Chapter 60 - Chloe's Breakdown

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A/N- Dedicated Too StrangeDesires + IndieLittleMe + Everyone Else Who Votes.

This isn't going too be a long update + I'll try too update again tonight.

Hope you like.

Things between Chloe and Charlotte had been tense as Chloe thought Charlotte hated her. That morning Chloe went downstairs and saw Aubree with Max "mama" Chloe gave a small smile "hi baby" Max placed Aubree down and walked over to Chloe "you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine".

Arriving at school Max had offered to take Aubree to the creché so Chloe said bye to her baby and watched as Max walked off with Aubree.

In registration Chloe sat away from Charlotte which everyone noticed "why aren't you sitting with Charlotte?" Chloe sighed "none of your business" Rhiannon frowned "had a fallout?" Chloe glared "none of your business so butt out!".

Registration had ended so Chloe stood and left so Imogen turned to Charlotte "what's happened between the pair of you?" Charlotte sighed "it doesn't matter" Charlotte walked off.

Chloe was sitting outside when her mum came over "is everything okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah" Rachel smiled"I've noticed you've not been with Charlotte" Chloe sighed "it doesn't matter" "is it because of what you and Tom did?" Chloe glared "I've said, it doesn't matter" Rachel frowned "talk too me Chloe" Chloe stood "I said I'm fine" Rachel was about to speak when Chloe walked out the gates.

Charlotte was walking through the corridors when Tom approached her "we need to talk" Charlotte sighed "no we don't" Tom took her hand "I'm sorry for what happened with Chloe" Charlotte frowned "I've been trying to forget about that" Tom looked at Charlotte "I love you" Charlotte rolled her eyes and walked off.

Chloe had been drinking, she knew everyone hated her and she wanted to forget that. She made her way back to the school but she was stumbling. When she got there she realised everyone was in lesson, she entered the building and she could just make out Charlotte and Tom.

Charlotte was getting annoyed of listening to Tom's excuses "Tom! Be quiet" Tom was about to speak when the door opened and Charlotte turned too see Chloe standing there swaying "Chloe?".

Chloe heard Charlotte's voice and tried to walk away but Charlotte took hold of her "get off me!" Charlotte frowned as Chloe pushed her away "Chloe? Are you alright?" Chloe rolled her eyes "what do you care?" Charlotte frowned "I do care" Chloe scoffed "no you don't, you hate me for what I did with him" Charlotte smiled "I don't hate you" Chloe tried walking away but she slipped and the glass bottle broke in her hands causing blood to come rushing out.

Rachel, Eddie, Max and Michael were in the staffroom when they heard the glass breaking so they went to see what caused. All four of them got a shock when they saw Chloe sitting on the floor crying with blood gushing down her arm, the sleeve on her school top was red due to the blood "what happened?" Charlotte looked at Rachel "she's been drinking and she slipped and the bottle broke, I've tried too comfort her but she pushed me away" Rachel frowned and took a step towards her daughter "Chloe? Its me, mum. I need to check your hands" Chloe looked up "go away" Rachel didn't listen "come on love, you don't Aubree to see her mummy like this" Chloe shrugged "she doesn't need me, she's better off without me".

Rachel had taken Chloe to the hospital and Charlotte was sitting in the creché with Aubree and Taitlyn "my mama?" Charlotte smiled "your mummy has had to go somewhere" Aubree frowned "my dada?" "he's working" Aubree's lips started quivering and she started crying "mama gone" Charlotte sat Aubree on her lap "she'll be back soon".

Chloe sat in the hospital bed and Rachel was sitting with her "are you Okay?" Chloe shrugged "don't know" Rachel sighed. The nurse walked in "hiya Chloe" Chloe didn't speak "we're just waiting for the doctor to come and sort your hands out" Chloe just nodded "okay".

Charlotte sat in Tom's classroom thinking about Chloe and hoping she was okay. When the lesson had ended Charlotte stood to leave "Charlotte, can I have a word?" Charlotte sighed but stayed behind "have you heard anything about Chloe?" Charlotte shook her head "no" Tom sighed "she'll be fine" Charlotte nodded "I know" Tom smiled "how about we go see her?" Charlotte nodded.

Arriving at the hospital, Charlotte asked where Chloe was. When they were outside Chloe's room they knocked "yeah?" entering Charlotte saw Chloe looking vulnerable "hiya" Rachel smiled "I'll leave you too talk". When Rachel had gone Charlote sat in the empty seat and Tom stood besides her "how are you feeling?" Chloe shrugged "fine I guess" Charlotte smiled "that's good" Chloe shrugged again "suppose so" Charlotte sighed "I'm sorry for how I've been acting" Chloe nodded "okay" Charlotte looked at Tom "can you give us a minute?" Tom nodded "sure".

When Tom had left Charlotte turned to Chloe "I'm sorry if it was my fault you had that breakdown" Chloe wiped her eyes "it wasn't" Charlotte smiled "Chloe, you're like my sister and I love you" Chloe looked at her "you hate me because of what I did with Tom" Charlotte shook her head "I don't hate you, I could never hate you".

Chloe had been discharged "how about you stay with us tonight?" Chloe shook her head "no" Rachel sighed "I'll take you back to Max's then".

Rachel had dropped Chloe off and she left when she knew Chloe was fine. Arriving back home Charlotte text Chloe -

Charlotte - I hope ur okay, I'll see you tomorrow. xx

Chloe - I'm fine & okay x

Charlotte sighed as Eddie called her for dinner.

Max put Aubree to bed that night and came to sit with Chloe "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Max smiled "good" Chloe looked at him "was Aubree okay?" Max nodded "yeah" Chloe looked at him and kissed him. A couple of hours later Chloe got tired so she said goodnight to Max and went up to bed.

A/N - Well, this didn't take long too type. haha.

Next update - Soon.

Hope you liked.

Bye for now. Xoxo

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