Chapter 158

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"Empress! Ellie!"

An exclamation thundered in my ears.

Then I saw Raymond's serious face.

"Don't lose your head. Let him go, let the doctor do his job."

And Raymond was right.

We need to rescue Carlisle as soon as possible.

Collecting my bewildered composure, I assessed the situation.

Carlisle is still breathing, but only barely.

"Bring the prince to bed. Call a doctor."

Raymond threw an order to the servants.

One servant hastened to take Carlisle from me and leave the dining room.

For a moment my legs gave way, but I forcibly brought them back to their senses.

And at that moment, when I was about to leave the dining room, I saw Edmund, frozen like a stone.

Carlisle began to spit blood as he tasted the present Edmund had brought.

It was all obvious.

"You really..."

Went to such cruelty?

The words stuck in my mouth. Edmund heard my voice and looked up.

When the eyes met, the first prince could not hide his shock.

"I AM..."

At that moment, Raymond grabbed my shoulder.

"I'll figure it out here. Go quickly to Carlisle."

I wondered what he was up to with Edmund, but I had no time for unnecessary worries.

In the end they were left alone.

Ellie left the refectory and Raymond turned to Edmund.

The face of that showed extreme fear and shock.

It was clear that the cake was poisoned.

And the apple pie was made by the prince himself.

So Edmund tried to kill Carlisle.

Edmund, who may be the child of the enemy, tried to kill his own child.

Raymond was tempted to tear Edmund apart, but prudently said:

"Grab the man who brought the apple pie to the palace."

Edmund couldn't do it all alone.

"There is."

Soon after, the knights dragged a certain gray-haired woman into the dining room.

She was not wearing the first prince's maid outfit.


Edmund's eyes went up to his forehead when he saw the new person involved.

It looks like Edmund knew who she was.

She is not from the palace, but Edmund knew her by name.

"You are Lisa Sios's man."

Edmund's shoulders trembled as the cold voice rang out.

"It's your mother's maid, isn't it?"

Edmund wanted to sink into the ground, just to hide from Raymond's penetrating gaze. For the first time he tasted impending death.

Edmund slowly moved his lips.


"A poisonous dessert brought by Lisa Sios's man ... First Prince, do you have anything to justify?"


"Do you admit that you tried to poison the crown prince?"


In his eyes he seemed to have something amusing to tell. But Edmund just bowed his head, as if taking everything upon himself.

The moment Lily was dragged, Edmund surrendered, facing this angel of death.

Did Lily find out he changed the poison with water?

Or maybe his mother sent Lily for the right outcome?

In the end, this time, Edmund again could not escape his mother's plans.

If he now says something superfluous, his mother will be dragged to the scaffold.

This had to be prevented.

"Put the first prince and this woman in a dungeon and bring Lisa Sios here immediately. The crime is an attempt to poison the prince."

"Mom didn't know!"

"It will be installed later. Get everyone out of sight."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Sire! Father!" Edmund shouted as he was being dragged away.

Raymond, at the dinner table, stared at the floor, covered in Carlisle's blood.

The scene where Carlisle vomited blood played out again in front of his eyes.

Cold pierced Raymond's fingertips as he saw the child sagging in his arms as if he were already dead.

Was he ever so afraid in his life?

If Carlisle dies ... None of them will have a life.

"Get rid of the blood stains."

Folding trembling fingers, he strode out of the refectory with heavy steps.


By the bed of the emperor.

"In what condition is the prince? What kind of poison did he take?"

All the palace physicians came to the call. They examined the apple pie and checked Carlisle.

In the meantime, my son vomited blood several times.

Every time the baby vomited, my heart shook.

There was a fear that he would stop breathing forever.

"Why are you silent?!"

The doctor lowered his head with horror on his face.

"It looks like this is not an ordinary poison as we know it well, but a mixture of different poisons."

"What funds are required?

"This ... We must know what kind of poison it is in order to create an antidote ... We will not be able to make..."

My unstable mind was struck by lightning.

"Will you watch the prince die ?! If my son dies, you will not survive either!"

A harsh voice rang by the bed.

"If Carlisle dies like this ... I, I..."

At the moment when my soul was already torn from the body, someone grabbed my hand.

"Your Majesty.

Looking up at the familiar voice, I saw a wrinkled hand gripping mine tightly.


When I saw my father's warm purple eyes, I had strange feelings.

"The Empress must come to her senses for the crown prince to be alive too. Strengthen your heart. His Highness is still alive, "said the father, giving strength to his hand.

Little by little, my mind returned. As my father said, I need to be on my feet so that Carlisle is safe too.

Having made this decision, I took a deep breath and let go of everything. My father stepped aside and went to the doctor.

"Can't you at least buy us time until we figure out what the poison is?"

"Is that possible. I have already ordered medicine to be brought in to slow the spread of the poison. And if we find out what kind of poison it is..."

"We need to hurry."

I went to the bed. Although Carlisle was unconscious, painful moans escaped from his blue lips every now and then.

Then Helen came to me.

"Your Majesty the Empress. The head of the Order of the Phoenix is waiting in the living room."

Jed knew a lot about rare poisons after so many years in his field.

As soon as I learned that Carlisle had been poisoned, I sent a messenger for Jed.

"Father, I need to talk to him, so please stay with Carlisle."

"Do not worry."

I left the room to meet with Jed.


Soon after Ellie left the bedchamber, her door flew open wide.

The people, startled by the abrupt gesture, hastily lowered their heads when they saw Raymond enter.

Raymond immediately rushed to the bed.

And when he saw Carlisle, he stopped.

Pale, tired face and body without a single movement.

Also, there are blood stains on the white sheets.

Raymond's heart was about to burst apart at the horrible sight. Thinking that he might never see Carlisle's bright smile again, his world was on the brink of disaster.

It would be better if he ate this poison himself.

It was sad that he couldn't do it now.

"What's the state of the prince?"

Icy face and terribly low voice.

The doctor's head was twisted by the atmosphere of death.

"I cannot understand what kind of poison it is. But we can use a drug that slows down the flow of poisoning."

Raymond sat up in bed and hugged Carlisle gently.

"Bring your medicine here."

"A? But how do you intend ... you feed him mouth to mouth?"


"It's not like that, sire."

The Imperial Physician shook his head from side to side.

"The continued vomiting of blood left the poison in His Highness's mouth. If you make contact right now, the poison can be passed on to His Majesty as it is. It's too dangerous."

The imperial physician hastily warned him.

"It does not matter."

"Your Majesty, listen to his words..."

Duke Croft, who was watching the whole thing, came up and spoke. But this had no effect.

No, if Raymond could take poison instead of Carlisle, he would do it.

"Does the prince have enough time?"

The doctor did not answer and grabbed his forehead.

"There is no other way."

Raymond took the medicine from the hands of his doctor.

"It'll be enough?"

"Yes. Since the prince only consumed a small piece of the pie, even that amount would be effective. Rather, your majesty, how do you feel? May be..."

"I'm fine."

Raymond put Carlisle back into bed.

The man's face was still pale, but breathing became easier than before taking the remedy.

However, the poison will not retreat without the proper antidote.

They had very little time.

Raymond got up, but the dizziness stopped him at the moment.

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