Chapter 52 - I Hate To Love You

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A/N - This is for @StrangeDesires xD

Next Update - soon

Hope You Like. Xoxo

Chloe had been worried about leaving Aubree in the creche incase Adam came back and she was tempted to stay home and keep Aubree with her. That morning Chloe sat in the bedroom with Aubree and Max came in "are you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Aubree giggled "mama yay" Chloe grinned and kissed Aubree's head.

Arriving at school Chloe looked at Aubree who had her teddy with her "I wanna go home" Max sighed "she'll be fine" Chloe rolled her eyes "course, not like Adam hasn't taken her before" Max got out the car  and opened the door for Chloe "Max, let me go home" Max sighed "Chloe, Adam could be standing outside the house, you're safer here" Chloe groaned but she got out the car and got Aubree.

Once Aubree was in the creche Chloe went to meet with Charlotte "morning" Chloe smiled "how are you?" Charlotte smiled "I'm great" Chloe grinned and nodded although Charlotte could tell Chloe wasn't herself "what's up? I can tell you're not yourself" Chloe sighed "I received a text from Adam" Charlotte frowned "can I see?" Chloe got her phone and showed Charlotte the text -

07767455535 - this is Adam. I will get Aubree-Leigh and Rachel. You can count on that.

Charlotte was shocked "have you showed your mum?" Chloe shook her head "no, I don't want too panic her" Charlotte sighed "she has to know Chloe, so does Max so he can keep a close eye on Aubree" Chloe frowned "you don't think he would get Aubree do you?" Charlotte smiled "he won't get chance to" Chloe nodded and text her mum -

Chloe - can you come to Max's office? theres something I need to tell you both.

Rachel - Okay.

Chloe looked at Charlotte " can you come with me to tell them?" Charlotte smiled "sure".

Max was sitting in his office when Chloe came in with Charlotte "Chloe?" Chloe looked at Max and sighed "I need to show you and my mum something" Max was about to speak when Rachel came in "whats this about Chloe?" Chloe sighed "I received a text from Adam last night" Rachel frowned "show us" Chloe got her phone and showed them the text -

07767455535 - this is Adam. I will get Aubree-Leigh and Rachel. You can count on that.

Rachel and Max looked at Chloe "you should have told us" Chloe sighed "I'm sorry, I was scared" Rachel frowned "Adam won't get near Aubree, I promise you that" Chloe sighed "I'm sorry, I don't believe you" 

Chloe and Charlotte had missed registration as they were with Max and Rachel so they went to English with Tom . While in the lesson Tom sent Charlotte a note

See me after the lesson has ended - Tom

Charlotte sighed and continued with her work. Once the lesson had ended Charlotte stayed behind "whats this about?" Tom smiled "how have you been?" Charlotte shrugged "Okay I guess" Tom nodded "thats good" Charlotte sighed is there a reason you wanted to see me?" Tom sighed "I still love you" Charlotte frowned "no Tom, don't this" Tom was confused "do what?" Charlotte rolled her eyes "say you love me" Tom sighed "we both know you still love me" Charlotte scoffed "I hate to love you" Tom frowned "how do you mean?" "you know what I mean" Charlotte walked out the classroom but Tom went after her "wait" Charlotte turned to him "what?" Tom didn't say anything but pulled Charlotte into the toilets and locked the door "let me out" Tom sighed "not until you admit you still feel something for me' Charlotte frowned "I don't feel anything for you" Tom tooka step towards her and placed his lips on hers.

Charlotte loved the feeling of Tom's lips on hers and she kissed back "stop" Tom stopped "what?" Charlotte glared "I'm not with you anymore" Tom scoffed "you'd rather be with Michael?" Charlotte nodded "yes" Tom glared "you don't mean that" Charlotte again nodded "yeah I do. You hurt me!" Tom glared again "then you won't me to do this" Charlotte frowned as Tom pushed her against the wall and kissed her "Tom quit doing that" Tom continued to kiss her and she slapped him. Tom glared and they both kissed in a hate fuelled kiss which led onto something more.

Chloe was walking down the corridor when Charlotte came speeding past "whats wrong?" Charlotte turned to her "I wanna get Taitlyn and get out of here" Chloe frowned "I'll come with you and we'll go back to Max's".

Once the girls had gotten Aubree and Taitlyn they went to Max's office "what can I do for you?" Chloe sighed "I wanna go" Max frowned "why?" Chloe again sighed "I have headache, and Charlotte wants to go home" Max sighed "fine, you go home, Charlotte can go with you and you lock the door" Chloe nodded.

Arriving back at Max's Chloe took Aubree upstairs as she was asleep. When she came down she sat with Charlotte on the sofa "what happened for you too wanna leave?" Charlotte sighed "I had sex with Tom" Chloe was shocked "why?" Charlotte shrugged 'it just happened"

A couple of hours later Charlotte got a taxi back home and Max came back "where's Charlotte?" Chloe smiled "she went home" Max nodded and kissed her while Aubree played with her toys.

After putting Aubree to bed Chloe text Charlotte -

Chloe - I wont say anything xx

Charlotte - thanks. night xx

Chloe - night xx

Chloe fell asleep that night determined to keep people from finding out about Charlotte and Tom.

A/N - well. this was for @StrangeDesires.

Next update - SOON!

Hope you liked

Bye For Now. Xoxo

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