Chapter 121

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Hearing what I said, he paused and fell silent.

Then I continued my presentation:

"It was Lisa."

"Before all our horror, Lisa sent a letter straight to our secret mansion. She found out about Carlisle and twitched that he would be yours."

"It can be seen. I would also be excited if a new prince appeared on the scene. He would have carried Edmund out of his home as the only heir."

Raymond could not deny that Lisa had a hefty motive for the massacre.

Of course, I do not harbor false hopes that my judgments in an instant will turn his views on Lisa. But at least it will sow the seed of doubt.

Raymond's stubborn face made it impossible to read his thoughts or feelings.

It seems that he himself will need time to digest everything that has come true.

But then Raymond's harsh laugh was heard, breaking our silence.

"Hah, she dared!"

Raymond clenched his fists. I felt anger raging inside him.

Is he mad at Lisa now?

I don't know where his thoughts were running, but, apparently, he had already forgotten about the marquis.

Even if he doesn't believe what I said to the end, it looks like he will at least catch something.

He opened his mouth, black eyes flashing.

"What did the letter say?"

"Just an invitation to tea."

"Who else heard the conversation?"

"No one."

It seems that he was looking for an excuse to attack the Marquis. But, surprisingly, right now my hands were empty.

He frowned, as if the circumstances displeased him.

I myself had a lot of experiences.

And when I looked inside for answers to my worries, I heard his voice.

"If there is no evidence, then I have to do it myself. Lisa found out about our son, therefore, even if it is unreasonable, I will have to put Sios under lock and key."

"No. Groundless arrest is an outrage."

Raymond responded coldly to my conviction.

"And I know that very well. But your letter, as well as your testimony, will create the ground f"or us."


When I called him, Raymond stared at me.

"Of course, everything is in your hands. But then the nobility will oppose your rule."

The Marquis Sios was not a rank and file among the nobles.

The Marquis Sios was the prime minister and Lisa was the mother of the crown prince.

And no matter how much the marquis was now trembling in his estate, by this time he had bothered to accumulate great strength behind his back.

He wouldn't have given up without a fight.

"Even if the nobles get underfoot, it's not enough to stop me."

Raymond's eyes were cold. And they did not show hesitation, as if the decision had already been made ironically.

Yes, maybe he will succeed.

There was only a smoldering ember of hope, but if Raymond manages, we will light a huge flame.

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