Chapter 125

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"This is exactly the order: prepare the Regulus palace."

Regula Palace. It was the palace in which the crown princes lived from generation to generation.

And you gave that palace to Carlisle.

At the moment, all I could do was ask questions.

We haven't discussed the future of Carlisle with Raymond yet.

Did you take this step because of the betrayal of the House of Sios?

Handing over the crown prince's palace to Carlisle was like declaring him the next emperor.

And there was nothing wrong with that for me.

The emperor's heart was bowed in favor of our son, and it will be easier to enlist the support of a higher authority.

Yes, there is no reason to refuse.

Then I turned to the butler:

"I'll pick up a servant for him myself, so don't bother."

"Then I have to go, your majesty."

The butler left the room, and Harpen also went out to get the medicine.

I told the maid closest to me.

"Bring back all the morning papers that came out today."

"Yes, your majesty."

The maid who left the room returned with an armful of papers. I leaned against the head of the bed and looked through the newspapers one by one.

Most of them featured articles about me and Carlisle. There were many articles about my child, but even more about me.

And this is natural.

I am the first empress in the history of the empire to divorce the emperor and then remarry.

I also hid our son, but later I returned him to the palace.

There will be a lot of talk about my life in the last 6 years.

I looked to see if there were any articles maliciously misrepresenting the facts, but fortunately there was none.

Probably Raymond had a hand in this.

Despite the fact that there was plenty of talk, the absence of such dirty lines in the newspapers means that there was pressure from above.

I threw all the other newspapers aside and lingered on the newspaper, which revealed the contents of the ledger.

An article about the Marquis Sios will naturally arouse suspicion among readers.

"That's enough to make me know about him."

More articles on this topic will come tomorrow.

Then, opponents of Sios demand that the investigation be carried out as appropriate.

Even if we could not get evidence, we will find an excuse to oust Marquis Sios from the world of politics.


I heard Carlisle's voice.

As I read the newspaper, I saw that Carlisle and my father, who were walking, entered the room.

Carlisle ran up and jumped onto my bed.

"Carlisle, are you feeling well?"

"Yes! Mom, this is a gift."

I wondered why he was hiding his hand behind his back, and Carlisle suddenly gave me a rose.

The scent touched the tip of my nose.

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