Chapter 7 - Charlotte's Scan.

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A/N - Should I Have Chloe Go Too The Treatment Clinic Again?

Next Chapter - Hopefully Today.

Hope You Like xoxo


Chloe was going with Charlotte to her baby scan, she still hadn't told anyone she was pregnant although it was starting to become obvious as Charlotte was throwing up. When Chloe was dressed she walked into Charlotte's room "are you okay?" Charlotte nodded "yeah I'm dreading today" Chloe smiled "everything is gonna be fine, your baby is gonna be fine" Charlotte grinned "I can't wait to see it" Chloe pulled Charlotte into a hug "we should go soon" Charlotte nodded "yeah".

As Aubree was with Max Chloe didn't need to take her to the creche "I'm so anxious" Chloe smiled "don't be". Arriving at the hospital Chloe had to take Charlotte's hands as she was shaking "calm down" Charlotte sighed. "Charlotte Lawson?" Charlotte and Chloe stood "you want me too come in with you?" Charlotte smiled "yeah please" Chloe nodded. They entered the room and Charlotte climbed onto the bed "hello Charlotte, I'm Carol" Charlotte gave a small smile "is this your sister?" Charlotte nodded "my dad is dating her mum so yeah" Carol smiled.

Michael had overheard a conversation between Imogen and Scout about Charlotte having a scan that day at the hospital and he had a feeling that the baby she was carrying was his. Walking to Max's office he was going to the hospital "Max you're in charge, two pupils have gone AWOL" Max frowned "who?" Michael sighed "Chloe Mason and Charlotte Lawson" Max sighed "I'll go and look for them" Michael shook his head "I'll go, I think I know where they are " Max nodded "okay" Michael left and Max was annoyed that Chloe had bunked off.

Charlotte's scan was going well "Charlotte, your baby is perfectly healthy for this stage and I'll send you an appointment in the post" before Charlotte could speak the door opened and Michael walked in which made Charlotte pale "wh-what are you doing here?" Michael looked at her "I think I have a right to know if you're expecting my child" Chloe inwardly groaned "Chloe, did you tell him?" Chloe shook her head "no, I've not told anyone" Charlotte frowned "how did you find out?" Michael sighed "I overheard people talking" Charlotte rolled her eyes "I wanna go" Chloe smiled.

When Charlotte and Chloe left the hospital Charlotte couldn't believe that Michael had found out about the scan "how did he even find out?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know, I didn't say anything" Charlotte sighed "the baby might not even be his, it could be Tom's or" Chloe frowned "what you mean 'or'?" Charlotte frowned "it doesn't matter" Chloe was confused "the baby could be someone else's?" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Chloe sighed "who's?" Charlotte was shaking again "Mr.Mead's" Chloe was shocked "when did that happen?" Charlotte sighed "before we left Rochdale, it just happened" Chloe nodded "not like I can judge" Charlotte was crying "it could be his baby but he won't know".

Arriving back at school Chloe saw Max glaring "with me now" Chloe looked at Charlotte who nodded so Chloe walked off with Max and followed him to his office "where have you been?" Chloe sighed "hospital" Max frowned "is everything okay?" Chloe nodded "baby scan" Max again frowned "you're pregnant?" Chloe shook her head "I'm not" Max nodded "Charlotte?" Chloe nodded "yeah, she didn't want to go alone" Max sighed "go on, back to lesson".

Chloe met with Charlotte outside "is everything OK?" Chloe nodded "yeah, Max thought it was me who was pregnant" Charlotte sighed "it was me who told him I was pregnant" Chloe smiled "he told me, I didn't believe him though" Charlotte sighed "I think tonight I should Eddie and Rachel" Chloe smiled "I'll be there with you" Charlotte hugged her "thanks" Chloe grinned "Aubree's gonna love you" Charlotte grinned "why?" Chloe shrugged "she wants a baba" Charlotte laughed "that not on the plans for you?" Chloe shook her head "nope, not until I'm at least 25 plus" Charlotte grinned "I remember you told me the once you never wanted kids" Chloe laughed "that was before Aubree, I love her little face too the moon and back" Charlotte smiled "I think she looks a lot like you" Chloe grinned "when she was born she looked like Max".

Charlotte didn't know if Tom knew she was pregnant but if she was being honest she didn't want him to know. While waiting for him to begin his lesson Chloe could tell she was nervous "calm down, everything is gonna be fine" Charlotte sighed "I don't know if he knows" Chloe smiled "well if he does then there's nothing you can do" Charlotte groaned "this is hard" Chloe sighed "it'll get easier" "when?" Chloe shrugged "I don't know. Tom seemed to be in a good mood "I don't think he knows" Charlotte sighed in relief "good, I don't want him too know" Chloe smiled "it'll become obvious soon" Charlotte sighed "yeah I know" Chloe hugged her "everything is gonna be spiffingly fine".

When they got home Charlotte decided that she should tell Eddie and Rachel about her pregnancy "I'm gonna tell them" Chloe smiled "let's go, I'll be there too". Entering the living toom Chloe sat Aubree on the sofa "Eddie, Mum. Charlotte has something to say" Eddie frowned "what's wrong?" Charlotte took a deep breath "I'm pregnant" Eddie was shocked "who's the father?" "Just some randomer from a club" Eddie sighed "okay, well I'll support you 100%" Charlotte smiled "thanks" Rachel grinned "I'll be there for you too" Charlotte smiled "thanks Rachel".

Chloe went to bed that night and fell asleep thinking about her future hoping she would be happy.


A/N - Sorry It Was Short. I'm Not In The Best Of Moods.

Don't Know When I'm Next Gonna Update. No Idea's And Watching Old Episodes Isn't Working. Sorry.

Bye For Now

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