Figuring out the Reaper

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Kiara pov: Calli had been blushing for a while now, refusing to speak to me. I tried to ask her what was wrong but she told me nothing was up. I didn't believe her whatsoever.

"Kiara, you should let her think," Reine giggled.

I looked at my sister, confused. I could tell she knew something about why Calli was acting weird, but I didn't know what she did.

Reine, what did you talk to Calli about?" I asked.

She just looked at me smugly. "We talked about you," she said, frolicking over to Ollie and Anya. She clearly wasn't going to tell me a straightforward answer.

"Get back here, damn it!" I yelled, chasing after her.

"You are so noisy!" Gura and Ame yelled in unison as Sana and Ina laughed at everything unfolding.

As usual, Flare wasn't talking or reacting to us. However, she was paying attention, slowly warning us. Apparently, Gura and Ina heard about her past but no one else did, so we needed to figure out how to get her to talk about it.

"Flare, how are you holding up?" I asked to make her jump.

"I'm fine!" "Flare panickly stated I laughed, easing her a bit.

"Calli won't talk to me, so I decided to try to talk to you." I said Flare didn't seem to understand why I would do that.

"Noel, do people try to talk to others when they are being ignored by the one they love?" Flare asked

Noel nodded, telling her girlfriend that some people like to talk to others and they are known as extroverts. I didn't know why I was getting a lesson from Noel when I already knew all of this stuff.

Then again, it was for Flare to learn, not me. She really needed to learn how to talk to others since she made herself into a hermit. It wasn't entirely her fault though.

I really didn't know what to do since Calli wasn't talking to me, so I walked behind Sana and Ina to snoop on them.

"So Sana, what type of bread is your favorite?" Ina asked.

"All of them!" Sana shouted. Ina giggled, saying she knew that's what she was going to say.

"Ina, has anyone told you that you're really cute today?" Sana asked Ina, beginning to blush, not knowing how to respond to what Sana had just said to her.

Those two were clearly a thing. They sucked at hiding it, but I wasn't going to get on their case. I went over to Ame and Gura to snoop on them.

"Gura" Why the hell have you been so clingy to me today? " Ame asked. Gura just glared at her.

"It's your fault, Watson. You're such a smelly moron!" Gura shouted.

"You're the stinky one! You reek of fish, moron!" Ame yelled back

My face went blank. They were arguing like children just because Gura held onto Ame's arm slightly.

"You two are children..." I sighed, getting their attention.

"Kiara, which one of us smells worse?" They both yelled in unison. I didn't want to answer that neither of them smelled bad.

"You both smell good." I said they told me to stop being so nice and began arguing again.
I genuinely didn't understand them. They clearly were a couple, but they were arguing like two-year olds. I decided it was about time to snoop on Reine, Ollie, and Anya.

Reine, do you think Pochi-sensei would like it if we had children?" Ollie asked.
Reine glared at her in annoyance. "Ollie, that would require me to get with you and I will never do that." she growled.

I tapped my sister on the shoulder to get her attention and made kissy faces at her and pointed at Ollie. She began to blush and rapidly shake her head.

"What's wrong, Reine?" Anya asked. She lied, telling Anya nothing was wrong and that I was just teasing her. That's all.

The only truth was that I was teasing her because she knows she has to kiss Ollie so Ollie and she can get together without a love confession.

"She's flustered because she knows I'm good in bed," Ollie said.

"You realise you will break your body apart if you are too rough." Reine said. Ollie looked away in embarrassment.

"I don't know how I feel about you, Ollie." Anya said Reine nodded.

"I don't know if you are right for me." Reine said. Ollie immediately tried to prove herself, embarrassing herself instantly.

"Ollie, you keep trying to show off, Reine will see how little you have to offer." I laughed. Ollie looked at me with an unwavering glance.

You really are trying to stop me from getting with Reine, huh Kiara?" Ollie shouted.

The three of us glared at Ollie, confused about what she was talking about since I never said anything that would make her think I was trying to stop her from dating Reine. In fact, I was heavily supporting it.

"Ollie, Kiara has literally done nothing." Anya sighed Ollie didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry I misinterpreted what you were going to say!" Ollie shouted.

"You are trying to act like an anime protagonist!" I laughed. Ollie blushed in embarrassment.

"You wouldn't know what being a protagonist is like!" Ollie shouted.

"You are right. I wouldn't, but you don't know either! " I yelled back.

We both broke out laughing. Reine and Anya were really confused by how we were acting, and we decided not to explain anything to them since it was funnier that way.

Last but not least was Calli. I walked up to her, hugging her from behind. "Babe, please talk to me." I whispered in her ear. I could tell my voice sent shivers down her spine. She pulled away from me, blushing profusely. I could hear her rapid heart beat.

"Kiara, I need to tell you something!" Calli shouted.

I smiled at her, "My ears are all yours." I said, awaiting what Calli had to say.

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