Not Calm

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Ollie pov:"I'm going to be bait, aren't I?" I gulped as everyone began to suit up.

"Yup," Moona-senpai stated.

"Why can't Iofi-senpai or Risu-senpai be the Bait or Peko?" I stopped myself before I said Pekora-senpai.

"You are bait, and that's final. " Moona-senpai growled

"Fine!" I said this in fear as we set out.

As soon as we got to the area, I felt a chill. I'm a zombie; I shouldn't be cold, but I'm freezing right now.

"Brrrrrrr.... I'm f-freezing." I shivered

Moona-senpai glared at me and sighed, tossing me a random hoodie.

"Put that hoodie on...." Moona-senpai sighed

"Where did you get this?" I asked

"Oh, Iofi... Nevermind. You don't need to know." Moona-senpai sighed

"Now I want to know!" I yelled

Risu-senpai walked up to me and shoved nuts into my mouth.

"Eat these nuts and quiet down," Risu-senpai said.

All I could think was, "Where did Risu-senpai get these nuts? I would be so happy if they were in her mouth before hand."

"What is up with you and nuts?" I asked

"I'm a squirrel," Risu-senpai said calmly.

I honestly thought there was going to be a convoluted flashback as to why she liked nuts, but I guess not. This was pretty simple.

"How do we open the door, Peko?" Pekora-senpai asked

"Like this," Moona-senpai said nonchalantly as she grabbed my head, yanked it off, and chucked it into the door, making it slam open.

"We could have just opened it..." Iofi-senpai laughed

"But that was funnier, I think..." Moona-senpai said

"I'll kill you!" I yelled

Moona-senpai walked in and looked at me and said, "You are a zombie; deal with it!" Moona-senpai yelled

"Why me!?" I asked

"Well, I was throwing Anya next," Moona-senpai said.

"Ollie, calm down!" Risu-senpai said

"N-no!" I said it while shaking in my boots.

How could they all be so calm in this situation? We are in enemy territory where we have no idea what could be in store and we all could get hurt or worse.

"Ollie, if you aren't calm, then why did we train?" Anya asked

"I wasn't done!" I yelled

"I can hear Ollie!" Reine yelled

I didn't know if that was supposed to be a good thing or an insult; it could be both at this point.

"Hey babe!" Reine said

"Hi Ollie-senpai!" Two Zetas said

"Oh hi, you two," I said.

"Hi Olivia," Kaela said.

"Call me Ollie-senpai," I said.

"Fine..." Kalea grumbled

"Wait...." I suddenly said as I began to count Zetas, "Two!" I yelled

"It's a long story," one Zeta said.

"We have no time to explain... Mumei sighed

"Ollie-senpai, we need you to fight Iroha," Kiara said as she untied the blonde samurai.

"Eh!?" I said this in shock as the girl lunged at me. Anya got in the way, and her punch

"Yup thanks!" Mumei yelled, tossing the blonde girl her sword.

Most of them ran ahead, but Moona-senpai, Iofi-senpai, Risu-senpai, Pekora-senpai, and Reine stayed behind with Anya and I.

"I need to catch up!" Iroha yelled, trying to go past us, but Moona-senpai got in the way.

"No, you are fighting Ollie...." Moona-senpai scoffed

"I can't win!" I yelled

"You can and will!" Moona-senpai said

I had no choice but to comply. I had Anya go into full sword form and pick her up.

Iroha looked back at me, knowing that she could easily finish me. one swipe of her blade pushed me back I could tell Anya couldn't handle this.

"Ollie, you need to channel energy!" Anya yelled

"I can't!" I cried as I desperately blocked each attack.

"I'm not helping you," Moona-senpai said.

"Come on, Moona!" Iofi yelled

"Nope..." Moona-senpai sighed

"Why not?" Risu-senpai asked

"This is the final stage of training," Moona-senpai explained.

Knowing that just made me even more tense; my muscles began to tighten, and I began to sweat somehow. I didn't even know those things could happen.

"She can't do this, Peko!" Pekora-senpai stated

"She can and she will," Moona-senpai insisted.

"Ollie, you are too scared!" Reine yelled

I gulped once again as my legs were slightly slashed, making me stumble. Iroha knew she didn't have to hold back against me since I am a zombie.

"Damn...." I growled as Anya was hit out of my hand and got stuck into a wall.

She turned back into human form, and her arm was stuck in the wall.

"Ollie, I'll be back in a second!" Anya said calmly She pulled her arm back and got it unstuck. She was using her powers.

How could she be calm enough to use it now? This was a real battle, and she could get hurt, so how could she be so calm? It was as if there were no stakes.

She let me grab a hold of her again and immediately forced me to go on offense, but Iroha easily blocked me. I was too easy to read.

Iroha had no trouble shutting me down, and she was stronger than me-that shouldn't be the case-I was more powerful, I was sure of it. Is it because I am too afraid to use my energy?

I have to achieve a zen-like state, but I was under too much pressure, but then I remembered that Moona-senpai told me to think about the person I care about the most, which is Reine.

I took a deep breath and exhaled before going on the attack.

This time I was pushing Iroha back; she seemed shocked by my sudden change in strength, and before I could slash her, Moona-senpai stopped me.

"Sorry, but we don't want anyone to die." Moona-senpai said

"You can go," Iofi-senpai said.

"Yup go!" Reine said

I was confused. They were trying to stop her before, and now they want her to go. Maybe I didn't know as much about everyone as I thought.

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