Chapter 4

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

***character ages and heights***
(Name) - 17 (almost 18), 5'6" (167cm)
R - 20 (almost 21),  5'10" (178cm)
Steven - 22, 5'11" (181cm, insists he is 6'/183cm)
Glitchy - 22, 6'1" (185cm)
Gold - 17 (8 months younger than (name)), floats at around 5'8" (173cm) (when you consider his lack of legs, that is pretty impressive)
Hooded/Pierced man - ? years old, 5'11" (180cm)
(Name)'s Father - ? years old, height unknown since he is always slouched and drunk in a chair
Reina ((name)'s mother) - ? years old, 5'7" (170cm) (but she wears 2"/4cm high heels making her seem taller)
Cherry - 18, 5'5" (165cm)

(Name) rounded the top of the hill and cautiously walked past the gas station where she had encountered the pierced man twice. The streets were empty and only a few cars were on the road. Continuing down the cracked and faded sidewalk, (name) approached the school with her stomach growling.
7:28. Maybe they haven't closed the cafeteria yet, there's still two minutes left until breakfast is meant to end. (Name) thought hopefully as she entered the building.
With a small burst of energy, she rushed to the cafeteria only to see the lunch lines were closed and that the cafeteria staff were cleaning all the serving trays; (name) was too late. Saddened that she would be unable to get her breakfast, (name) sighed and trudged up the squeaky staircase and to her classroom before the bell even had a chance to ring.
Sitting down at her desk and kicking out her legs to stretch, she began to grow tired.
(Name)'s eyes were heavy; last night and this morning still felt like a dream, or rather a nightmare. The fleshy red circles which usually marked her exhaustion were now baggy and purple as (name) stifled a yawn.
It's only Math class, I can miss a few minutes, she justified as her eyelids slammed down and sealed shut.
The world around her began to fade out and the teacher's rambling became a soft droning noise. (Name) tucked her head into her folded arms and laid her head onto the desk. The room got darker and wrapped itself around her like a fluffy blanket and (name) was suddenly passed out.
Finally getting an ounce of the coveted sleep she yearned for, (name) felt a sharp pain in her ears followed by a repetitive stabbing into her arm.
"Hey! wake up, the bell rang," the kid in front of (name) said as she continued to poke (name) in the arm.
"H-huh. What?" (Name) rose her head slowly and stared at the person in front of her with her puffy, glazed over eyes. She slowly slumped her head back and gazed into the fuzzy lights dotting the ceiling before turning to her phone to check the time.
"You have three minutes to get to your next class, don't fall back asleep, I not waking you up again," the girl told (name) before getting up and leaving.
"Oh, um thanks," (name) blinked slowly before suddenly standing up. She held the desk as her head throbbed and she felt dizzy. Grabbing her bag and swinging it over her right shoulder, she drooped her head low and walked to her Science classroom.
Sitting down at her table, (name) struggled to stay awake but (barely) managed to do so. Pinching her thigh or forearm every time she felt the sweet cusp of sleep grab her neck with its gentle touch, she took sloppy notes and kept her eyes ajar throughout the teacher's monotonous lecture.
When the bell finally rang, (name) slid down to the cafeteria for lunch and joined the crowd that was lining up to get food.
Upon receiving her fruit, drink, and 'warm' lunch she went outside to the back of the school with her greasy foam tray full of the already-cold food.
(Name) walked to the brick fence surrounding the property and climbed up to sit on the wall, leaving her legs hanging inches above the floor and her back facing the forest behind both her and the large building. Not many people went outside for lunch, especially not in September when all the pollen fell off the trees, but (name) was content by her lonesome; loneliness was a normal part of her life.
She laid her bag across the bricks to her left and gazed emptily at the sky which was painted a deep grey. She turned to put her tray down on her right and then (name) dusted off her hands on her sad jeans before grabbing one of the two soggy tacos provided for lunch.
The meat was dry and the cheese probably had mold or mildew but, wolfing it down like all her other meals, (name) ignored the taste. Her bland tastebuds had become 'tone deaf' to most foods; anything tasted better than cardboard boxes. Once done with the tacos, she then proceeded to rip into an apple and chug a carton of chocolate milk before checking her phone and returning to the school as lunch came to a close.
For her free period, (name) slept again before managing to stay awake for the final class of the day.
After the bell rang, indicating that the students were dismissed to go home, (name) went back to her Math class where she left her forged syllabus on the teacher's desk and placed a sticky note (which she stole from the teacher's pile of sticky notes) with an apology on the signed document.
(Name) then headed out the school and slowly plodded towards home. The roads had grown full with cars and buses by this time and (name) did not have enough energy to go out of her way to avoid the gas station where the hooded man had harassed her yesterday.
As she approached the boarded windows of the building, she increased her pace and looked about to ensure that the man was not there.
To her relief, (name) made it past the station without any sign of the hooded man. Thinking she was lucky because she had gone a whole day without encountering the man, she rolled down the hill and walked past R's house. Despite her good luck, however, she arrived home to see her mother's car in front of her not-so-humble abode.
Sneaking past her mother who was arguing with the drunk man (name) was ashamed to called her father, (name) retired to her room and opened her backpack to find a small slip of paper with jagged writing written in a mix between capital and lowercase letters in marker.
'i pUT GAMeboY iN YoUr bAG, pUT bACK oN roCK bY FridAY, plAY UNTil TheN - Gold.'
(Name) looked at the shaky letters and wrote down the words in a more legible way on a separate paper. "I put GameBoy in your bag, put back on rock by Friday, play until then?" She whispered before rummaging through her bag to find the same rustic device that was taken from her room this morning. "Nope! I'm not dealing with this bullshit again."
(Name) clenched the GameBoy and swiftly marched out her house and towards the rock where she originally found it.
1095 words!

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