Chapter 2

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. (It's fan-fiction so I shouldn't be copyright striked) This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I am motivated to write

(Name) walked into the house sweating. She held her head down and tried to avoid attention.
"Oh, (name) you're home!" The woman said.
"Yes, Reina, I sent her out to go buy me beer and get us food," (name)'s father explained.
"Buy? You mean you two lied?" Reina started fuming.
"Mother! We need to eat!" (Name) panicked.
"NO! All the money in this house is mine. You both said you gave me everything you had," Reina shrieked as she slapped (name) across the face. "Every single day I go out to the casino so we can win it big one day and this is how you thank me?! I brought you into this word, (name), so you have to pay me back for that. And you," she said, sneering at her husband. "You said you loved me."
"I-I do love you sweetheart," the man cried.
"(Name), put down this shit and go to your bedroom right now," Reina grabbed (name)'s wrist tightly before tossing everything (name) had just bought onto a counter and shoving her up the stairs.
(Name)'s hand and cheek were glowing red and stung with pain. As she locked her door and slumped down beside her bed she heard a crash a yelling from downstairs. I guess I won't be eating tonight, (name) sighed before curling up into a ball in the corner with the GameBoy and her phone between her arms.
(Name)'s phone started to go off like crazy. It was 6am already; time to leave for school.
(Name) got up and popped her back before changing into a black tee-shirt and jean-shorts. She slid on her leather, mahogany boots and grabbed her backpack, phone, and GameBoy before rushing down the stairs and out the door before anyone could notice her.
The sky was a purple and barely illuminated. The trees were dark and empty but through the forest were hints of a copper-orange sunrise. (Name) began to hike up the road and through her neighborhood. For a brief moment she stopped in front of R's house. Seeing that he was probably still asleep, (name) continued to walk up the hill.
R was four years older than (name) and being the only "children" in the small neighborhood the two had gotten along well ever since R had moved in three years earlier. (Name) knew he was not a morning person.
Continuing to walk to school, (name) made it to the end of the winded road and was greeted by the warm sun blinding her.
She turned the corner and continued past the gas station until she reached the tarnished brick walls of the school.
"Here you go," the cafeteria worker said as they handed (name) a tray of pancakes with an apple dented beyond what should be physically possible.
At least I get free food here, (name) groaned before wolfing down her first real meal in weeks.
"(Name)?! It's been like three months!" A girl ran up to (name) and gleamed. "I called you like a hundred times but you didn't pick up!"
(Name) checked her phone but it had no missed calls. "Are you sure, Cherry?"
"I thought I did... well never mind, how was your summer? Mine was great in case you were wondering, we went to like three different theme parks and got to go on a two week cruise," Cherry exclaimed.
"Oh, that sounds like it was fun," (name) smiled. "But you know me, Cherry, I stayed here like usual."
"Ugh, next break you and I are going somewhere."
"It's fine, you don't have to, it's nice here."
"You're lying but I mean it's not like you would know, you've lived here forever!" Cherry put extra emphasis on the word 'forever.' "So, what classes do you have this semester?"
"Math, Science, a free period, and English"
"In that order?" Cherry looked downtrodden as (name) nodded. "I have Science first but I don't have Math or English this semester."
"That's fine, we can always meet up like this before school and maybe we will have the same lunch."
"Yeah!" Cherry smiled again. The first bell rang.
"Bye, Cher!"
"Bye, (name)!"
(Name) split up from Cherry and went about her day. In all of her classes she made sure to be seated in the middle row to not look too suspicious but not look too smart.
After Science, (name) went to lunch but was unable to find Cherry anywhere. (Name) assumed she didn't have the same lunch as Cherry and decided to sit alone and do her homework. Although it was only the first day, (name) went out of her way to figure out what would be all of this week's homework. For (name), going about her day and doing everything she could before heading home was the most important because when she got home she would be trapped again. The sooner she knew the assignments, the sooner she could get it done and get some rest or even free time.
2:58. (Name) starred at the clock watching the seconds go by.
Only two minutes until dismissal, she thought. After that I can get the games from R and maybe get him to help me forge my father's signature on all these syllabi.
3:00. (Name) got up and ran out the building as the bell rang. She marched past the school gates and down the street as fast as she could. As she was rushing back towards her neighborhood she was stopped by the man with the hoodie and piercings who had offered her help yesterday.
"Hey marshmallow," he hissed. "Wanna come with me for a good time?"
"Um... no thank you. I'm busy right now."
"Are you sure?" He licked his lips. "You won't regret it."
"Please leave me alone," (name) said as she stepped back from the man.
He began approaching (name) and grinned widely as he got closer. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled at (name).
"LET GO OF ME!!" She screamed in fear.
"Hmm...," he pondered. "No."
(Name) screamed again and realizing that no one was there to help, kicked the man in the crotch.
He fell down in pain as (name) ripped her hand out of his grasp and bolted down the street as fast as her legs could take her.
Too afraid to turn around, she rushed down the hill started banging of R's door frantically.
"R! Open the door," she frantically wheezed.
"(Name)!?" R said as he swung his door open to his sweaty, panting neighbor. He gestured her toward the couch in the living room in front of them before closing and locking the door behind (name) and glancing out the window only to see nothing.
(Name) was sitting on his couch gasping for air and dripping water from her eyes. "Th-There was a p-p-person. H-he grabbed me, s-said we would have a g-good time."
R held (name)'s hand gently. "Could you describe him for me?" He whispered softly.
(Name) went on the explain what the man looked like, his piercings, his crazed and hungry eyes, his cracked lips, and his dark hoodie with patches of dirt in it.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" R asked full of concern.
"No, my father will insist that you're my boyfriend if I show up with you."
"Speaking of, did it work out with that boy you were dating last year?"
"No, but maybe I'll find someone this year."
"You got this, (name)," R cheered. "Just let me know so I can start shipping you with them, that is, of course, if they are ship worthy."
"Haha, what the hell, R."
"Got you to smile," R smirked.
"Thanks, R. I'll see you around I guess," (name) said as she got up and went to the front door.
"Are you sure you're okay now, do you want me to call the police or something?"
"Don't call anyone! But... thank you for worrying about me," (name) said as she wiped her face clear of any trace of tears. "See? I'm fine now."
"Okay, get home safe then," R smiled before closing the door behind her and frowning. "You're a liar, (name), you're still crying."
(Name) did not hear his last comment and two steps out the door her eyes welled back up with tears. It was not fair, she thought, to burden R with her problems.
(Name) returned home and upon seeing her drunken father asleep on the couch remembered what she had forgotten to do: have R forge a signature on her syllabus.
Grabbing the single slice of pizza she bought at the gas station yesterday, (name) went upstairs and ate her cold, soggy dinner. The taste was trash and the cheese had probably grown moldy after sitting out in the musty house for a whole day. Despite this, (name) convinced herself she was happy. Today I got a real breakfast and a real lunch at school, I mean I did have to run from a weirdo but I got to see both R and Cher today, she silently said. As bad as the day had been, (name) smiled and scribbled a forgery of her father's signature in a blue pen on all of her syllabi.
With a yawn, (name) changed into the old shirt and shorts that she used as pajamas and tucked herself under the blankets on her bed.
"Is this the place?" (Name) heard a raspy and almost mechanical voice out the window.
"Too late to turn back now," another voice said deeply. "If we get caught we can just remove the evidence."
(Name) began to worry. Did the man with the piercings figure out where she lives and bring friends?!
In her panic, she noticed her bedroom window lifting slowly. Someone was in her bedroom.
1640 words!

Gold's GameBoy Color (Lost Silver x Reader)(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now