Chapter 94 - What Happened Part Two.

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Max didn't hate Chloe, he loved her "Chloe, listen I love you and our daughters" Chloe fell to the floor crying "I'm sorry" Max pulled her from the floor and took her over to the sofa "Chloe, you're everything to me, I love you" Chloe was still crying "you're just saying that" "I'm not" Chloe looked at him "prove it" Max kissed her, she kissed back, he lay her down on the sofa. It soon led onto something more.

Max pulled away from Chloe and sorted himself out "are you alright?" Chloe nodded as she buttoned up her blouse "yeah" Max smirked "good" Chloe sighed "I am sorry about the texts" Max walked over to her and started kissing her again.

Charlotte couldn't believe the humiliation that had happened, she was worried about Chloe as Max had taken her away, she discreetly got her phone and text Chloe -

Charlotte - Are you Okay? Xx

Chloe - Yeah suppose so Xx

Charlotte - What happened? Xx

Chloe - It doesn't matter, I'll tell you later Xx

Charlotte - Okay Xx

The lesson ended so Charlotte stood to leave but Tom spoke "Charlotte, stay behind". When the class was empty Tom turned to Charlotte "how did Chloe know about that?" Charlotte sighed "when I stayed over with Chloe we were talking about how you and Max performed in the bedroom" Tom was shocked "you did what? That's our personal business. Does Max know about this?" Charlotte shrugged "I don't know" Tom sighed "why did you talk about this, where was Taitlyn?" "she was in bed, Tom I'm sorry" Tom turned to Charlotte and planted his lips on hers in a passionate kiss "we'll get through this and I'm sure Chloe and Max will too".

Chloe left the office just as Rhiannon approached "what's it like?" Chloe inwardly groaned "whats what like?" Rhiannon grinned "having Mr.Tyler kiss your neck" Chloe rolled her eyes "you'll never find out will you?" Rhiannon frowned as Chloe walked away.

Charlotte went looking for Chloe and found her sitting outside "hey" Chloe looked up and faintly smiled "Max knows" Charlotte sat next to Chloe on the grass "what did he say?" Chloe sighed "said I could have ruined his career, he's right" Charlotte frowned "you've not split up have you?" Chloe shook her head "no, says he still loves me and the girls" Charlotte smiled "that's good isn't it?" Chloe nodded "yeah, although part of me thinks that we're only together for Aubree and Isla" Charlotte sighed "that's not true" Chloe shrugged "isn't it? You're telling me that if he had the chance to be with Kim he wouldn't" Charlotte nodded "Chloe, he has two daughters with you, he's engaged to you  he loves you, Kim Campbell is nothing in comparrison" Chloe stood "you're right, have you got any free periods today?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, rest of today"  Chloe grinned "good, let's go".

Chloe and Charlotte had gone into town with their daughters "what's all this in aid of?" Chloe sighed "I wanna prove to Max that I do love him" Charlotte grinned "how?" Chloe smiled "by wedding dress shopping" Charlotte grinned again "why have you got us all here then?" it was Chloe's turn to grin "because you're all my bridesmaids and Charl, you're ny Maid Of Honour" Charlotte smiled "you serious?" Chloe nodded "too right, you're my best friend and my sister, It's only right that its you I choose" Charlotte hugged Chloe "you mean so much to me".

Max went to check on Aubree and Isla in the creché, he was shocked when he saw they weren't there "who took them?" The Key-Worker looked up "Chloe, Charlotte also took Taitlyn and Lillie" Max nodded and left.

Chloe was in the wedding dress shop when her phone rang "It's Max, shh" Charlotte grinned as Chloe answered the phone -

Call Begins

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