Chapter 159

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Fever grew in my stomach. Something burst out from within. In a hurry, he covered his mouth with his hand, but the flow of blood could not be restrained.


Duke Croft hurried to him.

Raymond straightened up and wiped his hands and mouth with a cloth.

"Poison! In the end, the emperor too..."

Raymond quietly ordered the healers:

"Bring me that medicine to slow down the poison too."

From the moment he fed the medicine to Carlisle, he was prepared for a similar outcome. What happened was not surprising.

Doctors fussed about and brought him medicine. He immediately accepted the remedy, turned and said to Duke:

"Don't let the empress know."

"Um ... sire..."

"This is the order. In any case, it will be solved by taking an antidote."

Duke was silent.

"And you, be careful with the poison."

The moment he issued a warning to the healers, the door opened and Ellie entered.

Raymond tucked the bloody cloth into his pocket with an imperceptible movement.


I rushed straight to my child.

Fortunately, he was still breathing.

It seems that even breathing is easier for him than before.

"Has your condition improved?"

"That's not the point. We just resorted to a medicine that slows down the spread of the poison. Relief is only temporary."

The thin ray of hope was quickly extinguished.

I took the remaining pieces of apple pie to Jed, but he said that it would be difficult to install the poison, because he had no smell or color.

Now there is only one person left who could suggest an antidote.

"Your Majesty, is this really the work of the first prince?"

"The first prince said it was him. But the dessert was brought by a woman named Lily, Lisa's maid.


"Is that a familiar name?"

"She is a dangerous person, like Lisa's right hand."

She was never an ordinary maid. And if it was she who brought the dessert ... It is more likely that she herself became the poisoner.

"As soon as they came for her, she tried to commit suicide. She's in a dungeon now."

"Is there an order to arrest Lisa?"

"As soon as I found out about her maid, I gave such an order. Maybe we'll see soon..."

Carter entered without knocking.

"Your Majesty, we found her."

I wiped the red blood from Carlisle's lips and kissed his forehead.

"Let's go soon. We need to be in time."

Who knows this poison - somehow let us hint at an antidote.

I squeezed a bloody handkerchief and left the room with Raymond.

The distance to the dungeon was not that great, but the road seemed too long, perhaps due to my nervousness.

I walked down the stairs with an impatient step and froze, watching the prison door open.

When I stepped inside, I saw Lisa on her knees and Leon lying next to me.

Lisa, who had previously gazed at Leon with a dead gaze, slowly raised her head and was now looking at Raymond.

She said in an annoyed voice:

"Oh, if your majesty is still okay, it looks like the prince is only full of poison."

Raymond eventually got angry.

"You dare!"

Raymond came over and grabbed Lisa by the throat. That face turned red, letting us know that she had nothing to breathe.

She twitched in place, but her hands and feet were tied, so she could not escape. I looked around at Lisa, who was now suffering from suffocation.

If I cut off her limbs one by one, would it be comparable to the pain I experienced through her fault?

But, unfortunately, it was impossible to kill her yet.


I grabbed Raymond's arm.

Raymond threw Lisa to the ground in response to my call.

"Oh you!"

Lisa, whose hands and feet were tied, fell to the floor.

She cleared her throat and suddenly burst out laughing madly.

Tossing and turning on the dirty floor and smiling, she seemed to have lost all sanity.

"Do you think this will save the prince?"

Lisa stopped laughing and looked at Raymond.

It seems that she decided to refrain from further pretense.

Raymond's lips curled in contempt.

"You hid it all the time."

"Did you hide it? Hiding what? I did my best to keep mine and survive. What was rightfully taken away from me. And who wouldn't be crazy about it?"

"By right? What the hell do you mean by rightfully owned?"

"The throne of the Empress! Heir! This all is mine!"

Liza's dim eyes turned to me.

"It's theft to claim what doesn't belong to you."

Raymond responded coldly.

Lisa took a bold step and tried to poison Carlisle. This is probably because the future, painted by her fantasy, completely collapsed.

No matter how low Marquis fell, it would be strange if Lisa gave up so easily.

"I will not give the title of heir to a boy who was not even my son."

Arriving in the dungeon, Raymond guessed the cause of the poisoning.

Liza immediately trembled at these words. But soon she said with a grotesque smile on her lips.

"Good. That's all right. Edmund is not your filthy son for you."

At that moment, Raymond's face turned to stone, and the knights in the dungeon held their breath and looked at each other.

The first prince is not the blood of the emperor.

It was a great and terrible truth.

Although he had doubts close to conviction, Raymond could not hide his shock when everything was confirmed.

Lisa hastily moved her red lips, as if she wanted to play a trick on Raymond, to annoy him even more.

"He is the son of the deposed heir of this country, the enemy of His Majesty. And his legitimacy is on a level higher than yours."

These words infuriated Raymond even more.

His eyes flashed with fire, as if the explosion was inevitable.

"It wasn't enough for you to hide the truth about Edmund's birth. So you also encroached on the crown prince. Are you so eager to die in agony?"

If I could, I would have personally torn Lisa to pieces.

But Liza did not stop talking.

"I have no place in this world anyway. So why not make one last dash? Remove the usurper from the throne?"

Lisa shook her head contemptuously.

"But my stupid son was afraid to use poison. Stupid, how stupid you are."

Edmund came to mind, standing there with his head bowed, without a word in his defense.

The mother ordered her child to kill others.

No matter how blinded you are by the desire for revenge, will you go even to such madness?

"Now your son's life will also come to an end. Don't you feel sorry for him?"

"He has already prepared a life that will be worse than death. If he dies anyway, why not walk away proudly with revenge? Rather than live as an outcast heir, Edmund had better die now."

"You're really crazy."

If she was trying to poison Carlisle in order to protect Edmund's position, I might think that it makes sense.

However, I will never understand Lisa, who sent her child into a suicidal attack for personal revenge.

I was saddened by her delusional laugh.

What's broken in your head?

She was once a woman whom I admired and envied.

However, now she was so insignificant that even anger towards her would be a waste of energy.

"This is all because of you, Ellie Croft. If you hadn't come back here, if you hadn't had Carlisle, Edmund would have already sat on the throne! " - Liza shouted, looking at me with eyes full of hostility.

The last time I looked at Lisa, crawling on the floor and shaking her empty head, I stepped back.

"Indeed ... you are crazy, just crazy."

I turned to the side where the voice came from.

This was said by none other than Leon Sios.

Leon's green eyes were full of confidence in the midst of all the commotion.

"At one time I wondered if there would be any hope for my sister. But in the end she became just like my father. Or rather, even worse."

"What do you know ?!

"I generally know little about anything. I don't know what kind of power my father and sister dreamed of taking. But I know one thing."

Leon bit his pale lips.

"People should not live worse than animals. Drive the child into a corner! Send him to kill!"

Leon's angry voice sounded in the basement.

Finally throwing a contemptuous glance at Lisa, Leon now turned to me.

"Your Majesty. I know where to get the antidote."

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