Chapter 81

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At first I thought of saying that Rosalyn didn't care about coming to the appointment. Everything, if only to protect that from new humiliation.

But then it will become that she was again left behind due to their plight.

The only families that did not receive an invitation to the reception were nobles far from the capital.

However, I didn't want the nobles to gossip again about Rosalyn, who appeared in front of everyone in a shabby dress. So I just bought her a new one.

The next problem was that I decided to buy that dress in the most expensive salon in the capital.

So I wondered how I could bestow such a gift on her so that Rosalyn would not break down.

So, I was happy when the young lady Celine came to me on her own initiative.

So I could give her this gift under the pretext of our contract.

"This is just a gift to celebrate our cooperation, nothing more," I added cautiously if she suddenly suspects the gesture of subtext.

Rosalyn froze for a moment and squinted at the dress with strange eyes.

Let me tell her about the contract, but Rosalyn grabbed it on the fly, and immediately noticed that the dress was the best fit for the reception.

It was not just a dress, there was a hint that she could not be disgraced at tomorrow's event.

The reception at the estate was a gathering where the nobles pushed their wealth and power.

So, I wanted Rosalyn to shine tomorrow like a phoenix returning from the dust.

From that day on, Rosa and I will join forces, and the Marquis of Celine, in turn, will take a place beside Duke Croft.

Rosalyn smiled genuinely.

"Thanks. Tomorrow I'll wear it to the appointment."

"I'm looking forward to this moment. See you then."

I smiled, letting go of Rosalyn.


Duke Drua now led a reclusive lifestyle.

The gates of his house were tightly locked, no guests were accepted, and rare visitors, seemingly noblemen in lower ranks, arrived in carriages without coats of arms, and immediately disappeared inside the mansion.

Jeremy watched from the window of his room on the second floor, noting everyone who arrived.

"Noble guests in broad daylight. The message here is clear: we should expect trouble."

Since Drua was a duke who fell out of favor with the emperor, his life could end at any moment.

And if so, why did all these people come together in an alliance?

Do they even risk standing on a par with Duke Drua?

However, there is always something to fish out from Duke Drua.

And this 'something' was probably connected with the Marquis Sios.

Jeremy quickly painted portraits of those who came on a white canvas.

Arriving in carriages bearing the symbol of the family would have saved Jeremy from titanic efforts.

In addition to the new portrait, several more sheets of paper with the faces of other people are now spread on his bed.

These were mainly nobles from the younger generation.

While Jeremy was looking at these faces, he suddenly had a question.

I Won't Accept Your RegretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora