Chapter 20

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

Hello (name),
Can you come to the meeting spot 30 minutes later than usual? Sorry for the late notice!
Also, look at the thing I drew on the back of the page.
From Gold.
(Name) flipped the page over to see a poorly drawn map of the woods. Marked on the map was the rock, the main road, her house, the boys' house, and a red circle between the rock and main road. She figured the map would be important for this afternoon so instead of putting the note in the drawer, she folded it neatly and put the paper into her bag as she headed off to school.
Her whole day was plagued by a sense of dread and anticipation. The map was exciting at first but going through her head with different scenarios, (name) could only think the worst had occurred.
What would cause us to have to meet later?! Did something happen? Did Gold get forced to do chores again? Did someone find their house? Did the old meeting location get found by someone? Is the map for the new meeting location? Did Glitchy forget to pay taxes... wait, do they even pay taxes?
Trying to convince herself that it would be fine, (name) struggled through the day until the bell finally rung.
Instead of running home and having to wait,(Name) took her time heading back and walked to the meeting spot at a leisurely pace as to not arrive too early.
Making her way down the street, she subconsciously knew that if she walked slower she would not have to see her parents for the thirty extra minutes she had before meeting with Glitchy, Steven, and Gold. When she finally made it to her house, (name) entered the forest with her backpack and all.
Underneath the coverage of the trees was a slight breeze and the sky up above had almost no clouds. It was sunny enough that walking was tiring and sweat-inducing but cool enough that the humid droplets of water in the atmosphere clung to (name)'s skin without evaporating immediately.
It was strange. The woods were too quiet.
The forest was unnaturally tame. The crickets were almost silent and with each step (name) could hear the leaves and twigs crunch under her foot.
Normally she would hear the birds chirping, the locusts buzzing, and the other ambient sounds that filled the trees. Normally, the leaves under her feet would join the cacophony of sounds as a member of the forest's orchestra; adding to the symphony of the mysterious greenwood.
But now, it was hushed. The wind was whispering and the stream was flowing so slow that it disappeared. The animals silent and the land asleep.
It was only when (name) entered the clearing, that she noticed why the woods had felt so different.
No one was there.
Normally one of the three boys was in the clearing but this time there was nothing.
Maybe I got here too early? (Name) wondered as she checked her watch. She wasn't early in the slightest.
Mildly upset, she decided to sit on the rock. The clearing's now-quiet ambiance was unfamiliar to (name); the last time it was this silenced was before she met Gold.
Looking down, she remembered her first time at the rock. The small noise she heard leading her to find a GameBoy.
After that, her friend R gave her a copy of Pokémon Blue. Although (name) wouldn't admit it, she still hasn't played the game let alone even consider which starter she would pick.
I wonder why Gold was even here with the GameBoy in the first place. This is like twenty minutes away from his house. She pondered as she looked down and noticed a very familiar plastic bin.
She carefully picked up the bin and placed it on her lap gently. Opening it up as she sat on the rock, she saw Gold's GameBoy in the same spot she found it originally, only this time there was a note with it.
Hi (name),
Remember the drawing from my note from earlier? It's a map, I put a circle on it. I'll meet you there.
(Please bring this box).
From Gold
(Name) shut the box and unzipped her backpack. Grabbing out the map she was given this morning and packing the GameBoy in her bag, she started to head to the location Gold mentioned.
This part of the woods was unknown to her. Never having gone past the small stream, (name) took a leap of faith and trekked towards the red circle on the map.
After around ten minutes of hiking, the trees began to thin as they opened up into a tiny clearing.
Finally exiting the thicket of the woods, (name) saw Gold in the center of the small field.
Instead of wearing his normal light grey hoodie, he was dressed in a black semi-formal suit. Looking up when (name) entered the clearing, Gold blushed a bit before taking a deep breath.
"D-d-do you w-want to go on a d-date w-w-with me?"
852 words!

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