Chapter 56 - An Accident In School Part One

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A/N - MASSIVE Thanks too 5sos158 for the great idea she's given me.

I'll be ending this on a cliffhanger.

Next Update - Soon.

Hope You Like

Max had been more affectionate with Chloe and she had no idea why. That morning Chloe woke around 5am and she saw Max sitting up in bed "morning" Chloe smiled "morning" Max kissed her before getting out of bed.

Arriving at school Chloe said bye to Max and walked over to Charlotte "morning" Charlotte smiled "how are you?" Chloe grinned "today? never better" Charlotte nodded "why would that be?" Chloe winked "for me to know and you too find out" Charlotte laughed "I'm guessing you and Max got up to no good" Chloe grinned "maybe".

During registration, Max walked in "I need to speak to Chloe" Chloe stood and followed Max outside "what's this about?" Max smirked and pushed Chloe against the wall planting his lips on hers in a passionate kiss which she loved "no, stop" Max stopped "what?" Chloe sighed "I love this but its too risky" Max smirked "all part of the fun" Chloe grinned as Max kissed her again.

Adam stood outside Waterloo Road staring at the building with a look of hate on his face. He was going to do something that ensured he got Aubree-Leigh for certain.

Chloe and Charlotte were walking to lesson when Chloe's phone went off -

Max - Tonight, I'm taking you out.

Chloe grinned at the text "what?" Chloe showed Charlotte the text "wow" Chloe smiled "he's been really affectionate lately" Charlotte grinned "he loves you Chloe" Chloe smiled "I love him too".

Max was sitting in his office when he got a reply from Chloe -

Chloe - Look forward too it

Smirking he started the paperwork Michael had asked him to do.

Adam was standing in an empty classroom waiting for his time to get Aubree.

It was  breaktime so Chloe and Charlotte went to take Aubree and Taitlyn for a walk round the school. Once they had puck their daughters up and they left.

Adam heard Chloe's voice so he took a step outside the classroom "hello Chloe" Chloe paled "what the hell are you doing here?" Adam smirked "I'm here to take Aubree" Chloe scoffed "no chance, do one" Adam glared as he took the gun from his back pocket "I suggest you two get in there now".

Max had just finished the paperwork when his phone went off, looking he saw a text from Chloe -

Chloe - Get everyone out! Adam has a gun!

Max paled and he went to inform Michael "we need to get everyone out now" Michael frowned "why?" "Adam Fleet has a gun and he's in the building" Michael paled and he stood, setting off the fire alarm.

Adam glared at Chloe and Charlotte "one of you has told someone" Chloe smirked "I did" Adam looked at her "are you trying to get a bullet put in you?" Chloe rolled her eyes "you wouldn't" Adam smirked "try me Chloe".

Everyone was outside and Max was looking around for Chloe but he couldn't see her so he got his phone and dialled her number.

This is Chloe, I'm not available right now. Leave a message and I'll get back to you. Peace out yo.

He realised that she was in the school, he noticed that Charlotte wasn't there either. He noticed that he couldn't see his daughter.

Chloe noticed that Aubree had fallen asleep "what are you trying to prove? that you're a hard man with a gun" Adam smirked "Chloe, you never deserved that girl, you're a rubbish mum and she would be better off with me" Chloe frowned "you want Aubree for yourself".

Charlotte was in shock that Adam had a gun and he was threatning to use it, she was relieved when she noticed Taitlyn and Aubree asleep in their pushchairs "Adam, you don't need the gun, you're gonna get yourself into a load of trouble" Adam turned to Charlotte "keep quiet".

The police had arrived at the school and they now had the building surrounded "Adam Fleet, this is the police, we have the building surrounded, come out with your hands up".

Adam turned his back to the girls and Chloe looked at Charlotte "I'm gonna get the gun" Charlotte frowned "Chloe no!" It was too late Chloe went for the gun resulting in a struggle and then... BANG! the gun went off.

A/N - Ooo who got shot? ;) Let me know your thoughts.

Next Update - Asap!!

Hope You liked.

Bye for now.xoxo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें