Chapter 9

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

What came first? The art (in this chapter) or the chapter?

"W-what happened to y-your face?!" Gold asked upon seeing the huge bandage across (name)'s face.
"My mother got angry with me..." she quickly muttered. "So... are we going to play or what?"
"You do know how to play, right?" Steven growled before anyone picked up their hand.
"Not really..." (name) shied away.
"M-me neither," Gold tried to hide his embarrassment.
Steven groaned before grabbing the two decks of cards and simulating a game for (name) and Gold. "If it is the same number, color, or is one of these blank cards you can place it."
Gold and (name) nodded in understanding.
"If you place a blank card you have to call a color, that is the color of cards you have to place. If you don't have any cards to place you have to draw a card from the deck. When you only have one card you have to say 'ONE' because if you don't and someone catches you then you will have to draw two. Now this card skips someone, this one reverses the direction but because only two people are playing it acts like a skip, and this card means you have to draw two."
"But what if I don't want to draw two," (name) asked.
"It's like paying your taxes: you don't get a choice. Either you draw two or you're cheating," Steven sighed. "And one last rule, after drawing from a draw two card you can't place them down that turn. Any questions?"
Gold and (name) stared at Steven silently and nodded. After finishing his simulated game, Steven shuffled the cards again and dealt out two piles of seven. Picking up Gold's deck a fanning it out so that only Gold and him could see it, he flipped the top card in the deck onto the rock to start the discard pile and the game.
(Name) picked up her deck of cards only to see that she had no cards that matched the yellow five in the discard pile.
Luckily for her, Gold told Steven to place down a red five. She followed up by placing four red cards, one at a time as Gold and Steven placed their last red card.
"You have no reds and no eights, Gold. We have the draw a card," Steven remarked.
Steven grabbed the card and placed it into his hand before smirking with Gold.

"Steven grabbed the card and placed it into his hand before smirking with Gold

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"S-sorry, (name), but you just lost," Gold stuttered. "S-steven, place down the card we just drew, I pick blue."
Steven slammed a wild plus four card onto the discard pile and (name) shamefully took her four cards.
"You're cheating," (name) frowned.
"No, I-I'm just skilled," Gold pridefully claimed as he told Steven to put one of his cards onto the pile.
"... You didn't say 'ONE!'" (Name) quickly pointed out. "Hahaha now you have to draw two!"
(Name) placed down one of the blue cards she drew from the plus four while Steven grabbed two more cards for Gold.
Gold and Steven placed down their final blue card on top of (name)'s blue four before watching (name) place down another two blue cards as they drew again.
"We both have three cards I see," (name) remarked.
"Y-yeah," Gold grinned. "I-I still think I can w-win though."
"Whatever you say."
Gold and Steven placed down a green two on top of (name)'s blue two, changing the color to green. (Name) followed up by throwing her green three onto the pile.
"Steven, p-place the red three! Also um 'ONE.'"
"Ha! Well then I'll place this," (name) slammed  her red six onto the deck. "'ONE.'"
(Name)'s last card was a blue seven, she would have to draw on her next turn. Maybe Gold doesn't have a red or a six? She hoped.
"Y-you up for r-round two?" Gold asked as Steven placed down a red three.
"Yeah!" (Name) put her card onto the discard pile and watched Steven skillfully mix the cards.
"How many games did we play?" (Name) ask as she looked at her phone to see that two hours had passed.
"I-I want to say f-forty-two," Gold questioned.
"Why the hell were you counting?" Steven snapped at Gold before sighing.
"I probably have to get home, you want to play again tomorrow?" (Name) asked.
"Maybe on Saturday, Glitchy and I need to recharge tomorrow. That means you too, Gold."
"S-seriously?! I-I'm not even t-tired though!" Gold complained.
"What?" (Name) muttered.
Steven and Gold leaned close to (name) whisper into her ear.
"J-just in case anyone is w-watching this conversation," Gold mumbled as his face turned pink.
"Recharge is the term we use when we return to our games for a whole day. We only do it when we are tired. You know Red, the guy who sat on Mount Silver and had one arm, one leg, and half his skull exposed? One day he just stopped recharging and no one has seen him since," Steven explained quietly. "If we don't recharge we disappear, we don't need sleep so this is pretty much our equivalent."
They backed off from (name).
"And if you tell anyone..." Steven began before silently moving his hand in a cutting motion across his throat while pointing at (name).
(Name) gulped. "Mhm. So Saturday then."
"B-b-bye, (name)!" Gold turned around to hide his flushed cheeks.
"Bye," (name) looked away and began to walk off into the woods back towards her home. Continuing into the woods, she looked at her reflection in her phone and was blushing ever so slightly. Maybe the cuts hid the blushing?
950 words!
Not that many but complaints = no.

Trivia Answer:
The art was made before I even got Wattpad! It's one of the reasons why I started writing this, although there are other reasons too.

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