Chapter 101 - Weekends

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A/N - The Chlax will be in 103 and the Charlom in 104.

If you have any thoughts or ideas then let me know.

This is a weekend chapter so it won't be very long.


It was the weekend and Chloe could tell that something was wrong with Aubree so Max sat in the house with Isla while Chloe was outside with Aubree "Aubree is someone being mean to you in Nursery?" Aubree looked up and shook her head "no Mummy" Chloe frowned as Aubree started crying "Aubree what's the matter?" Aubree stood from the grass and she ran into the house so Chloe went to see if she was okay, she got into the house and saw Aubree being held by Max "Aubree talk to Mummy" Aubree looked at her Daddy "the mean man saids you and Mummy don't love me" Chloe frowned "Aubree what man?" Aubree shook her head "I not know Mummy" Chloe took a look at Max who had concerned etched on his face "tell me, what did this man look like?" Aubree looked at her Mummy "the tall man".

Charlotte had just returned from taking Taitlyn and Lillie to the park and when she got inside she heard Eddie laughing "Grandad!" Taitlyn ran into Eddie's arms "what you doing here?" Eddie smiled "I'm taking your daughters for the night" Charlotte grinned "why?" Eddie looked at Tom "your fiancée has something planned" Charlotte looked at Tom who had a smirk on his face "well thanks Eddie" Eddie stood and took Lillie from Charlotte before he left with the girls.

Chloe had just put Aubree and Isla to bed and she went to sit with Max "who was this mean man Aubree was talking about?" Max sighed "don't think on it until tomorrow,we'll talk to her tomorrow, she'll talk to us" Chloe sighed "what if it's someone who tries to take kids?" Max looked at his Fiancée "our daughter will be fine, I'll pay for a private Nursery" Chloe frowned "Max you can't do that" Max smirked "I can and I will" Chloe kissed him and they fell asleep.

Charlotte and Tom were having a romantic night and Charlotte loved every minute of it "I promise that by our wedding I'll be walking" Charlotte smiled "I believe in you Tom and I know you can do it" Tom kissed her and she kissed back, it soon became heated and Tom pulled away "I'm sorry" Charlotte frowned as Tom rolled into the bedroom they had downstairs so Charlotte followed him, she walked in and saw him crying "Tom?" Tom looked up "I'm sorry, I can't even be intimate with the woman I love" Charlotte sighed "Tom, I don't need to do that with you, I know you love me" Tom kissed her and they went to bed.

The Next Day

Chloe sat in bed with Max thinking about what Aubree said "Max, this man who said that to Aubree, you don't think he's going to take her from the Nursery do you?" Max sighed "Chloe, she'll be fine and tomorrow I'll start looking for private Nurseries for her" Chloe looked at Max and climbed on top of him "you're amazing" Max kissed her just as the bedroom door opened "Mummy?" Chloe got off Max and smiled at Aubree "hey beautiful come here" Aubree came over and Chloe pulled her under the duvet, she looked at the clock and saw it was 7am "Aubree what did this man look like?" Aubree looked at her Mummy "tall man?" Chloe nodded "yeah the tall man" Aubree looked scared and she tugged on her Mum's hair "this colour hair and this colour skin" Aubree pointed to her arms "good girl, do you know his name?" Aubree shook her head "no, me sorry" Chloe kissed her daughters head "you did so good baby" Aubree snuggled into Chloe's side and she fell asleep.

Chloe had gone over to Charlotte's as she needed to give her something, when she got there she saw Charlotte sitting outside with Taitlyn "hey" Taitlyn looked up and grinned "hi Choe" Chloe smiled "hey Tails" Charlotte stood "how's things?" Chloe shrugged "can't complain, although me and Max are taking Aubree from that Nursery" Charlotte frowned "why?" Chloe sighed "some guy said to her me and Max didn't love her" Charlotte was shocked "oh my god, is Aubree okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah she's fine, bit scared" Charlotte sighed "at least she's okay" Chloe grinned "anyways I have something for you" Charlotte smiled and followed Chloe to the boot of her car "these don't fit Aubree anymore so do you want them for Tails?" Charlotte saw three bags of clothes "yeah, Tails needs some new stuff, thanks"

Charlotte and Chloe were sitting in Chloe's car talking "how's things with Tom?" Charlotte shrugged "he got upset last night because we can't be intimate" Chloe grinned "you know what you need to do" Charlotte frowned "what's that?" Chloe winked "pleasure him" Charlotte flushed red "Chloe!" Chloe laughed "what? Don't tell me you've never done that" Charlotte grinned "I'm not telling" Chloe winked "I should go".

Chloe returned home and saw Aubree sitting outside with Max "Mummy" Chloe grinned "hi" Max took Chloe inside but they could still see Aubree "she mentioned the person's name began with 'A" Chloe frowned "well its not Adam, he's banged up" Max sighed and kissed her before calling Aubree into the house.

A Few Hours Later.

Chloe had just settled Aubree and Isla and she went downstairs to where Max was "if I ever see this 'mean man' I'm gonna smack him round the face" Max smirked "that won't help" Chloe rolled her eyes "well it would help me. Don't tell me that you wouldn't get satisfaction punching this weirdo and" Chloe couldn't finish as Max kissed her "do you always have to kiss me?" Max smirked "indeed" Chloe rolled her eyes as Max kissed her again "I have to love you don't I?" Max smirked as he stood and took Chloe upstairs with him and kissed her with passion "in three weeks you're going to be my wife" Chloe grinned and kissed him. A couple hours later they both fell asleep unaware of the person standing outside.


A/N - Well Yeah, I've had to do this three times -_- not happy!

Any ideas you have then let me know, I need plenty Of them :)

This is for @StrangeDesires.

Hope you liked Xo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ