𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟒➳Perfect Polaroid Moment

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"But do friends also do this?"

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"But do friends also do this?"

"We will never find a date, Harry!" Ron groaned when they were walking through the school yard. At every corner, students were talking what they will wear at the Yule and with whom they will go.

"I'd rather take the dragon right now." Harry replied.

On the other side were boys asking the girls out and the friends of them cheering for them when they said yes. It looked so easy that Harry felt suddenly confident.

"We will find a date, don't worry." Harry said."It's not like we have no options."

"You're the chose one, and you have Y/N, but I am just-"

"Shh, say it even louder, Ron so that everybody can hear it!" Harry dragged him forward.

"It's not like everybody isn't thinking that." Ron muttered quietly.

"What about Louise?" He asked." Haven't you thought about asking her out?"

"Course I did!" Ron snapped. "But I saw her talking to some Durmstrang boy. I think he asked her out."

"Well, you'll never know if you don't try asking her out."

"Says the right one."

Harry nudged growling his arm."Oh hi, Y/N!" Ron yelled loudly, waving to someone behind Harry.

He turned immediately around to see Y/N walking with Louise. She gave him a smile and waved slightly before she continued talking to Louise.

Harry smiled awkwardly back and waved energetic. Ron looked at his best friend, who waved like a little child and put his hand down.

"Crazy how fast someone forgets his problems just by seeing someone." Ron smirked widely.

"Shut up and keep going." Harry growled, grabbed his arm and dragged him further to the great hall."We will be late and Snape has definitely something worse for us than just detention in his pockets.

In the great hall, Harry was supposed to be studying with Ron and Hermione , but in his mind was just Y/N. She wasn't there, Hermione said she needed to clear something up with someone, but she didn't tell who.

The only thing Ron was talking about is asking Louise to the Yule Ball.

"Should I just ask or should I do something spec-" He was cut off by Snape, who wacked him over the head with a newspaper.

A few moments later Fred threw a piece of paper at him. Ron sent him a glare and opened up the crumpled up note.

"Get a move on or all the good ones will be gone."

The note said. "Who you going with then?" Ron snapped quietly across the table. Fred smirked and crumbled up another piece of paper.

This time he threw it at Angelina Johnson. She looked up with an annoyed expression Fred pointed at her, then at himself, then did a waltzing pose.

𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞?(Harry Potter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now