Part 2: Chapter 12

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

(Name) left Slenderman's office with Ben and went back to the living room to find Cherry. Once they got to the living room, they found that Cherry took Ben's place in Kario Mart after he got dragged off.
"Hey Ben, I finished the race in first for you," Cherry said when she noticed (name) and Ben.
"Really?! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Ben ran over and hugged Cherry.
"I love you too," She hugged him back. When she was done giving him affection, Cherry turned to (name). "It went well, I assume?"
"Yeah," (name) said.
"You ready to go home?" Cherry asked.
"Well let's go, it's a 30 minute hike to the car," Cherry started to go towards the door to the mansion. "Ben I'll be back later tonight, it may be close to 11 PM though."
Meanwhile, two days ago, Steven had cheered up Gold by whispering something into his ear. (Chapter 7). With the words lingering in his mind, Gold decided to spend the few minutes he had limbs for writing down a grocery list.
His handwriting was not that neat, but was definitely better than what his writing looked like when he didn't have limbs. Every letter he had sent (name) in the past was written by him holding a marker in his mouth and then writing like that. Although it was an unorthodox method, Gold was accustomed to it and was able to write quite well considering everything.
Once he was done making his list, he got up and walked over to Steven.
"H-here," Gold handed the paper to Steven.
"What's this?" Steven asked, having completely forgotten about what he said.
"O-on Wednesday, you t-told me I could get stuff from the store for a future d-date with (name)."
"Oh yeah... then why are milk and eggs on this? Why not get her flowers or something?"
"Because w-when (name) was in the h-hospital—" Gold got cut off by the sudden disappearance of his limbs. "W-when she was in the hospital, C-Cherry brought her pastries and I w-wanted to make some for (name) t-too."
"..." Steven gave Gold a stare. "Well, I said I'd buy stuff, so okay. I'll get it over the weekend."
"Thank y-you!"
Monday, December 27. 7:00 AM.
Today was the day. Steven had finally procured every ingredient on the list and Gold was finally able to go hours without his limbs disappearing.
Cleaning off all the countertops in the kitchen, Gold got ready for a day full of cooking.
Glitchy had grabbed down and washed off all the different bowls, spatulas, and other items for baking that were not usually used. The rest was 'up to Gold' (mostly).
First starting with the most time consuming recipe, Gold got out Graham crackers, sugar, brown sugar, butter, cream cheese, sour cream, vanilla extract, eggs, and salt.
He gave enough Graham crackers to equate to 1.5 cups to Glitchy, who had received instructions to turn the crackers into crumbs.
While he was doing that, Gold put 7 tablespoons of butter into the microwave to melt. He then combined the butter with the Graham cracker crumbs, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar.
Once the mixture was combined, Gold poured it into a 9" circular pan and pressed it down on the sides and the edges to form a pie crust.
For the next step, the recipe called for a stand mixer, but Gold didn't have one.
"Glitchy, c-can you help me whisk s-something?" Gold asked Glitchy.
Glitchy nodded and helped with the next step by whisking 4 cups of cream cheese until it was light and fluffy.
Glitchy continued to whisk the cream cheese as Gold added more ingredients. First a cup of sugar and then 2/3 of a cup of sour cream, 1.5 teaspoons of vanilla extract, and a 1/8 teaspoon of salt.
Once everything was combined, Gold added 4 eggs —one at a time— and Glitchy gradually beat them into the mixture.
"T-thank you, Glitchy," Gold said as the other boy completed his task and began to walk away.
Gold was left alone again and poured the mixture into the crust he made earlier. After that, he put it into the oven for 75 minutes at 325° Fahrenheit (160° C).
For the hour the cheesecake was cooking, Gold moved onto his next project. First spending 20 minutes to clean off all the measuring equipment and bowls and whisks he used in the first recipe, Gold got the vanilla extract, whipping cream, ricotta, powdered sugar (also called confectioners sugar or icing sugar depending on where you live), cinnamon, and chocolate chips out.
This time dragging over Steven to be his stand mixer, Gold gave Steven a whisk and put 1/2 of a cup of the whipping cream into a bowl.
"Can you w-whisk that until it h-has stiff peaks, please?"
"Sure?" Steven said, not knowing what Gold meant by 'stiff peaks'.
While Steven was doing that, Gold whisked 15 oz of ricotta, 1/2 cup of powdered sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon in a separate bowl.
When both of them had finished whisking, Gold put the whipping cream into his bowl along with 1/3 cup of chocolate chips. He then folded them into the mixture.
After thanking Steven and watching him leave, Gold covered the bowl with the mixture in plastic wrap and placed it into the fridge to chill.
He still had some time until the oven timer would beep, so Gold cleaned off the new mess from making the cannoli filling.
When the oven timer did beep, he took out the cheesecake and put it onto the stovetop to cool.
After a lot more cooking and cleaning, it was 6:00 PM and Gold had prepared everything he wanted to prepare for tomorrow.
Sealing up the last of the food that he made, Gold admired his work:
Lemon cookies.
Red velvet cookies.
And Mini Sandwiches.
"And now I j-just need to pack them t-tomorrow for the date!"
"Speaking of, did you even invite (name) on a date yet," Steven remarked.
"... I-I'll be right back!" Gold said in a hurry as he rushed to get a piece of paper and write a note to (name).
Quickly scribbling down everything, he rushed to the door but a hand grabbed him.
"You stay here, I'll deliver the note," Glitchy said.
Glitchy took the note from Gold. "C'mon Steven, you're coming with me... and as for you Gold, get some sleep."
"O-ok... Thank you."
Tuesday, December 28. 9:00 AM.
In preparation for the date, Gold got up and packed some of the food he made in a picnic basket. The only things he didn't pack were the perishables, which he planned on grabbing right before heading out to meet up with (name).
In addition to the food, Gold also packed some s'mores supplies in case (name) wanted to roast marshmallows with him.
"Gold, are you seriously planning on wearing that?" Steven asked Gold, who was wearing his trademark hat and his torn up jacket (which is better suited for his limbless appearance).
"W-well... uhh..."
"Don't tell me you don't have anything else." Steven sighed.
"I d-don't have anything else pretty m-much," Gold said meekly.
"...s-sorry, Steven."
1251 words!

Gold's GameBoy Color (Lost Silver x Reader)(Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora