"Sisters that you didn't give a shit about, if I recall." Lexa stated, as she reached to try and get the stake out of her back, but it was just out of her reach. "That doesn't make it any better, okay? I was trying to fix things with Allie."

Lexa smiled smugly, "You're not angry at me, you idiot. You're angry at yourself. Angry that they're dead and you weren't on good terms with either of them when they died." The Gilbert replied as Sienna glared, "No humanity you is such an asshole!" She snarled before she rushed forward and shoved Lexa with a lot of force.

Alexia fought back and steadied herself while she grinned deviously at Sienna, "Incendia." She spoke, though her grin fell when she realised her spell didn't work. "What the fuck." She spoke as Sienna seemed smug now, that the stake's magic worked.

Sienna then launched herself at Lexa as the pair began to fight. Each time the Lockwood managed to get the upper hand, Lexa found a way out of it. Of course, Sienna could have bitten Lexa and left her to die but even with her current hatred towards her ex, she didn't want her to die slowly.

Currently, the pair both lay on the ground, with their hands around eachother's throats. They shared looks of anger as veins popped out from under Lexa's eyes as she attempted to scare the wolf. Sienna's eyes shone yellow as she glared back. Suddenly, and unexplainably, the Lockwood's fingers slightly lengthened into claws, and with the brief strength in her hands she broke Lexa's neck.

Sienna exhaled with relief when she noticed Lexa was unconscious. "Oh my god.." The Lockwood got to her feet and quickly went through her pockets before finding a stake. Looking down at the Gilbert's body, she knew it would be easier to kill her if she weren't awake and able to emotionally respond.

Sienna's hands trembled as she held the stake in her hands. She lined the stake up with Lexa's heart before she lifted it, prepared to plunge it into the heretic's body and put an end to her.

As Sienna went to dig the stake into her heart, she felt her hands stop in place. "Huh?" The Lockwood blurted out as she tried to move her hands but they remained in place.

"Sienna! Get away from her!" A voice yelled as the werewolf looked up to see Caroline, Natasha and Giorgia approaching them as Giorgia had yelled. Natasha seemed to have used her magic to stop Sienna from being able to stab Alexia.

"Lexa!" Caroline pulled Lexa's unconscious body away from Sienna as she cradled the brunette in her arms. The Forbes couldn't explain the relief that washed over her, to know that they had made it just in time. If they had been any later, Sienna would have succeeded in killing Lexa.

"Why are you doing this? She's a monster!" Sienna managed to say, as tears filled her eyes, though she still couldn't move as Natasha kept her completely still with her magic.

"Killing Lexa isn't going to make you feel better about losing your sisters." Natasha spoke as Sienna glared, "What would you know? You're a cold blooded killer!" The Lockwood snapped at the heretic.

"Because, my murderous tendencies all started for similar reasons. I killed my arranged husband for revenge and as much as he deserved it, it didn't make me feel any better." Natasha began to explain. "Why should Lexa get to live, but my sisters have to die? They didn't deserve this— Allie and Ava did not deserve to die!" Sienna cried out as Caroline and Giorgia's faces fell.

"Lexa will have to face what she has done, and she won't be proud of it." Caroline spoke as she stood up now, carrying the heretic in her arms. "I'm sorry Sienna." The Forbes added, as Sienna couldn't bring herself to look at the trio. "I'm sorry for your loss. You are right, your sisters deserved better." Giorgia added before the trio left, taking Lexa with them.

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