Chapter 153

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"His Highness the Crown Prince arrives."

The butler's report was heard, and immediately the door opened.


"Greetings, your majesty."

"Hey, okay. Sit down."

Carlisle's manners soon became exemplary. The latter sat down next to me.

After stroking my child on the cheek, I was puzzled to see the door being closed from the back.

"Will His Majesty visit us?"

"Father said to have supper in his absence, for he has work on the nose.

"What kind of work looking at night?

How was he busy not even having dinner with us?

For Raymond, nothing is more important than Carlisle and me.

And it's not even my bloated ego. He really gave Carlisle and me everything he could.

Was there anything bad happened that they did not fail to report to me? What kind of skirmish at the border?

I anxiously asked the servant:

"What prevented the emperor from arriving?"

"His Majesty was delayed by the work on an important document."

"A document, then?

"HM? I was told that he was an important visit, "Carlisle said without a second thought. At that moment, I saw the face of the servant covered with embarrassment.

It was clear who exactly shared the truth with me.

And what is this hiding here from me, the Empress?

It was Raymond's order, so it wasn't just that.

"Prince, could you see what kind of man asked for an audience?"

"Well, I didn't see anyone, but I heard the name. It was said that it was Leon Sios."


Raymond found him?


Carlisle pulled back sharply and stared at my numb face.

"Oh, nothing."

The child was surprised and smiled unnaturally.

What can you do if Raymond finishes Leon without further ado?

I got excited. If Leon blurts out something careless, Raymond will lose his mind.

Leon Sios is not allowed to die right now.

"Prince, I have to leave. Would you like to be here with Helen?"

"... ... yes, it's okay."

Carlisle's face was grim, but now he couldn't afford to be whimsical.

"Sorry. All three of us will eat tomorrow."

I kissed Carlisle on the cheek and left the dining room with a determined step.

At this time, Raymond had already reached Leon Sios.

"Hail His Majesty the Emperor, Empire Sun. Please forgive me my poor etiquette, but my leg is numb, "Leon said, nodding towards his legs, which were firmly tied to the chair.

"It's been ten years since I last saw your face."

"It's been a long time since I ran away looking for freedom, but I never knew I was tossing and turning here in a sack," Leon snapped in disappointment.

"And, Your Majesty, in truth, why the hell am I stuck in this dungeon? Because of my father's business?"

When Carter walked over to teach him a lesson, an obsessive thought went into my head. I wanted us to go the other way, but ...

Lisa will die, as will this Leon's innocent nephew.

"It's a hurry, so I had no time for ceremonies. I hope you will understand sometime."

Leon shook his head.

"Yes, everything is all right. I just want to know why I am here and in front of you."

Raymond, like an animal that overtook its prey, slowly moved his lips:

"I found you because I have something to ask."

"And what is this business?"

"If you give me an answer without a single lie, I will spare your life. If you're lying..."

Raymond stopped in front of Leon and grabbed his chin.

"I will kill you in the most painful way I can find."

Raymond opened his red lips again, looking into those green eyes opposite, once again reminding him of Lisa.

"Now broadcast. Who is the father of the first prince?"

"What a question ... Aren't you?"

Leon played a fool who did not understand what was said. Releasing his chin, Raymond took a step back.

"A letter was found with Duke Drua. His suicide note. It cursed me for taking not my own child to the place of the prince, but my brother's son."

Raymond lied to Leon.

All that Freud Drua left behind was a portrait of Edmund, and the name of the murdered prince on the back.

But this was not enough for Leon to sing his songs.

Raymond looked Leon in the eye. He wanted to find even the slightest shiver there.

Leon held his breath and gave confidence to his gaze. He hoped all the way that things were different, but God was unaware, as usual.

From the moment he heard about his father's fall, he thought that such a day could come.

But he cannot reveal his secret right now.

Otherwise, his fate is a dog's death. His whole life will not end in vain, save at least his young nephew.

Leon froze like a stone.

"A damn serious statement for a simple letter from a dead criminal. I heard he died trying to encroach on the imperial family? And will you believe the words of such a person? Your Majesty?"

"Lisa Sios, your older sister was involved in a brutal incident. Why would it be an unreliable story?"

Leon winced.

"What are we going to do, your majesty?"

Leon spat those words out without taking his eyes off the emperor's dangerously shining black eyes.

It would be better to just lay it out as if in the spirit.

However, Leon was not sure if the emperor would spare the first prince.

No, if the emperor finds out the truth, he will surely kill the first prince. Leon was not afraid of death, but now his nephew was in trouble.

This innocent child. Too young to die like this.

"Is your silence identical to agreement? Is the first prince's father a late prince? Should I think about it?"

Leon looked up at the moment Raymond asked the question.

He still could not betray the truth.

"Your Majesty, I really don't know anything."

Raymond's eyes were already looking forward to blood. The moment he tried to give the finishing order, there was a commotion outside the door.


It was not hard to guess where exactly Raymond received such a guest.

The place where people who were secretly arrested by order of the emperor were interrogated was in the basement of the imperial palace.

I entered the basement, bypassing the servants and guards. The servant at the door widened his eyes in surprise.

"Your ... Majesty."

"I have to see my husband."

"This is ... Such a bad time."

"Are you thinking of forbidding me? Come on, open the door immediately."

The servant gave up quickly.

"Is that Ellie?"

"Greetings, Your Majesty the Empress, Moon of the Empire."

Raymond and Carter turned to me in amazement.

"I beg your pardon for not being invited, Your Majesty."

Raymond frowned, as if he caught something in my voice.

"Where does the Empress come from ... Oh, you know that too."

Raymond guessed that I had found out about the secret of the birth of the first prince.

And Leon Sios was here.

The man sat tied to a chair. The same hair as Lisa, the same green eyes.

And outwardly he looked like Lisa.

I did not often see the face of Leon Sios, and that was faded in my memory. But now there was no doubt.

Fortunately, it doesn't look like he's been tortured before.

At that moment, I met Leon's green eyes. He looked at me with a surprised look.

"I work here. Better stay outside the door."

"Are you doing well in this field?"

"Empress ... ."

"Your Majesty, I cannot leave now. I know better than anyone how much you hate a dead prince."

His glowing black eyes suddenly trembled.

"I should also know the truth," I threw in pursuit.

Raymond said nothing.

As if accepting defeat, his grin relaxed a little. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"He still hasn't spoke."

I turned to Leon.

"Do you know anything about the relationship between the ousted prince and Lisa Sios?"

"Kill me even here, I have nothing to say.

This was a character already resigned to death.

It is expected that it will be a difficult task to get him to talk.

If he blabbed, he would risk not only Lisa's life, but also the first prince.

"If you play as a hero, I will have no choice but to keep my words. Carter ."

Raymond's quiet voice sounded.

"Are you saying you're going to kill me?"

Leon asked Raymond.

"There is no other way out."

"You cannot execute me without guilt. Even though my family lies in the mud, I am also a noble."

"It's been ten years since you disowned your family. If I kill you here and now, no one will even know."

"Bring the sword. I'll do everything myself."


I called him as soon as he started giving orders.

"Empress, step back."


I still saw Leon's determined face, a man who would not bend under torture.

We need another way.

"Your Majesty, just a minute, please."


He was indignant, as if there was no room for words in our situation.

"I need to whisper something to you."

He leaned over me, and I felt his breath on my neck.

"Carter, don't let anyone in, don't let anyone out. Empress, let's go."

Raymond was the first to leave the dungeon, leaving Carter with a cold order.

I followed Raymond, past Leon, who was now looking at me curiously.

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