Chapter 14 - Charlotte's Baby

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A/N - all dedication for this goes too StrangeDesires :)

Next Chapter - Tomorrow.

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Charlotte was 7 and a half months pregnant and she found out that her baby was a girl so she decided to name her Taitlyn-Hannah Lawson, Eddie was thrilled that Charlotte was naming the baby after him. That morning Chloe got Aubree dressed and took her downstairs where Charlotte was "morning" Charlotte grinned "morning" Chloe placed Aubree in her highchair and gave her some weetabix "eat them up" Aubree giggled and ate.

Arriving at school Chloe saw Max and sighed "is everything alright?" Chloe smiled "yeah, its great" Charlotte smiled "that's good" Chloe nodded "yeah, I suppose it is" Charlotte frowned as Chloe walked off to take Aubree to the creche. Tom didn't know the name of the baby or the sex so he didn't know what colour to paint the room he had turned into a nursery "Eddie, the baby, I have a right too know, boy or girl?" Eddie looked at him "its a girl" Tom smiled "a girl?" Eddie nodded "yeah, Charlotte's naming her Taitlyn-Hannah Lawson" Tom frowned "I'm the father, she should have my last name" Eddie sighed "its Charlotte's choice Tom" before Tom could say anything else Eddie walked off with Rachel.

Chloe had just dropped Aubree off in the creche and went to head to registration when Max grabbed hold of her "what happened to not treating me like a rag doll?" Max smirked "where's Aubree?" Chloe rolled her eyes "creche, like always" Max nodded "I'll have her tonight" Chloe nodded "okay, I'll bring her round" Max nodded "get to registration" Chloe grinned "that's where I was going until you grabbed me" Max smirked "goodbye Chloe" Chloe left the office and went to registation.

Charlotte had been feeling stomach pains all day and thought it wasn't normal, she didn't want to lose her baby girl, she was the only thing keeping Charlotte strong she wouldn't cope without her baby. While in the assembley Charlotte noticed something odd going on between Tom and Michael as they were both giving each other dirty looks "they have serious tension" Charlotte nodded "yeah, they do" Chloe sighed "don't think nothing of it, they're both immature" Charlotte grinned "yeah, Aubree was born at 7 and a half months wasn't she?" Chloe nodded "yeah, she was so small, she looked a midget in her moses basket, she's still a midget" Charlotte grinned "I can't wait too meet my baby" Chloe smiled "she's gonna be well cute" Charlotte smiled "girls pay attention" Chloe rolled her eyes but turned back to the front.

Tom had had enough "Mr.Byrne, why are you giving me funny looks?" Michael looked at Tom "this isn't the time is it?" Tom rolled his eyes "you can't hide behind the pupils" Michael sighed "be quiet" Tom again rolled his eyes and Michael continued. Charlotte hated this, she hated Tom and Michael being at each others throats, it was causing her to stress out and she hated that. Once the assembly was over Tom walked over to Michael and punched him "oh my god! Clarkson and Byrne are at it" Charlotte looked over and saw them fighting "that's so pathetic" Charlotte frowned and walked out "well done" Chloe went after her while Max and Eddie broke up the fight.

Charlotte turned up for English but she didn't want to speak to Tom, she walked into the class and sat with Chloe "you okay?" Charlotte nodded but she was in agony. Halfway through the lesson she felt liquid between her legs "no" Chloe frowned "what?" Charlotte looked at her "my waters have broke" Chloe paled "crap" Tom looked over "problem girls?" Chloe looked up "Charlotte's gone into labour" Tom paled "everyone out now, Rihannon go and get Mr.Byrne to ring an ambulance" Rihannon left the class as did everyone else apart from Chloe and Tom "Chloe its too soon, I'm gonna loose my baby" Chloe smiled "you're not, she's gonna be fine, I promise, she wants too meet her mummy really soon" Charlotte was crying "I don't want her to come yet" Charlotte screamed as a contraction hit her. The ambulance was taking forever "I think I can see the head" Chloe groaned "what?" Tom looked at Charlotte "I need you too push" Chloe noticed Eddie and Rachel standing outside "I can't" Chloe took Charlotte's hand "yeah you can, squeeze my hand until its pink and push your baby out" Charlotte smiled "thanks Chloe" Chloe grinned "no worries now bloody push" Charlotte pushed and the baby came out and Tom took the baby but there was no noise "she's not breathing".


A/N - Sorry Its Short. Next One Will Be Longer.

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Next Chapter Tomorrow.

Bye For Now xoxo

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