Chapter 63 - Don't Exclude Him.

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A/N - thanks too StrangeDesires and IndieLittleMe for the idea for this chapter :).

The third book will be about... Well, I'll let you find out ;) haha.

Hope you like.

Eddie had been fuming when he had found out who had been sending Charlotte the texts and he demanded that Josh should be excluded. That morning Charlotte had to sit and listen to Eddie going on about bullies never getting what they deserve.

Arriving at school Charlotte saw Chloe standing by Max's car with Aubree so she walked over "morning" Chloe grinned "hey" Max looked at the girls and walked off "you look tired Chloe" Chloe grinned "I am" Charlotte laughed "get up to no good?" Chloe smirked "actually, Aubree didn't settle" Charlotte grinned.

After taking Aubree and Taitlyn to the creché the girls made their way to registration "I think Max is talking to Josh today" Charlotte frowned "why?" Chloe sighed "the cyber bullying" Charlotte nodded.

While in registration Charlotte was thinking about the trouble Josh would get in to "Chloe, did Max mention what would happen too Josh?" Chloe shook her head "no, but I imagine it'll be severe" Charlotte sighed and nodded "are you feeling sorry for him?" Charlotte shrugged "I don't know" Chloe frowned but she didn't say anything.

Chloe sat in the library thinking about her relationship with Max, she loved him and he's the father of her daughter. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there when she received a text message -

Chlo - is it true? Josh was cyber-bullying Charlotte?? x

Chloe - Yeah, its true xx

Chlo - OMG! He's sick!! xx

Chloe - It'll be fine, Max is sorting it xx

Chlo - Okay, let me know the results! xx

Chloe didn't reply as the bell rang so she stood and left.

Charlotte made her way to Max's office as she needed to talk too him before he spoke with Josh. When she got there she took a deep breath and knocked the door "come" Charlotte walked in "Charlotte what can I do for you?" Charlotte sighed "Chloe told me that you're planning on talking to Josh today" Max nodded "I am" Charlotte nodded "well that's what I need to speak to you about" Max frowned "right?" Charlotte sighed "can you not exclude him? I know what he did was bullying and evil but please don't exclude him" Max sighed "don't you want him to get punished?" Charlotte nodded "I do but I dont want him too be excluded" Max nodded "out of love for Chloe and you're her friend I'll keep him in the school" Charlotte smiled "thanks".

Chloe was walking down the corridor when she saw Charlotte coming out of Max's office "hey, is everything okay?" Charlotte smiled "yeah, I asked Max to not exclude Josh" Chloe frowned "what did he say?" "he said out of love for you and because I'm your friend he'll keep Josh in school" Chloe nodded "are you okay with that?" Charlotte nodded "yeah, there has too be a reason he did that" Chloe nodded "yeah".

Max was sitting in his office when Chloe came in "I've just seen Charlotte, she says you're letting Josh off because of love for me" Max smirked "that's true" Chloe walked over to him "you're amazing sometimes" Max stood and pushed Chloe so she was sitting on the desk and he began kissing her.

Charlotte went looking for Tom as she needed to talk to him about Josh "can we talk?" Tom nodded so Charlotte entered the classroom "I've spoken with Mr.Tyler and I've asked him not too exclude Josh" Tom smiled "why?" Charlotte sighed "because there has too be a reason he did" Tom stood and hugged Charlotte.

Chloe kept trying to leave Max's office but he kept pulling her back towards him "I need to be in lesson" Max smirked and started kissing her again "Max, come on we can do this tonight" Max sighed and kissed her before letting her leave.

It was lunchtime so Chloe and Charlotte were sitting in the creché with their daughters "mama go dada?" Chloe grinned "not yet" Aubree pouted "mama!" Charlotte smiled "so Chloe, you were late for lesson" Chloe laughed "I know" "why was that?" Chloe winked "for me to know" Charlotte laughed.

Max was looking online as he wanted to take Chloe away for the weekend but not to London, to the country, just as he was about to book Tom came in "look, I wanted to thank you for not excluding Josh" Max sighed "Charlotte asked" Tom nodded "right" Max looked at Tom "what are you doing this weekend?" Tom frowned "why?" Max smirked "you and Charlotte should join me and Chloe for a weekend away" Tom nodded "I'll ask her".

School had ended so Chloe and Charlotte went to collect Aubree and Taitlyn from the creché "text me later yeah?" Charlotte nodded "see you".

Charlotte returned home with Eddie and Rachel and she received a text from Tom -

Tom - we're going away this weekend xx

Charlotte - what? who with?? x

Tom - Chloe & Max, he asked me earlier x

Charlotte - oh okay cool x

Charlotte wasn't paying attention so she didn't hear Eddie calling her for dinner.

Chloe couldn't believe that Max had booked a weekend for herself, Max, Tom and Charlotte "why though?" Max smirked "because we're going away" Chloe grinned "what about Aubree?" "Rachel can have her" Chloe nodded "got it all worked out haven't you?" Max again smirked "I know" Chloe stood from sofa and kissed him "I knew there was a reason loved you" Max kissed her. 

A/N - this didn't take long xD

Next chapter will be the weekend away, so I need ideas for Chloe/Max and Tom/Charlotte. PM me anything you have.

Hope you liked.

Bye for now. xoxo

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