Chapter 61 - I Can't Stop Loving You.

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A/N - This is just a filler chapter and won't be very long but I'm bored and have nothing too do. I've read three stories in an hour.

Next update - Soon

Hope you like. Xoxo

Chloe and Charlotte had slowly been repairing their friendship and it seemed to be working however things between Tom and Charlotte were incredibly tense.

That morning Chloe was sitting on the sofa with Aubree while Max was getting ready "mama you ove me?" Chloe grinned "yeah, mummy loves you" Aubree giggled "and dada?" Chloe smiled "daddy loves you too" Aubree nodded "yay!".

Arriving at school Chloe took Aubree from the car just as Charlotte came over "hiya" Chloe turned to her "hi" Max looked at Chloe "I'll see you later" Chloe smiled and Max walked off "shall we take these too the creché?" Charlotte smiled "yeah". Once Aubree and Taitlyn were in the creché Chloe and Charlotte went to sit in registration "how are your hands?" Chloe shrugged "sting abit but getting there" Charlotte smiled "good".

After registration the girls had a free lesson "me and Max are going to London again" Charlotte smiled "how come?" Chloe shrugged "says he wants too take me again" Charlotte grinned "aww, that's well romantic" Chloe smiled "yeah".

Tom stood watching Charlotte and decided to speak with her "Chalotte, can I have a word?" Charlotte nodded and followed Tom. Once outside Charlotte turned to Tom "what's this about?" Tom smiled "I can't stop loving you" Charlotte frowned "no, not doing this" "doing what?" Charlotte sighed "this, you had sex with my best friend" because she was down, you basically took advantage of her, I don't think I could ever forgive that, part of me will always love you because of Taitlyn but I don't want too be with you".

Chloe stood and walked out the library "Chloe?" Chloe ignored everyone who spoke to her.

Max had just finished the meeting he had too attend at the LEA. When he was walking to his office he saw Chloe speeding towards him "Chloe?" Chloe looked at him "I wanna go home" Max frowned "what's happened?" Chloe sighed "Max please, I want too go home" Max nodded "I'll collect Aubree and inform Michael" Chloe smiled "thanks".

Charlotte found Chloe standing outside Max's office "are you okay?" Chloe shook her head "I'm going home" Charlotte frowned "what's wrong?" Chloe sighed "today is harder than I thought" Charlotte smiled "okay, I'll text you later" Chloe nodded.

Arriving home Chloe sat on the sofa with Max while Aubree slept upstairs, "is there a reason you wanted to leave school?" Chloe sighed "it was harder than I thought it would be" Max kissed her "you'll be fine" Chloe smiled "I hope so".

Charlotte returned home and text Chloe -

Charlotte - hope you're Okay xx

Chloe - I'm fine, coping xx

Charlotte - text me if you need me xx

Chloe - Okay xx

Charlotte sighed knowing Chloe was struggling after her breakdown but she was determined too help her friend get better.

Chloe went to bed that night but she couldn't fall asleep so when Max came up he was shocked too see Chloe still awake "why are you still awake?" Chloe shrugged "can't sleep" Max sighed as he climbed into bed, he kissed her before they both attempted to fall asleep.

A/N - Told you it would be short.

Next update - Soon.

Hope you liked.

Bye for now. Xoxo.

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant