Chapter 47 - Open Day.

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A/N - This Is Gonna Be An Incredibly Short Chapter. I Have No Ideas For The Next Couple Of Chapters. Therfore I'm Unsure As To When I Can Update Again.

Hope You Like. Xo


Chloe was in school for 7:45am and she hated it so while Aubree was in the creche Chloe was sitting in the office with Max "what's this open day actually about?" Max looked up from the paperwork "to show the school to parents intrested in sending their children here" Chloe nodded "right, sounds boring" Max smirked "has to be done" Chloe rolled her eyes "and what's the point in having me here this early?" Max smiled "because you would end up late" Chloe grinned "oh".

Chloe and Charlotte had been put on 'Meet&Greet' Duty but Chloe wasn't in the mood "you spoken to Tom at all?" Charlotte shook her head "no, when he comes for Taitlyn I take her out to him and then go back in" Chloe sighed "that's not doing you any good is it?" Charlotte shrugged "I'm trying to move on Chloe, and Tom seems to be making that impossible" Chloe nodded "if I'm being honest then you should do what's best for you and Taitlyn, she needs her mummy to be strong" Charlotte smiled.

During breaktime Chloe and Charlotte were standing in the hall when Chris approached them "everything alright girls?" Chloe nodded "yeah, fine" Chris smiled "that's good" Chloe nodded and Chris walked off "what was all that about?" Charlotte shrugged "I have no idea" Chloe frowned and noticed Chris talking with Max just as Kim came over "hiya girls" Chloe gave a fake smile while Charlotte said hello back and Kim looked at Chloe "how are things going with Max?" Chloe shrugged "fine, why?" Kim shook her head "no reason, Charlotte how's your daughter" "she's great, thanks" Kim nodded and walked off "what the hell was all that about?" Charlotte was confused "I have no idea" Chloe thought for a moment "Mr.Mead and Miss.Campbell both come and talk too us when there's parents to talk too" Charlotte nodded "I know, its weird"Chloe sighed "come on, I need to get away from weird people".

Max saw Chloe leave the hall so he went after her "Chloe" Chloe and Charlotte turned to see Max "what?" "A word" Chloe sighed and looked at Charlotte "I'll catch up with you" Charlotte smiled "okay". Once Charlotte was out of sight Chloe turned to Max "what's this about?" Max sighed "why did you walk from the hall?" Chloe shrugged "because, Kim and Chris were freaking me out" Max frowned "how?" Chloe rolled her eyes "Kim asking how me living with you is going and Chris asking how I am" Max smirked "right, well I think you should return to the hall" Chloe shook her head "no, its too crowded" Max frowned "its an open day, of course its going to be crowded" Chloe sighed "I said I'd meet with Charlotte anyways" Max nodded.

Chloe sat in Maths and she wasn't paying attention until a note was pushed in front of her -

*R U OK? U Seem down - Cha.

*Yeah, I'm fine. Thinking - Chl

*OK. BTW, Max was looking for you earlier - Cha

* I'll see him later - Chl

*OK. Suppose we should do this work - Cha

Chloe grinned at Charlotte and carried on with her work. When the lesson ended Chloe went to leave when Rachel called her. Once the classroom was empty Rachel spoke "how are things?" Chloe shrugged "can't complain" Rachel smiled "its quiet with you at home" Chloe grinned "that's good" Rachel laughed "I want you too come home" Chloe sighed "no mum, I'm doing this for Aubree, she needs both her parents together" Rachel frowned "you don't need to be engaged for that to happen" Chloe rolled her eyes "you don't understand do you? I want too stay with Max, and not just for Aubree" Rachel sighed and Chloe walked out the classroom.

As it was lunchtime Chloe sat outside with Charlotte after they had been to the chip shop "did you speak to Max?" Chloe shook her head "nope, I'll speak to him later" Charlotte nodded "okay, are you alright?" Chloe smiled and nodded "yeah, I'm fine" Charlotte grinned "how's Aubree?" "She's great, talking my head off" Charlotte laughed "aw bless her" Chloe sighed "do you ever think what would have happened if my mum stayed with Adam?" Charlotte shrugged "well, you probably wouldn't have come up to Scotland" Chloe laughed "can't imagine not being here" "me either".

The last two lessons were free so Chloe and Charlotte sat in the hall "this has been boring" Charlotte nodded "yeah, we need some drama to happen" Chloe laughed "I know". The girls were still in the hallway when the doors burst open and Kim came in with Chris behind her "Kim, he's your ex and you're obsessed with him!" Chloe frowned and looked at Charlotte who shrugged "maybe because he'd be an amazing dad" Chris rolled his eyes "he's not even in Scotland" Kim scoffed "I can always get him to come up here" Chris glared "do it, but just so you know, its over between us" Chloe was shocked "has he just dumped Campbell?" Charlotte nodded and Chloe looked over to Max who looked angry as he walked over to Kim and Chris "keep personal problems out of school" Chris sighed "sorry" Kim nodded "me too" Max walked back over to the parents he was speaking with and Kim and Chris went seperate ways.

School had ended so Chloe and Charlotte went to get Aubree and Taitlyn "how about tomorrow we take these two to the park?" Chloe smiled "yeah, that be good" Charlotte nodded "after school?" Chloe nodded "I'll catch you later".

Eddie, Rachel and Charlotte returned home and Eddie went to bed as he was unwell "well, Eddie has gone to bed so shall we order takeaway?" Charlotte nodded "me and Chloe are taking Aubree and Taitlyn to the park after school tomorrow" Rachel smiled "that'll be nice" Charlotte grinned "yeah, I'm looking forward to it".

Chloe was sitting out in the garden with Aubree as Max was doing something "mama, go nana?" Chloe smiled "you'll see nana tomorrow" Aubree giggled "yay nana" Chloe grinned just as Max came out "ook mama" Chloe smiled "what?" Aubree pointed to Max "my dada" Chloe laughed "you can keep him" Aubree nodded "yeah". A couple hours later Max put Aubree to bed while Chloe did her homework although she had no idea what to do. When Max came back down Chloe was giving up "problem?" Chloe nodded "school is the problem" Max looked at her "why?" Chloe sighed "this homework, its hard as hell" "don't do it then" Chloe grinned "I'm not" Max came and sat by Chloe and began kissing her, if she was being honest she was enjoying it.

Later on that night Chloe sat in bed while Max was in the shower and she rang Charlotte -


Chloe - hey, how's things?

Charlotte - can't complain. Taitlyn's asleep, Eddie's asleep and your mum's gone out

Chloe - N'awh. Aren't you bored?

Charlotte - yeah, bored as hell. There's nothing on TV.

Chloe - haa. I'm such a good girl.

Charlotte - why?

Chloe - tucked up in bed

Charlotte - oh right, been up to no good?

Chloe - I'm not telling.

Charlotte - haa! I'm off too sleep

Chloe - night night

Charlotte - night


Chloe hung up just as Max climbed into bed "who was that?" Chloe smiled "Charlotte" Max nodded and kissed her before they both fell asleep.


A/N - This Could Be The Last Update For A Few Days As I Have No Ideas For Ch48&49.

Next Update - Sometime This Week.

Hope You Liked

Bye For Now.

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ