Chapter 11 - Results.

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A/N - This Chapter Is For StrangeDesires.

Next Chapter Today/Tomorrow.

Hope You Like xoxo


Charlotte had done the DNA Test and she was now waiting for the results. Things with Tom were getting incredibly tense and she could barely stand to be in his lesson as he always found something to start on her about. That morning Charlotte refused to go into school as she wanted to be there in case the results came "Charlotte come on" Charlotte shook her head "no, I'm not feeling very well" Eddie sighed "I'll stay with you then" Charlotte again shook her head "I'll be fine Eddie, go on" Eddie smiled "if you're sure" Charlotte nodded "I am".

Chloe was beginning to worry about Charlotte as she had been sinking into depression ever since Tom had been treating her different to everyone else. When they arrived at school Chloe saw him laughing with Josh and Imogen which made her annoyed "stupid men, thinking they can treat us like crap and then act like they've done nothing" Rachel frowned "Chloe is everything alright?" Chloe nodded "fine" Rachel smiled "I'll take Aubree for you" Chloe smiled "thanks, Aubree be a good girl" Aubree giggled as Rachel took her from Chloe "bye".

Charlotte sat on the sofa waiting for the postman and hoping the results came soon. While watching TV she decided to text Chloe -

*Charlotte - how's school? X

*Chloe - load of crap. Like always. R U OK? X

*Charlotte - I'm waiting for these results X

*Chloe - awwh, they'll be there soon X

*Charlotte - hope so X

*Chloe - I'll text you later X

Charlotte sighed and went back to watching TV. When the postman had delivered Charlotte smiled when she saw the results had arrived opening them she frowned at what she saw -

(DNA Results)

The Biological Father Of The Unborn Child Is -

Tom Clarkson - 98%

(DNA Results)

Charlotte was shocked, the baby was Tom's. She didn't know how she felt about that but she knew that Chris could continue his relationship with Kim without a newborn baby relying on him.

Chloe hated the fact that Charlotte was depressed because of Tom and she knew that if she didn't get help soon then it wouldn't be good. While walking through school she saw Max, since their row Chloe had only spoke to him about Aubree "Chloe a word" Chloe looked at him "is this about Aubree?" Max shook his head "no" Chloe nodded "then we have nothing to say" Max took Chloe's hand "I miss you" Chloe sighed "yeah right" Max went to kiss her "no don't" Chloe walked off and Max stood there thinking of how he could make it up to her.

Charlotte was debating on weather to text Tom and tell him about the baby being his, she didn't know if he would hate her still. She decided to wait until school was over and then go down to speak with Tom.

Chloe couldn't wait until school had ended so she could go home and chill with Aubree. It was nearing the end of the day and Chloe had had enough of the school, she was starting to hate school. While in Tom's lesson Chloe noticed he was acting cheerful "I've noticed since Charlotte isn't here you're being cheerful" Tom frowned "Chloe stay out of my personal life" Chloe scoffed "not so personal when you're treating people like crap" Tom glared "get out" Chloe smirked "with pleasure".

Charlotte made her way to the school just as it was nearing home time. When she got there she noticed Tom's car wasn't there "Charlotte?" Charlotte looked at Max "hiya" Max frowned "is there a problem?" Charlotte sighed "I had a DNA test done on my unborn baby and I've got the results" Max nodded "is that good?" "Its Tom's baby but I don't think I wanna tell him because of how he's been treating me" Max frowned "treating you how?" Charlotte sighed "he's been treating me like dirt, making things in lesson hard and just making me feel like I'm not worth anything" Max nodded "I will talk to him" Charlotte watched as Max got in his car and drove off.

Max arrived at Tom's and sighed. Knocking the door he smirked when Josh answered "Mr.Tyler" Max looked at him "I need to speak to your father" Josh sighed "you're not the only one" Max frowned as he heard arguing "who's that?" "Chloe" Max walked into the house and into the living room.

Chloe was at Tom's determined to get him change his ways towards Charlotte "you are such a bully, one minute you wanna know Charlotte and get into her bed the next you're hating on her!" Tom was getting annoyed at Chloe "get out of my house" Chloe scoffed "you're ridiculous" Max walked in just as Chloe was going on at Tom "get her out of here" Max looked at Tom "I've been speaking to Charlotte" Tom frowned "what's that got to do with anything?" Max smirked "the child she's carrying is yours" Tom was shocked "my baby?" Max nodded "yes" Chloe smirked "you don't deserve that baby" Chloe walked out just as Max grabbed her "wait outside" Chloe glared and left the house. Max turned to Tom "you need to stop the way you're acting Tom, you're a member of staff, you can't act like that" Tom sighed "I'll apologise to Charlotte" Max nodded and left the house.

Eddie and Rachel returned home to find that Chloe and Charlotte weren't there and Rachel had Aubree "where are they?" Eddie shrugged "I don't know" Rachel placed Aubree on the sofa but Aubree got down and walked over to the table as she attempted to climb "Aubree no" Aubree giggled "Aubee yes" Rachel smiled and puck her granddaughter up.

Chloe was leaning against Max's car as he came out "didn't expect you too turn up here defending Charlotte" Max smirked "I do care Chloe" Chloe nodded "course you do, just not about me" Max sighed "I do care about you Chloe" Chloe smiled "yeah?" Max nodded and Chloe sighed "I don't believe you" Chloe went to walk off when Max took hold of her hand and pulled her back to him "I believe that I'll prove it to you" Chloe nodded "good luck with that" Max smirked just as Chloe's phone rang, looking she saw it was Eddie -


Eddie - Chloe have you seen Charlotte?

Chloe - no, not since this morning why?

Eddie - she's not answering her phone.

Chloe - I'll try calling her. I'll be home soon.

Eddie - alright, if you hear from her tell me

Chloe - okay


"Problem?" Chloe shushed him and dialled Charlotte's number -

**This is Charlotte. Leave a message and I might get back too you.**

"Charlotte its me, where are you? Get in touch with me or Eddie or even my mum. Please don't do anything silly. Remember I love you" Chloe hung up and looked at Max "Charlotte's gone missing" Max frowned "she was at the school earlier" Chloe was confused "why didn't you mention this?" Max sighed "Chloe she said she was going home" Chloe groaned "this isn't good, I need too go home" "I'll take you".

When Chloe got home she rushed inside "Chloe have you heard anything?" Chloe shook her head "no, she's not answering my texts or phonecalls" Eddie sighed "I hope she's alright" Chloe noticed the DNA Test results so she puck them up to hide them from Eddie "what's that?" Chloe smiled "nothing, homework" Eddie nodded and Chloe took Aubree upstairs". It was nearing 9pm and Charlotte still wasn't back "I think we should call the police" Rachel nodded and Eddie dialled 999. The police arrived and took a statement from Eddie about Charlotte and assured Eddie that they would find her. Chloe was panicking about Charlotte and all she wanted was her best friend back where she was safe.


A/N - This Didn't Take Aslong As The Previous Chapter xD

Hopefully Another One Tonight. Just Need Too Think Of Something That Can Happen.

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now Xoxo

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