Chapter 36

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

After a few minutes of staying in their hugging state, Gold and (name) separated and Gold returned to his wheelchair.
At first, there was silence as the two stared at each other not knowing what to say. And then, Gold broke down in tears.
"I-I-I thought you d-died!" He sobbed, all his worries and sorrows now flooding from him. "I-I was so s-scared, w-when we f-f-found you collapsed o-on the floor I-I..."
"I felt s-so helpless. I f-felt like I made a m-mistake. I felt like I-I fucked up, I-I should've been there for y-you. I... I'm sorry.. I-I'm s-so sorry!"
(A/N - he cursed?!?! Yes, yes he did)
He continued sobbing helplessly.
"Gold, it's not your fault."
"B-but it is! If I was there f-for you i-if I n-n-noticed you were in p-pain..."
"Gold, it's not your fault," (name) repeated in a more adamant voice.
"B-but if.. if..."
(Name) leaned forward as much as she could (which currently isn't that much) and looked at Gold right in the face. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault.
"..." Gold fell silent, the only thing moving about him were the dark tears flowing down his face. "... s-sorry."
Eventually, his crying slowed and he smiled at (name).
"I-I'm so happy that I met y-you."
"Me too, Gold. Me too," (name) said in a solemn tone before swapping to a more playful one. "Now come over here so I can wipe off your face, you're little disguise is kinda failing right now."
Cherry and R/Red had joined the room once again. The four of them (Cherry, R/Red, (name), and Gold) now talking about random things and making small talk.
"Oh, so (name)," Cherry said in an excited voice. "If you want, starting tomorrow you can get t—"
"Therapy?" (Name) interrupted her. "Really?"
"Do you mean that in a good way or a bad way?" Cherry gave a concerned look.
"A good way, I definitely need it," (name) sheepishly admitted.
"So, you want to start that tomorrow?"
"Yeah, what times can I do and what days?"
"You can do any day except for Sunday and Wednesday in one hour sessions. Although the first two sessions are two hours."
"Can I see this sign up thing?"
"Here," Cherry handed her phone over to (name). "Just write your initials in two of the slots you want."
"Why my initials and not my name?"
"Confidentiality I think?"
On the phone was a spreadsheet with every day except for Wednesday and Sunday labeled. For Friday and Saturday, (name) typed her initials into two spaces each day. Her appointments would be 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM on those days and (because Cherry pulled some strings) she could have the appointments from in the hospital. After signing up for her first two appointments, (name) handed back the phone.
"No problem," Cherry gave her friend a soft smile.
"Why did the thing only let me sign up for two?"
"After the first two sessions, the therapist and you will communicate or something like that to plan all future appointments."
"Ok?" (Name) still looked befuddled. "... how did you get the funds for this?"
"Fundraising", Cherry replied blatantly. "That, and the school board donated a butt ton of money."
"How much?"
"Enough to pay your medical bills 3 times over."
(A/N: I am not writing any therapy sessions in detail, this is a personal choice of mine and I ask that you respect my decision)
Saturday. 2:50 PM.
(Name)'s second therapy session was finally coming to a close and for once, there was a sense of hope for the future. She may not have been 100% free of the self-depreciating comments plaguing her mind, but she was on the path towards recovery.
"... and that is my availability for the future, what days work for you?" The therapist asked.
"Would Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:15 work?"
"Of course, do you know which classroom at the school is my office?"
"B10-something right?"
"Thank you, I'll be sure to remember that."
After saying her goodbyes to the therapist, (name) found herself exhausted and fell asleep in an upright position on her hospital bed.
"(Name), are you awake?" One of the nurses spoke gently. It had been a few hours since she had fallen asleep.
Groggily opening her eyes, (name) hummed a response to the nurse.
"I have two things of good news and one thing of bad news for you," the nurse spoke. "Which one do you want first."
"Good, then bad, then good."
"Good news, your friends visited while you were sleeping. Bad news, they left and your visitation hours are over for the rest of the day. And—"
"What time is it?" (Name) interrupted.
"6:30 PM."
"Don't visitation hours go till 8?"
"Yes, but we had to cut yours down for today. Which leads to the other good news: we cut down your visitation hours because you're gonna get crutches in a few minutes. Tomorrow we can discharge you."
"I... can go home?"
"Yes, isn't that great?"
"Yeah," (name) said in a slightly saddened tone.
The nurse didn't take notice of (name)'s change in demeanor and left the room to get the crutches. When she returned, the nurse showed (name) how to use the crutches before helping her up.
At first, (name) struggled to balance. Her foot was partially weight bearing and the sprain would heal within a week or two, but even putting it near the ground was scary. After a half hour of trying out the crutches, (name) was comfortable with them.
Using the crutches felt relieving and freeing; (name) could move around, could leave that room she had been in for days.
After using the crutches for a bit, she returned to her bed and went to sleep.
Sunday. 9:00 AM.
(Name) had been up for a few hours now. Her head throbbed a lot less than the other mornings, her body healing back to a healthy state.
When she went up to the desk on the second floor to get discharged, she was surprised to see R/Red and Cherry.
"Good morning?" (Name) said in a confused tone, not expecting to see her friends.
"(Name)!" Cherry smiled.
"Why are you guys here?"
"Well, someone needs to pay your medical bills and drive you home," R/Red smirked.
"Don't tell me..."
"You don't need to worry about anything, (name) we got you covered!" Cherry gave (name) two thumbs up.
"... t-thank you, you two are the best friends I could ever ask for," (name) choked out with some happy tears.
"Don't get all emotional on us!" R/Red joked.
After fully discharging (name) from the hospital and putting it behind them, the trio continued to crack jokes and laugh as they took the elevator down to the first floor.
Leading (name) out the building, the sunlight illuminated the group's faces. Cherry then hugged (name) a farewell as she headed to her car.
Coming up towards R/Red's car, (name) noticed the window was opened slightly.
"Why's the window open?" (Name) questioned.
"Can't have Gold suffocating, now can I?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
Continuing to the car, R/Red opened the back door for (name). He then helped her in before placing her crutches into the trunk.
"Sorry, (name), I would've let you sit in the passenger seat but someone insisted on tagging along," R/Red joked.
"H-hey!" Gold retorted in a slightly annoyed tone.
After a bit more than a half hour of driving, R/Red parked his car in front of (name)'s house and helped her back out.
"Are you sure you want to go there alone?"
"Yeah, thanks R," (name) gave him a half-hug, being careful not to lose balance on the crutches. "You can head home, just... maybe let Gold out the car first."
"Good point," R/Red laughed. "Bye (name), don't hesitate to call me if you need me."
R/Red opened to car door for Gold, allowing the limbless boy to float out and join with (name). Waving goodbye one more time, R/Red got in his car and headed home.
"So..." (name) started.
"Um..." Gold shifted uncomfortably.
"I know this is a week late but, do you want to go on our second date."
"..." Gold was unresponsive.
"Is that a no? Or....?"
"N-No! I mean yes! I-I mean... I would love to g-go on a date with you."
"Wait here for 15 minutes?"
"I'm s-setting a timer."
"Ok, ok, I won't be late," (name) smiled.
1425 words!

Gold's GameBoy Color (Lost Silver x Reader)(Finished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن