Chapter 89

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Jeremy continued calmly.

"When I think of the Drua family, it always seems to me that there is a heavy stone hanging in the corner of my heart."

In the end, Raymond spoke with an icy face, from which even the sneer disappeared.

"The only thing I have spared was the life of Drua. You can exist in this world, but nothing more."

Raymond's black eyes flashed like an animal aiming at the throat of its prey.

Due to his vivid reaction, the nobles hastily lowered their eyes.

In an instant, even the music stopped flowing.

I should have said that I invited Jeremy myself, but I didn't have time.

If I were an empress, I would have tried to calm Raymond's anger without fear of the consequences, but now there would be no excuse for such a step.

The young lady will reread the emperor - it will end badly.

I saw Jeremy bow his head in dismay.

Raymond bit his lip. Have you thought of calling the knights?

"There should be no squabbling here on a day like this. Arise, heir of Drua."

I turned to Raymond with a surprised face.

Why did you suddenly change your mind?

"The music stopped because of me. Sorry for the tainted atmosphere, Lady Croft," Raymond told me.

"It's all right, sire."

I looked at the musicians to start playing again. At the reception, a soft waltz sounded, and the faces of the nobility, who had previously tensed, also relaxed.

I turned to Jeremy.

I was afraid that he would come face to face with Raymond. I wondered if he had turned pale in this life and death situation. I gave him a worried look, but Jeremy looked fine, contrary to my fears.

Jeremy lifted his head and smiled at me as our eyes met.

The worry vanished immediately, and a strange smile crept across his face.

I looked into his eyes, throwing a hint:

You knew that you should not appear before the emperor. And you came.

"By the way, why did Duke Drua's successor suddenly invite Lady Sios to dance? Do you two know each other?"

Raymond's question ended our short exchange of views.

"Nothing of the kind, your majesty. This is the first time I see him."

Lisa blurted out immediately. There was no lie on her tense face.

But why did Jeremy go to Lisa?

He knew perfectly well that Lisa could not accept his request.

"The fathers of our families are having business meetings more and more often, and I too, with all my heart, desired to make friends with Lady Sios."

Jeremy spoke fluently, looking at Lisa.

"Since the heads of our houses are so close to each other, wouldn't it be great for the heirs to also make a connection?"

Marquis Sios and Duke Drua are now at the same time?

Surprised by the unexpected combination, I stumbled to the side, and Raymond's eyebrows raised in bewilderment and annoyance.

And Lisa's eyes trembled as if she were shocked.

"Wait a minute... What is your father's relationship with Marquis Sios?"

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