Chapter 166

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"I cannot tell you the answer. The emperor's command closed my mouth. But now ... if you go to the Solar Palace right now, there you will see everything for yourself."

After my father's words, I left the living room and went to the imperial palace. On leaving the carriage, I almost started running.

The inhabitants of the palace were surprised at my unusual manners, but I recklessly walked past everyone and went straight to the monarch's bedchamber.

"I greet Her Majesty the Empress."

The servants lined up in front of me in a living wall.

"I beg your pardon, Empress, but your Majesty is not allowed to enter there, so as not to disturb the imperial dream."

"Do you want to tell me that His Majesty is asleep at this hour?"

Raymond was tormented by neglected insomnia, and he did not sleep at night.

How many years have I been his empress, and you are spewing out this shameless lie to me?

"When he wakes up, I will tell you that your Majesty has come."

The butler came out to the noise and gave me a greeting:

"Greetings to her majesty..."

"You dare to contradict me ?!

My cold reproach shattered their resolve.

But they did not budge from the road.

It was possible to summon the knights and push these servants, but this was not my palace, and the regulars here were loyal to Raymond.

It was he who gave the order to stop me at the door.

But I won't back down just because I'm afraid. And for Raymond's sake, maybe even a sword meeting with my chest.

I repeated my attacks, looking at the now drooping butler.

"Do you really think he'll get better by hiding from me?"

The butler had nothing to fight back with.

"Either you let me go there or you will have to do it in a bad way.

This time the butler did not stop me.

It was then that I opened the bedroom door.


Before me appeared the kind that plunged me into a daze. To see.

Raymond vomits blood on the floor, and he writhes in an excruciating cough.

Foreboding has become reality again.

He raised his head and our gazes met.

"Ellie, what are you..."

He had sunk to the point where he could hardly speak.

The entire floor was covered in his blood.

The moment I took a step towards him, Raymond showed a grin.

And, apparently, having spent the last of his strength, he fell. This whole scene developed slowly, so much so that I lost touch with reality.


And only when the butler burst into the room, and Raymond finally lost consciousness, I came to my senses.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"This way, you have to put him on the bed."

The butler whined in panic, and the imperial doctor indicated what to do.

The servants lifted Raymond and laid him on the bed.

The doctor hastily made an examination.

As if to check if he was alive at all, the carotid artery had to be touched first.

Everyone held their breath at this moment.

He is dead?

I moved my limp legs and went to the bed.

It was so hard to take it step by step.

I just want to sit down.

Finally, standing by his bed, I looked at Raymond.

His pale face, blood on his lips and face, all this caused dizziness.

"Your ... Majesty."

Now he seemed more dead than alive.


At that time, I heard a deep breath from the healer.

It was a sigh of despair, and horror was seen on his face.

"What's the matter? The condition is very serious ?!"


"If you don't tell the truth, you will immediately lose your head."

The imperial physician shrugged his shoulders and hastily replied:

"Your Majesty ... The poison has already spread throughout the body, so it seems that it will not last more than a week. Until now, he somehow climbed, but now ... It will become difficult even to simply bring him to his senses."

All the words spoken by the doctor were shocking, but the first news also caused bewilderment.

"What other poison?

The doctor looked at me with trembling eyes, and finally buried himself on the floor.

I turned to the butler.

"What does it mean that the emperor is poisoned? He is not sick?!"

The butler closed his eyes and babbled with such a face as if he was disappointed in the whole world.

"His Majesty is poisoned."

"And where were you all looking at that moment ?! Who dared to poison the ruler ?!"

As I continued to speak, a mosaic formed in my head.

I saw how much he vomited blood.

Just like when Carlisle was poisoned.

"It can't be like that, no. Just like Carlisle ... But no. His Majesty did not eat dessert that day. I saw everything with my own eyes. But how did he get poisoned ?!"

Until I could understand what had happened, the butler hesitated and did not dare to speak.

"Put it all out from the very beginning.

"When His Highness the Crown Prince was poisoned and unconscious, we could not know how to give him medicine. If you leave it as it is, then his life would be in danger ... ... And then His Majesty came to inject the medicine under pressure through the mouth."

"What is this nonsense ?!

"At the same time, the poison left on the lips of His Majesty has now spread throughout the body."

Was the poisoning of Raymond required to save Carlisle?

"When did you find out that the emperor was poisoned?"

"I knew immediately. But the emperor decided that he would take the antidote and be healed, so there was no need to disturb the empress once again. But there was only one dose of the antidote ... And now the monarch is like this..."

You poisoned yourself trying to save Carlisle. You gave up the antidote to save Carlisle.

At that moment I knew nothing. After all, I was only worried about Carlisle.

My chest seemed to be getting tighter.

I don't have enough air.

I was now seething with rage.

"Why did not you tell me?! He could have died, and I would not even know!"

I screamed at the butler.

I knew that this was not his fault, but rational arguments somehow did not appear in my head.

The butler dropped to his knees trembling.

"Your Majesty ... The Emperor did not want you to feel guilty."

"I've tried my best to find an antidote, but ... I'm sorry. It's because I didn't take care of His Majesty. Please assign a punishment."

The palace doctor also knelt down and prepared to accept my anger.

The Emperor is about to leave this world.

And even if he is still alive, but unconscious, so rather he is already dead.

A bitter silence reigned in the bedroom.

Raymond will die like this.

It should not be.

It was as if all the blood had dripped from my fingertips, my head was spinning, my whole body trembled and staggered.

And Helen hastily grabbed my hand.

"Your Majesty.

Helen's voice echoed in my ears, and gradually my mind returned, as well as warmth in my hands.

You need to come to your senses and think.

You can't let yourself be incapacitated.

No, his condition is deplorable, so I needed to be stronger.

And when it becomes known about Raymond's condition, all the wild dogs will attack the emperor.


I mentioned the name of the doctor.

"Yes, Your Majesty.

He answered without looking up.

"I have to know for sure. Can't His Majesty live?"

"He can't get out without taking the antidote."

The poison that Carlisle received was not a single poison, but a mixture of several substances.

They said the composition of the poison was difficult to find out.

"Haven't you figured out the composition of this poison..."

You cannot make an antidote unless you find out what it contains.

"I found out the composition.

He muttered grimly, knowing he was about to crush my last hopes.

"Did you find out? And where is the antidote ?!"

"To make an antidote, we need Agiodita, the flower of the Holy Land. However, it was said that now there are no blooming hagyodites in the temple."

The doctor still did not dare to raise his head, but a ray of light shot into my heart in the midst of despair.

I need this flower.

Of course, such a flower could not be obtained on a whim.

It was a sacred flower that bloomed once every 10 years in a cold winter and then faded after three days.

In addition, it dried up even when the temperature got a little higher.

It was difficult to find the blossoming flowers.

But if there is something left of it, be it dried flowers or buds that have not yet blossomed ...

I quickly told the doctor:

"Is there any chance that the temple is holding Agiodita, which has not bloomed yet or has already withered?"

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