Chapter 66

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"My apologies to the young lady. It seems that Lady Vishtein said something stupid because of her youth. Rose, apologize."

When she spoke in a stern voice, Vishteyn's eyes trembled.

She bit her lip and stood up.

"I'm sorry. I want to sincerely apologize to Lady Croft."

And then she bowed to me reluctantly.

I wanted to teach her a lesson for her bad temper and turn away from her apology, but today I decided not to go overboard.

In any case, Lisa was the organizer of the tea party, and I had just returned to the Empire.

I didn't want another squabble because I didn't accept Vishtein's apology.

"Good. Raise your head."

"Thank you, Milady."

The answer came from Lisa, but not from Rosa Vishtein.

The latter was now sitting, not hiding her displeasure from her face.

I turned to Lisa.

She smiled in my direction. At first glance, it seemed that she was filled with favor for me, but it was very difficult to believe in such a thing.

After all, Marquis Sios and you - you sing in unison.

And even if they disagree on certain issues, if you are a member of the Sios family, a conflict with me is inevitable.

Looking into those sparkling green eyes, I smiled softly.

"But what an awkwardness. I just came to the tea party, and this has already raised a fuss. Then can I sit down?"

"Of course."

Lisa and I sat down next to each other.

Soon the maids brought tea and desserts.

A three-tiered tray with aromatic tea and various desserts was placed on the table.

When all the desserts were served, Lisa began to broadcast:

"I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who found precious time today to visit the house of the Marquis. This is a place where you can have fun, so please enjoy."

As soon as Lisa's words stopped, a noble lady with blue hair, who was sitting at the same table with me, took out a large box.

"My lady, this is a special gift in recognition of your invitation. This is the best tea set specially ordered from the master potter. I hope you enjoy it. "

"Oh, it can't be."

Lisa smiled with wide eyes, as if surprised.

The daughters of other houses, one after another, also stood up and approached Lisa.

"Thanks a lot for the invitation. Here is the finest wool from the Kingdom of Lethine."

It was common to show up with a small souvenir to the organizer.

However, the present gifts were treasures befitting the dignity of a marquis.

These gifts are not an honor to the marquis, but rather to the future empress and mother of the first prince.

Not surprising.

She was now the daughter of the prime minister and the mother of the only prince of the empire.

And even if Lisa did not become empress, Edmund was an only child and crown prince.

Unless Raymond suddenly has another... Edmund has already been appointed as the next emperor.

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