Chapter 20 - Will She Ever Wake ?

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A/N - This Is Gonna Be A Short Update.

Next Update - Tomorrow But I'll Start It Tonight Providing I Get A Brainwave xD.

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Charlotte had been in the coma for a week now and Chloe was beginning to think that she wouldn't wake but she refused to say anything, she wouldn't give up. Since Max had proposed Chloe had seen a different side to him which she loved, she hadn't told her mum that she was engaged to Max as she knew her mum would hate the idea.

That morning when Chloe woke she noticed she was in Max's bed but he wasn't there, she had told Rachel she was staying over the school house with Scout so Rachel had Aubree. She went downstairs "well there you are" Max smirked "morning" Chloe grinned "what time is it?" "6:30" Chloe groaned "too early" Max again smirked "where does Rachel think you were?" Chloe shrugged "school house" Max nodded and went to kiss her "we really shouldn't be doing this of a morning" Max smirked "why's that?" Chloe shrugged "because you would be late for your meeting at 8:15" Max looked at her "how did you know about that?" Chloe grinned "heard you on the phone" Max smirked "well better make it quick" Chloe rolled her eyes "nope".

Chloe arrived at school at the same time that Max pulled up "Chloe, where's Scout?" Chloe couldn't think of anything to say so she looked at her mum "she walked in front so I'm assuming she's here already" Rachel nodded "Eddie's gone back to the hospital" Chloe nodded "has there been any change?" Rachel shook her head "no, nothing" Chloe sighed "will she ever wake up?" Rachel nodded "course she will love" Chloe smiled "I'll take Aubree to the creche" Aubree who was stood by the car toddled over to Chloe and held her arms up so Chloe puck her up "I missed you" Aubree giggled and gave Chloe a peck on the cheek.

Once Aubree was in the creche Chloe made her way to registration "any news about Charlotte?" Chloe rolled her eyes "no, nothing so quit trying to get gossip" Rihannon sighed "we're worried for her" Chloe scoffed "yeah right" Chloe went to walk off when Tom came over "can I have a word?" Chloe looked at him "no, now do one" Tom sighed "is there any news about Charlotte?" Chloe shook her head "no" Chloe walked off just as Max came out of his office "Chloe, everything okay?" Chloe looked at him and shook her head "I'll be fine" Max took Chloe's hand and pulled her into the office "what's wrong?" Chloe sighed "this thing with Charlotte, its getting to me" Max smiled "she will wake up" Chloe nodded "I know, but until she does then I'm gonna have too deal with her not being here" Max walked over to Chloe "tonight, come over to mine" Chloe smiled "I shouldn't, I was with you last night" Max smirked "that shouldn't matter" Chloe grinned "I'll see what I can do but I won't be staying" Max nodded and kissed her "you really should get more sleep" Chloe rolled her eyes "who's fault is that?" Max smirked and kissed her again "you should be in registration" Chloe grinned "bye".

Chloe made her way to P.E with Miss.Boston, even though she couldn't be doing with it, she was stood with Imogen when Miss.Boston over "right girls three laps of the school" Chloe rolled her eyes "because that isn't slave labour" Miss.Boston looked at Chloe "you have a problem with how I teach take it to Mr.Tyler or Mr.Byrne" Rihannon smirked "she'll only end up in bed with Mr.Tyler" Chloe turned to Rihannon "don't be jealous" Miss.Boston glared at Chloe "Chloe walk away" Chloe rolled her eyes and walked off.

After P.E had ended Chloe got changed and left the changing rooms just as Rachel came towards her "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, I'm fine. Not me lying in a coma" Rachel sighed "Charlotte is going to wake Chloe" Chloe smiled "I know and when she does she's not gonna be alone ever again" Rachel was about to speak when Chloe walked off.

Eddie had arrived at the school as he wanted to see how the school was doing. When he walked into the staffroom Sian, Daniel and Michael came over to him "how's Charlotte?" Eddie sighed "she's still unconcious" Michael smiled "I hope she recovers soon" Eddie sighed "me aswell".

Chloe left the school, she was going to see Charlotte at the hospital. Since she had been in the coma she hadn't gone to see her. Arriving she took a deep breath and walked to the receptionist "I'm here to visit Charlotte Lawson" the receptionist looked up "who are you?" Chloe sighed "her dad is dating my mum so she's kind of my sister" the receptionist smiled "she's over in that room" Chloe walked over to Charlotte's room and entered. She didn't know how to feel when she saw her best friend hooked up to a load of wires, she took a seat and took Charlotte's hand "I don't know if you can hear me, I have so much to tell you. Aubree is missing you loads and she's missing Taitlyn, everynight she stands by her moses basket and saying 'baba'. I'm sorry that Tom got you feeling so low you didn't want to be alive anymore. I was distracted by my relationship with Max that I let you get so down. I promise that when you wake up and you're back at school I'll do whatever it takes too keep you safe. Max proposed to me and I said yeah. I'm getting married Charlotte" just as Chloe spoke Charlotte's hand moved "Charlotte?" Chloe noticed Charlotte had opened her eyes "nurse?!" A few nurses came in "Charlotte, can you hear us?".

The nurses had left and Charlotte had woken up "so how's things at school?" Chloe shrugged "can't complain" Charlotte smiled "how's things with Max?" Chloe grinned "he proposed to me" Charlotte was shocked "what did you say?" "I said yeah" Charlotte smiled "you're getting married?" Chloe nodded "yeah, it was so romantic, he got Aubree to hand me the ring" Charlotte smiled "awh, show me" Chloe showed Charlotte the ring "that's nice" Chloe smiled "yeah" Charlotte sighed "how's Taitlyn?" Chloe frowned "I've not seen her Tom won't bring her into the creche" Charlotte nodded "right, okay" Chloe sighed "I'm sorry" Charlotte shrugged "its fine" Chloe again sighed "Eddie has been a shell of his former self, he's hardly left your side" Charlotte smiled "I wanna go to school and surprise him" Chloe sighed "I don't think you're ready" Charlotte frowned "Chloe, I need too' Chloe stood and went looking for a nurse.

Chloe had permission to take Charlotte but she had to bring her back by 4:30pm. Once in the taxi Chloe looked at Charlotte "are you sure you wanna do this?" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Chloe smiled "okay". Arriving back at the school Chloe noticed Mr.Mead and Miss.Boston standing outside "Chloe?" Chloe smiled "don't tell Eddie, its a surprise" Chris frowned "should she even be here?" Chloe nodded "yeah, need to have her back by 4:30pm" Chris nodded and Chloe took Charlotte who was in a wheelchair "I hate this" Chloe grinned "tough". While walking through the school Charlotte received looks of sympathy from people "this isn't fair" Chloe rolled her eyes "you'll live" Charlotte grinned "there's your Fiancee" Chloe looked up "oh yeah" Charlotte smirked as Max came over "Charlotte, should you be here?" Chloe rolled her eyes "she's fine to be here, I'll be taking her back before 4:30" Max nodded "good to see you" Charlotte smiled "thanks, and Chloe mentioned your engagment" Max smirked "she did?" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Max nodded "I'll see you later" Chloe rolled her eyes "don't sound too enthusiastic".

Chloe arrived outside the staffroom as she was going to surprise Eddie with Charlotte "wait here" Charlotte rolled her eyes "yeah because I'm gonna roll away" Chloe grinned and stood in front of Charlotte's wheelchair so Eddie couldn't see her. She knocked the door and Michael came "Chloe what is it?" Chloe smiled "is Eddie here?" Michael nodded and went to fetch Eddie. When Eddie came to the door Chloe had noticed he had been crying "what is it Chloe?" Chloe smiled "I have a surprise for you" Eddie sighed "what?" Chloe moved and Eddie's eyes lit up when he saw Charlotte "am I dreaming?" Charlotte smiled "no, its really me" Eddie hugged Charlotte "don't ever scare me like that again" Charlotte smiled "I won't".

Eddie had offered to take Charlotte back to the hospital so Chloe went to pick Aubree up "mama" Chloe grinned and puck her daughter up "hi baba" Aubree giggled as Chloe walked down to her mum's car. When she got home Chloe told her mum she was meeting with Imogen for an hour so she got changed and left the house. Arriving at Max's Chloe wasted no time in knocking the door and when Max answered "wasn't expecting you yet" Chloe grinned "I can always go" Max smirked and pulled Chloe inside kissing her "wow, wasn't expecting that" Max again smirked and pulled Chloe upstairs.

Chloe went back home and saw Eddie "how was Charlotte?" Eddie smiled "all being well she'll be discharged by the weekend" Chloe grinned "I'm gonna have an early night so night night" Eddie and Rachel both said goodnight and Chloe put Aubree to bed and went to bed herself, partly still in shock that she was engaged to Max but she was happy and she hoped she would stay that way.


A/N - Yayy! Charlotte's Awake :D Haa.

Next Chapter - Today Hopefully. BUT I'll Be Thinking Of Idea's For Some Chloe & Rachel Drama. PM Me If You Have Anything.

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now Xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن