☾⋆Prolugue ⋆☽

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A/N~Maybe this prolugue is a little bit long but it's very important to understand the story.

Y,N stepped in to her room for the last time to grab some boxes and looked at the empty walls. "Wow how clean they look. I really should have done this earlier instead of hanging posters everywhere."Y,N said to herself.

She went to the window to take a last look out of it and saw the cherry blossom tree standing in their garden. This tree has so many memories connected with her childhood.

The first time she tried to climb on it and fell almost over, then she was sitting on their swing which was attached to a branch and her dad was rocking her. This feeling was immaculate because it felt like she could touch the clouds just with her toes.

Then dad showed Y,N and Terry with magic how he could make the tree blossom.The first time Terry showed her his broom.He made fun of her for sitting on the wrong side the first time.

He literally was dying by laughing at the image of Y,N sitting on the broom and having the bristles of the broom in front of her.After realizing what she was doing wrong they both were laughing their throats on the grass off.

Terry never failed of making Y,N smile.He was two years older than her and because of that he took the big brother role very seriously.They actually had a very strong relationship even when they argue a lot.

Two hands grabbed her shoulders suddenly."BOOOOOOO!" Y,N shrugged her shoulders in shook, turning away from the window to face her smirking brother.Terry had auburn brown messy hair and caramel eyes.

"Damn it Terry!" Y,N hissed. „Was this really necessarily?!"

„Of course, Muff." Terry grinned at her. „You should always leave a room with a scared face."

Y,N rolled her eyes and bent down.She wanted to grab the boxes next to her as Terry grabbed a yellow duck which was lurking out from the top of the box and hold on the duck arms in front of his face.

" Quak Quak was with Y,N since she was born and now she just put me in a box and will forever forget about me." He said in a baby voice. „Quak Quak is very sad."

She took te duck from his hands abruptly and stroked his hand."I could never forget him."

„Yeah because then you could no longer fall asleep." Terry sang teasing. „You would whine around:" Where's Quak, Quak?Wheres's Quak, Quak?"

Y,N squinted her eyes, kicking his leg. Terry moaned and muttered an „Ouch."

Before Y,N could kick her brother again their dad called from downstairs:"Y,N, Terry are you coming? We're gonna be late for the key handover!"

„Yes we're coming!" Y,N and Terry shouted in chorus back.

Terry ruffled Y,N's Hair. „Don't be late Muff.Or I will accidentally use up all the floo powder."

„We're going to apparate." Y,N corrected.

„Oh, right, I knew that of course." He chuckled nervously and said quick: „Don't be late anyway."

Terry turned quickly away and ran down the stairs. Y,N shooked her head, putting Quak Quak again on the top of the box.

"I'll miss this place." Y,N said while grabbing the boxes which were so heavy she literally could feel her legs shaking.

She closed the door to her room for the last time and walked through the corridor while looking at the paintings which were there since she could think.

„Y,N you really have to hurry up!" She heard he dad from downstairs.

„I'm on my way!" She yelled back. „I just wanted to-AHHHHHH!"

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