"Something just touched my back" I said and walked over to Sam.

Colby and Corey walked over and Colby spun my around so he could look at it.

"I don't see anything, wanna walk up there?" He asked as he spun me back  around to face him.

I shook my head and looked to Sam.

"I'm gonna stay back here with Sam and talk to him" I said and he nodded as he and Corey walked up to where they originally were.

Everybody continued to make their way to the bridge quietly.

"How do you feel about a Ouija board?" Sam asked as he turned the camera to me.

"Well I've played them before but this place... something throws me off about it. Like, I get the things that happen here but it just feels very personal" I explained and he scrunched his brows at me.

"Like, as if the vibes are telling me to join the spirits. It's like I can hear what it's saying" I told him and he looked back to the group.

"Elton come grab this camera and keep walking, Corey and Colby come here" Sam called to them and the three walked over, one walking back.

"Yeah?" Corey asked as he placed his hands on his hips.

"I'm feeling personal vibes as if the spirits are talking to me, telling me to follow what they did on the bridge" I said.

"You haven't had that happen to you before? When did it start?" Sam asked and I thought for a moment.

Not when I met Colby, it was after... after the night the shadow man attacked me!

I widened my eyes at the thought and took a shaky breath.

"What?" Colby asked me as he grabbed my hand.

"The voices and feelings, they started after the shadow man" I choked out, not crying but in shock.

"Your dream Colby, that he is following her. He gave you some type of medium ability" Corey said when realization hit him.

Colby's hand fell cold out of mine and he stared at me.

"Has anything happened since you've been gone?" He asked blankly.

I shook my head, "no, ever since that night you had the nightmare, nothing has happened as far as seeing him, hearing him. I thought he was making it up in your dream just to scare you, I haven't had any contact with any of that" I said in defense.

"Okay. So something happened to have given you that feeling, the empathic or medium-psychic feeling. Keep an eye on it and tell us about anything else, we don't have to tell the group" Corey said and I nodded.

"Not yet anyway" he added and we started catching up to everyone else.

We didn't have much of a walk until we were all standing under the bridge.

Elton sat the camera up on a tree trunk and pulled out a Ouija board from his backpack.

"Corey, don't play" I warned and he nodded but was confused. "Just...don't" I said and everyone gave me a weird look.

I brushed it off and sat down with everyone, we would take turns.

"Sam, Colby, Y/n, and Jake start" Elton said as he stood behind the camera to make sure we were in frame.

The 4 of us placed our hands on the planchette. We started it up and Colby asked the first question.

"Are there any spirits here?" He asked and it quickly moved to 'yes'.

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