Chapter 18 - Proposal's & Coma's Part One.

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A/N - This Is Chapter That I'm Literally In LOVE With! Haa.

Next One - Started Tonight. Posted Tomorrow.

It'll Be A Short One

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Chloe was beginning to panic about Charlotte, since Tom had told Charlotte that he had been given full custody of Taitlyn all she had done was go to school, cry, and self-harm. That morning Chloe went to check on Charlotte "are you coming down?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, do you think Taitlyn will remember me?" Chloe smiled "yeah, you're her mummy and she'll back with us soon" Charlotte felt the tears hit her eyes "does Tom hate me that much? He knows I'd never do anything to hurt Taitlyn" Chloe sighed "I'm not gonna pretend I understand Tom's reasons for doing what he did but I'm 100% on your side" Charlotte smiled "thanks Chloe" Chloe hugged her "no worries, always here for you".

Arriving at school Charlotte wasn't expecting to see Tom with Taitlyn's carseat as he had taken her out of the school creche and enrolled her in a private daycare "I will never forgive Tom for this" Chloe sadly smiled "don't dwell on it, Taitlyn is your daughter and she'll be back with you soon" Charlotte nodded just as Tom came over "Charlotte can we talk in private?" Charlotte glared "no" Tom sighed "please" Chloe scoffed "you've got some nerve, first you take her daughter and now you wanna talk to her? Sorry Tom, you're a massive joke!" Charlotte took Chloe's hand and pulled her away from Tom "he's not worth it Chloe" Chloe sighed "what I don't get is Max is worse than him and he never did anything like this when Aubree was newborn" Charlotte sighed "you weren't a massive trainwreck" Chloe smiled "you're not a trainwreck Charl" Charlotte nodded "yeah I am, I couldn't even look after my baby girl properly" Chloe hugged Charlotte "Tom is being a jackass, when Taitlyn is back with you then you can do to him what he's doing to you" Charlotte nodded "yeah".

Max knew what he was going to do in order to get Chloe back and he wasn't going to let anything get between them again. While sitting in the office he looked at the little box he had, he was going to propose to Chloe, he didn't care what Rachel thought, he was in love with Chloe and he was going to show it.

Chloe and Charlotte sat in Tom's lesson but they were refusing to do any work in there "why aren't you two working?" Chloe looked at Scout "because Mr.Clarkson has taken Charlotte's daughter away from her" Scout frowned and put her pen down "Scout, why have you stopped working?" Scout looked at Tom "its not right taking a baby away from her mother" Tom looked at Chloe and Charlotte "you told her?" Chloe rolled her eyes "and what?" Tom sighed "Chloe I did it for Taitlyn, she's not safe with Charlotte being depressed" Charlotte scoffed "she is safe! I would never hurt her!" Tom again sighed "I'm not discussing this here" Charlotte stood, gathered her things and walked out the lesson "see what you've done now Chloe?" Chloe rolled her eyes "don't blame me, you're the reason that this has happened!" Tom was about to speak when the receptionist came in "Mr.Tyler wants Chloe Mason" Chloe smirked and she left the classroom.

Charlotte hated Tom, she hated him like she had never hated anyone before, he took her baby girl from her. She was standing on the roof of the school, she didn't want to live if she didn't have Taitlyn with her.

Chloe went to the office and heard Aubree giggling so she walked in "what's all this?" Max looked at her "mama" Chloe smiled "hi baby" Max looked at Chloe "there's something I need to say" Chloe nodded "say" Max took a deep breath "when I met you it was my intention to use you too get rid of your mother and it nearly worked but then I found out you were pregnant and that all changed, I had someone that would need me" Chloe looked at Aubree who was standing by Max and he continued "since the day you had my child I've found my love towards you growing and I've realised that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our daughter".

Charlotte noticed everyone staring up at her and she saw Eddie "Charlotte, come down" Charlotte looked down at him and felt the tears in her eyes he had been so great to her and she hoped he wouldn't ever forget her and he wouldn't let Taitlyn forget her "Charlotte! Come on come down".

Chloe was still confused as to what Max was going on about "is there a point to all this?" Max smirked "Chloe, I love you and there'll never be anyone else, so what I'm trying to say is marry me" Chloe was shocked "you what?" Max smirked "marry me" Max handed Aubree the little box "give that to mummy" Aubree giggled and walked over to Chloe "mama" Chloe took the box from Aubree and just as she was about to answer she heard someone yell Charlotte's name "what the?" Max puck Aubree up "I'll think about it" Max nodded and Chloe took off out the office.

Charlotte was swaying on the roof because of the wind "come on darling, get down" as it was slippy on the roof she tried to get down but she slipped backwards and hit her head knocking her out "CHARLOTTE!!".


A/N - Another Cliffhanger xD I Couldn't Help It. I'll Start The Next One ASAP.

Should Chloe Say Yes Too Max's Proposal?

Hope You Liked.

Bye For Now Xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें