Chapter 49 - Being Ignored.

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A/N - This Is Dedicated To StrangeDesires.

Next Chapter - Ooo Its Gonna Be Good! There'll Be Chloe&Max Drama Aswell As The Reason Eddie Has Been Distant From Charlotte!!

Hope You Like. Xoxo


Chloe had noticed that since Eddie had been distant from Charlotte that she was sinking back into depression and Chloe didn't want that for Charlotte. That morning Chloe got Aubree dressed and went upstairs "you're running late aren't you?" Max turned to her "I know" Chloe grinned "your two year old daughter is even ready" Max smirked "I'm aware" before Chloe could say anything her phone went off, looking at it she saw a text from Charlotte -

*Lottie - need 2 talk too u at school! Xo

*Chloe - Okay, what about? Xo

*Lottie - I'll tell you @ school! Xo

*Chloe - Okay. Xo

Chloe sighed "problem?" Chloe looked at him "nope" before Max could speak Chloe heard Aubree "mama" Chloe walked downstairs and saw Aubree sitting on the bottom of the stairs "what you doing?" Aubree giggled "hide" Chloe grinned and puck Aubree up "mama go?" "Go in a minute" Aubree pouted "mama?" Chloe grinned and kissed Aubree on the head.

Arriving at school Chloe met with Charlotte and they took their girls to the creche "how's things with Eddie?" Charlotte sighed "he's still ignoring me" Chloe frowned "has he still not said anything as to why?" Charlotte shook her head "no, its really getting to me Chloe" Chloe pulled Charlotte into a hug "its gonna be okay" Charlotte shrugged "yeah, right".

Once Aubree and Taitlyn were in the creche the girls went to registration "I think Aubree is entering terrible two's" Charlotte smiled "why?" Chloe grinned "she went into a strop last night because she didn't wanna go to bed" Charlotte laughed "awh cute" Chloe smiled "where's Mrs.Diamond?" Charlotte shrugged just as Imogen spoke "staff meeting" Chloe nodded "right".

The meeting had ended so Max went to leave Michael's office when Tom approached him "has Chloe told you anything?" Max turned to him "like what?" Tom sighed "like who sent Charlotte those flowers" Max smirked "not jealous are you?" Tom frowned "no, but if someone is playing 'daddy' to my daughter I have a right to know. Imagine if it was Chloe" Max sighed "she did mention who it was" Tom frowned "who?" "Michael" Tom nodded and walked off.

It was time for Maths with Eddie and Charlotte was anxious for this lesson "its gonna be okay" Charlotte was shaking "what if he ignores me?" Chloe sighed "he can't, we're in school". Entering the classroom Charlotte and Chloe took a seat at the back of the classroom and waited for Eddie to begin the lesson. During the lesson Eddie started asking questions and Charlotte tried answering them Eddie however ignored her "what is his problem?" Chloe frowned "I don't know" Eddie spoke again "can anyone tell me the answer to this problem?" Charlotte was the only one who raised her hand but Eddie looked away "Imogen, do you know?" Imogen answered the question and Chloe noticed the hurt look on Charlotte's face.

When the Maths lesson ended Chloe and Charlotte left the classroom "wow, he must hate me" Chloe sighed "I'm sure he doesn't" Charlotte scoffed "you saw what he was like Chloe, I was the only one who wanted to answer the question and he blatantly ignored me" Chloe sighed "I'm sorry" Charlotte shrugged "I'm sure I'll live" Chloe watched as Charlotte walked off and Max approached her "everything okay?" Chloe nodded "fine" Max took her hand and kissed it before she walked off.

Charlotte was standing in the corridor with Chloe and Imogen when Tom approached "a word now" Charlotte frowned "what's this about?" Tom glared "I know who sent you those flowers" Charlotte was shocked "who told you?" "Mr.Tyler" Chloe got angry "he what?" Tom glared "stay out of this" Chloe rolled her eyes and Charlotte spoke "don't be jealous Tom, doesn't suit you" Tom glared "he is not playing 'dad' to my kid" Charlotte scoffed "your girlfriend isn't playing 'mum' to her either" Tom walked off "I need to go see someone" Charlotte frowned as Chloe walked off.

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