Chapter 100 - The School May Be Closing

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A/N - This is set a nine months after the previous one so Aubree is four, Taitlyn is three, Isla and Lillie are both one.

This won't be very long it's just setting the scene. Chlax and Charlom aren't married yet so I'll be including the weddings in the next five chapters.

Gabriella is in this. I know she left in episode 10 but I wanna keep her in.

Let me know what you think

"Aubree, why are you crying?" Chloe placed her youngest daughter on the sofa and went to find her four year old "Mummy I hurt myself" Chloe saw Aubree sitting on her bed crying "what happened?" "I hurt my head" Chloe smiled "you're a big girl and you're my big  brave angel cakes" Aubree giggled "me?" Chloe nodded "yeah you and Isla are my pretty princesses" Chloe stood from Aubree's bed and went downstairs with her to see Isla who was playing with her toys "Mama hi" Chloe smiled "hi baby" Aubree climbed up on the sofa next to her little sister Chloe's phone rang -

Call Begins

Chloe - Hello my dear Charlotte.

Charlotte - Chloe, Tom has been to physio, he's had some feeling in his legs.

Chloe - Oh my god that's great.

Charlotte - Yeah, it's only taken nine months but finally we're getting somewhere.

Chloe - Awh, I'll bring the girls round tomorrow for an hour.

Charlotte - Yeah, that would be good, Taitlyn is going on about playing with Aubree.

Chloe - Awh bless, I'll text you later.

Charlotte - Yeah okay, see ya tomorrow and text you later.
Call Ends

"Mummy can I go see Charlotte?" Chloe grinned "tomorrow" Aubree nodded "thanks you Mummy".

Chloe had just put Isla and Aubree to bed. Chloe came downstairs just as Max came in "hey" Max looked up "everything okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah, they're both asleep but I've got the feeling that there's something wrong" Max sighed "the school may be closing, and there is a protest" Chloe frowned "closed? Why?" Max looked at his fiancée "there's a possibility of a merger with Havelock High" Chloe was shocked "a merger? Isn't that what happened with Waterloo Road and John Fosters?" Max nodded "yeah" Chloe sighed "what's happening then?" Max smirked "the school is being proactive for once and doing something" Chloe grinned "wow".

Max had gone for a shower so Chloe text Charlotte -

Chloe - WLR might be getting closed down xx

Lottie - What? Why? xx

Chloe - A possible merger with Havelock High, Max told me xx

Lottie - Oh my god, we need to do something Xx

Chloe - I've been thinking that. I'll pick you up tomorrow when Aubs is in Nursery Xx

Lottie - Okay, Taitlyn is in playgroup at 9:30 xx

Chloe -  Okay, I'll pick you up from there. See you tomorrow Xx

Lottie - Sure Xx

Chloe grinned those council members were in for a shock. Max came out the shower and went downstairs "what are you doing?" Chloe smiled "stuff that doesn't concern you at this very moment in time" Max smirked "our wedding is next month" Chloe grinned "I'm aware of that" Max sat next to Chloe on the sofa "me and Charlotte are going out tomorrow once Aubree's in nursery and Taitlyn's in playgroup" Max nodded "how's Tom?" Chloe shrugged "Charlotte said he's regaining feeling in his legs so that's good" Max went to make coffee and Chloe went to check on Aubree and Isla.

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