Chapter 79 - Wedding Rows.

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A/N - Well, I'm Back To Using The Site :| Mehh I'll Have To Make The Best Out Of This I Suppose.

I'm Starting To Give Up With Wattpad.

Hope You Like.

Chloe and Rachel still hadn't made up and it was starting to affect Chloe, she wanted her mum back in her life. That morning Chloe was sitting in the kitchen while Max was upstairs and Aubree was sitting in the front watching cbeebies. When Max came downstairs he walked into the kitchen and made coffee "where's Aubree?" Chloe sighed "she's sitting in the living room" Max nodded "are you alright?" Chloe smiled "yeah, I'm fine thanks" Max nodded again and went to leave the kitchen.

Arriving at school Chloe took Aubree from the car "see you later" Max nodded and kissed her. Once Aubree was in the creche Chloe went to meet with Charlotte "hey," Charlotte smiled "hiya" Chloe noticed Tom "have you spoken to him?" Charlotte shook her head "no, I've been to scared to pluck up the courage" Chloe sadly smiled "everythings gonna be fine, I promise you" Charlotte hugged her friend "thanks Chloe" Chloe grinned "no worries"

Once registration had ended Chloe and Charlotte went to English "I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this" Chloe smiled "yeah you will" Charlotte raised her eyebrows "yeah right Chloe" Chloe noticed Max approach her "Tom, I need to take Chloe" Tom nodded and Chloe followed Max.

When they were in Max's office Chloe turned to him "what's all this about?" Max handed her a book which made her frown "what's this?" Max smirked pick a colour" again Chloe frowned "what for?" Max rolled his eyes "Aubree's dress" Chloe was confused "for?" Max sighed "our wedding" Chloe nodded in understanding "she's a girl so pink" Max smirked and wrote it down "what you writing?" Max glanced up brifely "plans" Chloe walked over to him "so, you're planning all this?" Max sighed "nothing would get done" Chloe was getting angry "Max, the wedding isn't for another year" Max stood and pushed Chloe against "something has to be done" Chloe rolled her eyes "whatever".

Chloe left the office annoyed "Chloe?" Chloe turned to see her mum "oh hiya" Rachel smiled "how are you?" Chloe shrugged "never better, can me and Aubree stay with you tonight?" Rachel's eyes lit up "of course, have you and Max had a row?" Chloe sighed "sort of, he's doing my head in over this wedding" Rachel smiled "well I'd love too have you and Aubree tonight" Chloe nodded "okay".

Charlotte was walking through the corridor when Chloe approached her "Max is turning into Bridezilla" Charlotte laughed "why?" Chloe sighed "he's planning everything, I mean is this don't tell the bride or what? Seriously" Charlotte grinned "most girls would love a Fiancee who did everything" Chloe groaned "you're supposed to be on my side here" Charlotte smiled "sorry" Chloe winked "I'm staying round yours tonight with Bree" Charlotte frowned "how come?" Chloe sighed "because me and Max had a row, and if I'm honest I don't wanna be around him at the moment" Charlotte nodded "okay, we can have a slumber party" Chloe laughed.

Tom could tell Charlotte was avoiding him and he wanted to know why, he saw Chloe standing in the corridor so he walked over to her "can I have a word?" Chloe sighed and followed Tom "do you know what's up with Charlotte?" Chloe shook her head "nope" Tom sighed "if you find out can you tell me?" Chloe shrugged "maybe" Chloe walked off.

Rachel had told Eddie about Chloe and Aubree staying over and Eddie noticed how happy Rachel got when she mentioned Chloe and Max having a row, Eddie could see that Chloe loved Max and that Max loved Chloe.

Chloe couldn't wait for school to be over. It was the lesson before the last lesson of the day and Chloe thought it was dragging, she hated when school days went slow. When last lesson came Chloe remembered she had a free so she was going to spend it in the creche. When she got there she saw Aubree standing on the little chairs "Aubree get down baby" Aubree giggled but she fell off and she started screaming so Chloe puck her daughter up "shh, you're okay" "mama go dada" Chloe inwardly groaned "Aubree you're okay" "mama" Chloe sighed.

Max was sitting in his office when Chloe came in with a screaming Aubree "what happened?" Chloe sighed "she was standing on the chairs in the Crèche and she fell" Max nodded and took Aubree from Chloe "where did she hurt her?" "Her leg" Max looked at Chloe "we need to talk tonight" Chloe sighed "me and Aubree are staying at my mum's" Max frowned "why?" Chloe gave him a look that said 'do you need to ask' "I think we need a night away from each other" Max nodded "you'll come back tomorrow?" Chloe nodded "course".

School had ended so Chloe went over to her Mum's, when she got there she saw Tom's car. Entering the house she heard people upstairs "stay there Bree" Chloe walked upstairs and into Charlotte's room "flipping hell" Chloe soon shut the door.

Charlotte and Tom were getting dressed "three times she's walked in on us" Charlotte laughed as they went downstairs and Chloe came out the kitchen "nice to see you with your clothes on Mr.Clarkson" Tom flushed red with embarassment "I'll see you later Charlotte". Tom left and Chloe had a grin on her face "wow" Charlotte groaned "Chloe!" Chloe started laughed "sorry" Charlotte bobbed her toungue out "wow mature" Charlotte laughed.

Rachel was over-joyed that Chloe was staying for the night "don't get too used to this, its only for tonight" Rachel nodded "I know love, its nice to have you here" Chloe smiled "you all miss me" Eddie laughed "we do" Chloe grinned "I thought so".

After dinner that night Chloe got Aubree settled and text Max -

Chloe - Hope you're okay.
Max - I'm fine. See you tomorrow.
Chloe - Yeah.

Chloe felt her eyes water, she said goodnight to everyone and went to bed missing Max, she wanted to be back with him.

A/N - Hmm. Well.

Any ideas you have for this then PM me and I'll get back too you.

Hope you liked.

Bye for now. Xo

The Daughter Of Rachel Mason - Book Two.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora