed "that was fun" Charlotte grinned "yeah" Michael kissed her and they fell asleep.

Chloe sat in bed with Max who was catching up with some paperwork "what made you all think I was back on the booze?" Max looked at her and sighed "your mother, she asked me what was wrong with you" Chloe sighed "I'm not drinking again" Max smiled "I know" Chloe kissed him and fell asleep.


A/N - If Anyone Has Any Ideas For The Next Update Then Feel Free To Let Me Know. Xo

Next Update - Soon!

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now. Xoxo

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